A quick hello to all!

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Hi everyone, I thought that I would quit lurking and say hello :rolleyes:

I was born and raised in Alaska and have recently moved here to sunny Arizona, I'm just loving the warmer climate (lol, it's a 'dry' heat). I've been gold mining as a hobby for most of my life and look forward to continuing the hunt down here in the desert. Since mining is a bit different here due to the lack of water I may be asking a few questions now and then of you old desert pros. I'll likely be in the market for a drywash setup, and a jeep, and a dredge, and a good claim, and a 'well the list goes on and on'....

In an effort to fund my new endevours here I'm selling one of my Alaskan gold nuggets from one of my Moore Creek expeditions (my brother Steve owned that mine for a bit and I was fortunete to get some detecting time in there). I have it listed on eBay at the moment: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170644588845

I just joined the Weaver Mining District Association and Desert Gold Diggers prospecting groups, and will also likely sign up to Roadrunners and GPAA in the near future. I did a little detecting the last few days on the Waever Octave claim (south of cemetary), but only came up with copper and lead (lots of bullets), hopefully I will do better in the future. Catch you all in the gold fields!

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  • Admin

Hey Maricopa Miner,

Thanks for joining the forums. One of these weekends when you're out near the Weaver claims we need to hook up. I will be up in the area this coming weekend conducting field instructions for a couple new GPX5000 users.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hi everyone, I thought that I would quit lurking and say hello :rolleyes:

I was born and raised in Alaska and have recently moved here to sunny Arizona, I'm just loving the warmer climate (lol, it's a 'dry' heat). I've been gold mining as a hobby for most of my life and look forward to continuing the hunt down here in the desert. Since mining is a bit different here due to the lack of water I may be asking a few questions now and then of you old desert pros. I'll likely be in the market for a drywash setup, and a jeep, and a dredge, and a good claim, and a 'well the list goes on and on'....

In an effort to fund my new endevours here I'm selling one of my Alaskan gold nuggets from one of my Moore Creek expeditions (my brother Steve owned that mine for a bit and I was fortunete to get some detecting time in there). I have it listed on eBay at the moment: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170644588845

I just joined the Weaver Mining District Association and Desert Gold Diggers prospecting groups, and will also likely sign up to Roadrunners and GPAA in the near future. I did a little detecting the last few days on the Waever Octave claim (south of cemetary), but only came up with copper and lead (lots of bullets), hopefully I will do better in the future. Catch you all in the gold fields!

Welcome to the group!

First off, the desert is a little different.....It can bite you in the butt if your not prepared.

LOTS OF WATER!!!! Drink, drink, drink....

Cover up so you dont get burned. Sunblock, hat with a rag around your ears and neck, light weight long sleeved shirt.

Watch out for critters...specially the ones with no legs.

I have a allergic reaction to those guys.

Dont camp in dry washes. We have these things out here called flash floods. It can be dry down low but if its raining up north....water can rip though the wash.

Other then that, its a blast. :) Lots of places to explore and find. The desert has its own kind of beauty.

Im a member of the weaver claims also. If you want to go up and dig around let me know.

Ive got a Keene 151 if you feel like shoveling. Also got a gas powered Vac. If you want to make on...let me know, It can be done for about 40 bucks.

Waiting for a little cooler weekend to hit some spots south of weaver Mnt...maybe after a mild monsoon or something.

It is getting a little warm up there now. But like I say....drink lots of water and cover up.

Noticed you said you wanted a jeep. Had a 76 J10 and it was a tank, only got 10 MPG but it would go up the side of a brick wall!

Have you thought about a older 4runner with a 22R 4 banger?

Ive got one and its a real good vehicle for getting in tight spots and the 22r is kind of like chevys 350 engine. Lasts forever and lots of parts if you need them.

Not very powerful though. I was cresting the black canyon hill today at about 50 MPH. Had all 136 gerbils running full speed. Dang Semi's were even passing me.

But..........im getting 21-22 MPG with road and 4 wheeling combined. :) Todays trip....25 bucks in gas.

Check out the pixs in MY DAY IN THE BRADSHAWS...just posted them.

Theres one of the 4 runner in there.

Welp, good to have ya here and good luck on your gold hunting.


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Maricopa Miner- Welcome to the forum.I also am an Alaska refugee, I lived in Anchorage for over 30 years, was in the first graduating class from Dimond HS. I'm headed for Ganes creek in 3 weeks, I will be flying in when your brother Steve is flying out. I hope he leaves a few nuggets !!! PM me before you buy a drywasher, there are some new units available, that catch more Gold than the ones currently on the market now . Dave

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