Dinks for the night

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Hi All:
Went out with a good friend on Monday night. Got out to the wash around 5:00. It really was a nice night to prospect. smile.gif
Not too hot. Actually cool when the sun went down.
I was using my GP pro and he was using a GB2
Did some shoveling of overburden and detecting. Got some nice little dinks. We split it. This is my half.
Then the quail started to attack. I was in fear for my life sad.gif
They surrounded us and kept calling and I just knew at any moment we were gonners! Think they backed off when I pulled the side arm out. Seriously..ive never seen so many quail in my life!
Sun went down and we got the flashlights and head mounted lights out.
Lots of fun in the dark, you can concentrate better.
Headed out around 9.
Had a good time.

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