Found a quartz/gold vein!!!

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Did some exploring today and found a heck of a prize!!! Three pics of the quartz vein running through green schist. 1 pic of a quartz rock, with gold, that came out of this vein. I can't wait to get back with my pick and hammer!!!





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Did some exploring today and found a heck of a prize!!! Three pics of the quartz vein running through green schist. 1 pic of a quartz rock, with gold, that came out of this vein. I can't wait to get back with my pick and hammer!!!

good find, will be waiting for the next report and pictures and be careful


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Thanks y'all! I'm itching to get back out in the creek, hahaha! Rob I found this one by eye. It actually extends all the way up a 20 ft rock face, across the bottom of the creek and into the other bank. This creek is at the bottom of a ravine, that runs by a civil war era lode mine. They pulled over 100k ounces of gold out of this mine, before it was abandoned. They worked a quartz vein that was about a mile long. This area hasn't been worked since, it looks like it might pay off?! There are other veins, this is the only one I took pics of tho...

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:blink: thats what its all about, cant wait to here more. Ive found lots of nuggets but never a source Way to go :D
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Thanks y'all! I'm itching to get back out in the creek, hahaha! Rob I found this one by eye. It actually extends all the way up a 20 ft rock face, across the bottom of the creek and into the other bank. This creek is at the bottom of a ravine, that runs by a civil war era lode mine. They pulled over 100k ounces of gold out of this mine, before it was abandoned. They worked a quartz vein that was about a mile long. This area hasn't been worked since, it looks like it might pay off?! There are other veins, this is the only one I took pics of tho...

sc mike

Hey there ya all you forgot to post the location coords so we could chcck out the

geoligy and make sure it is a gold bearing vein for sure LOLOL......

Keep your eyeball in your rear view mirror..

wishing you the best of luck there


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LOL Rodd, you should have seen me looking around when I found the vein... You would've thought I was part prarie dog! haha

So I crushed up that one quartz rock... I was able to get 12 grams of gold out of that ONE little rock!!! Yep, I'm definetly going to tear that wall apart! LOL I'll get some more pics up next week.

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:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: WOW!!!! Oh my lord that is so awesome!! Congrats on the find. I am anxious to hear further updates on this post. Only wish I could get that lucky but until then I am happy for you and wish you nothing but success.... :D


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Frosty, you can count on it! By the way, I love your quote! Well said!!!

Thanks Diamond Queen! It's about time I got lucky with this LOL! :D

LOL Doug, you are getting very sleepy... You don't wanna come aaaalllllll the way out here to SC! There is no gold here. Oh crap I dropped my pendulum! Hahaha When are you planning your AK trip? I've always wanted to do that.

I went back out this morning before work and did a little more exploring. I found the other side of the hill that this vein runs in. The hill is about 500 ft long x 200 ft wide. I found the vein on the other side of the hill too... I almost called in sick at work! :P The vein is even larger on the other side of the hill. I think this might be a pretty good find for my 1st? If it runs all the way through this hill, I might be digging for a veeeerrrrry long time... Any hardrock miners? I have a question, is it best to start where the vein is outcropping on top of the hill and work my way down?

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Depending on the circumstances,geological and others I'd start sampling at your point of discovery.Why leave gold to per chance find gold at another spot on the vein?The whole vein will not carry species like you found.Any mining reports of your area from the state/county?Check the college,county, state libraries...or old U.S.Bureau of mines/U.S. geological reports and bulletins.....If your an old navy man,you know loose lips sink ships.The flies will be on the carcass and vultures circling overhead if you talk gold....You could detect the whole vein and never get a signal and yet the the vein could be rich as what detector will sound off on fine gold or pockets/ore shoots that are 5 feet below the surface?Do your sampling and be persistant,learn as you work..and it will be work.

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I believe I would be calling in sick myself. I would already be digging and covering. Great find, most people look for years and never find something like that. While your at it you should go buy a few lottery tickets, seems the luck is in your favor.

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Frosty, you can count on it! By the way, I love your quote! Well said!!!

Thanks Diamond Queen! It's about time I got lucky with this LOL! :D

LOL Doug, you are getting very sleepy... You don't wanna come aaaalllllll the way out here to SC! There is no gold here. Oh crap I dropped my pendulum! Hahaha When are you planning your AK trip? I've always wanted to do that.

I went back out this morning before work and did a little more exploring. I found the other side of the hill that this vein runs in. The hill is about 500 ft long x 200 ft wide. I found the vein on the other side of the hill too... I almost called in sick at work! :P The vein is even larger on the other side of the hill. I think this might be a pretty good find for my 1st? If it runs all the way through this hill, I might be digging for a veeeerrrrry long time... Any hardrock miners? I have a question, is it best to start where the vein is outcropping on top of the hill and work my way down?

Mike, I am going to AK. in July, with my Son. I can't wait. Good luck with your Vein. Doug
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Doug, that sounds like fun! Find a nugget or two for me!

Thanks for the tips fellas! I went back yesterday and did some sampling... I found very fine gold 12 feet from the vein, in the green schist. I am actually having some pieces of quartz, from the vein, assayed to see what we are dealing with. There is also another outcropping on top of the hill. There are 3 very large pieces of quartz sticking out of the ground, the smallest being about 400 lbs (give or take). I'll get some more pics up, I'm just trying to work through some material that I brought home!

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Mike when you sample the vein material for assaying be sure and take the contact zone too, interesting looking material, good luck with your prospecting....Geo

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Thanks Geo! Here are a couple pics of the gold from the schist... I didn't have a lot of time to sample the hillside. The last pic is 2 hrs of nozzle time with a 2" dredge. Think I might have found a descent spot?




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Mike looks like you have found an interesting spot, if you have a detector like a Gold Bug 11 you can hi grade the exposures quickly...I see there are some geologic reports available for S.C. when I was researching places to go, from my place in Tn, you may be able to come up with more info on the vein materials..Its kinda important to know a little more about the deposits as sometimes weathering has reduced the base minerals leaving some free gold but at depth it becomes a base ore again...Good Hunting....Geo

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