My day in the hills

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Well, went out today up to Mayer Az.
Its a little cooler there....only got up to 108!
There is gold in the area I wentto. I found some in the 80s.
Spent the morning on a tailings pile trying not to fall down it. After digging up a LOT of trash the sun finally drove me off of it.
It was big...really..THIS BIG!!
The pic with the grey is acually a bunch of pirite. It was cool looking.
Found some neat quartz/pirite rocks to look at tonight.
Why do we bring rocks home?
Beeped the wash, more yellow.
One thing I did notice. In the morning I can really get the 5000 running smooth and sensitive. After about noon. I have to adjust to get it to smooth the threshold out.
IE: Loosing sensitivity. sad.gif
Tried going the manual route on the tuning and still couldnt get it to hold steady.
Maybe more radar from the planes or something. It was windy also and dry.
So, it was time to get some dirt to take home.
Found some fractured bedrock in the creek at the base of the mine and dug it up,sucked, dug, sucked....In a pocket I found a small deteriorated railroad spike. YES!!!!...well at least if theres gold its going to be here....
Finally got home after a 45 min. stall out on the I-17. It was REALLY windy...a trucker lost control and flipped his rig. My poor little 4runner was like a bug in a hurricane. smile.gif
Got home...ran the dirt, panned the dirt....a bunch of fines and one small piece that isnt even a picker.
I think I made more in scrap iron this trip. smile.gif
Well thats the way it goes sometimes.
It was fun just to get out though.
Think I will cut back on going out till it cools off a little. It was still hot at 4000 feet.
Time to do research....maybe hit some areas above lynx lake.

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Tom , I doubt you were loosing much "sensitivity"....Sounds like standard EMI issues. Wind definately seems to play a role regarding EMI with my SD, apparently the 5,500 dollar machine is not immune either :rolleyes: Another thing to consider is that if you were beeping the slopes of the tailing pile, that will put the coil at an severe angle. When the coil is at an angle like that the EMI can be horrid compared to when the coil is parallel to level ground.

You should know better than to retreat to Mayer to get out of the heat ;) Are you a Roadrunner member? They have lots of claims in the pine trees a little further down the road. B)

Stay Cool!

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Tom , I doubt you were loosing much "sensitivity"....Sounds like standard EMI issues. Wind definately seems to play a role regarding EMI with my SD, apparently the 5,500 dollar machine is not immune either :rolleyes: Another thing to consider is that if you were beeping the slopes of the tailing pile, that will put the coil at an severe angle. When the coil is at an angle like that the EMI can be horrid compared to when the coil is parallel to level ground.

You should know better than to retreat to Mayer to get out of the heat ;) Are you a Roadrunner member? They have lots of claims in the pine trees a little further down the road. B)

Stay Cool!

Hey Adam:

It wasnt too bad on the tailings pile in the morning. Actually nice and smooth.

I guess all the PIs no matter the cost will have to deal with EMI...until they figure out a ciruit to cancel it out. Probably in the ML 8500....which will cost...8500! :)

Heck, my lambo is suseptible to flats....kind of like my 50 pontiac :)

Ok, im lieing....I do have a 50 poncho though.

I have found when the coil is pointed upward more it does act differently. Guess it turns into a big antenna.

Not too bad, just an occasional bleep...rerun the area...usually not there.

It was later in the day in a gulch that I was having problems.

Got it pretty smooth with some adjustments....just didnt know how much sensitivity I was loosing. Still kind of new to this.

Yah, I know Mayer is not as cool as it can get this time of year. There was a new area I was itching to get to.

Was thinking of trying the area set aside for panning/beeping above lynx lake. Seems like a pretty big area. Put the snake chaps on, bust through some brush, and get into some nasty tribs and crawl around. :)

Prescott looks nice for next week....bout in the upper 80s......but thunderstorms...more EMI!!! Arg....

P.S. Just talked to your friend and mine...hes in Texas on his way to Virginia.


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  • Admin

Hey Tom,

Dennis and I had trouble this weekend with the wind and building storms in the distance. It's amazing how much this can effect the Minelab PI's. Yes, even the GPX5000 picks up some EMI, but nothing like the older units (Thanks God!).

Did you pick up any nuggets?

Saturday seemed like 150 degrees. We should have headed up North.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hey Tom,

Dennis and I had trouble this weekend with the wind and building storms in the distance. It's amazing how much this can effect the Minelab PI's. Yes, even the GPX5000 picks up some EMI, but nothing like the older units (Thanks God!).

Did you pick up any nuggets?

Saturday seemed like 150 degrees. We should have headed up North.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

Tks Rob:

Being new to the metal detecting end of this I was wondering if I just wasnt getting the 5000 set up correctly or what. Seems I did from what you said.It was sure picking up some really small stuff 8" to 12" down. Dern its sensitive!

It was toasty on Sat. Kept looking at the clouds building and saying "get over here!"

They finally did when we were pulling out. Arg.....

No nuggets this weekend. Lots of cool memories though!

Got some fines from a hole that I sucked out. Theres gold there...just dont know if its worth the work though. Maybe some testing in cooler weather with the drywasher.

Wish I could have done more but the heat kind of beat me down and I pulled out around 3.

Those gulches can get a bit stiffling with no breeze blowing.

Oh well....2 more months and it will start to cool down. :) Then we got 10 months of good prospecing weather...Yah!!!

Taker easy.


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I didn't make it up to the RRPC claims on Sat (too many honey do's), but did get up on Sunday. Got to the claims on Turkey Creek along Senator Hwy. Met and talk with a fellow RoadRunner menber that was showing a gold seeker from FL the local area. They were gathering some dirt to pan out later, I hope they found some Au. I got the 5000 out and walk away from the trk. Fired up the detectors and let it autotune, and then GB. Adjusted the Thresold until I was confortable with it. It was a lot quieter and no false sensing even when I bump along stones and bushes. Sorry to say I didn't find any gold this first trip out, I dugged every target and came back with quite a few pull tabs, and aluminum can and even some old solder cans. Did not make it down around the old house. The heat was toleable with the breeze blowing, but when the breeze quit it was too much. I finally called it quit at 1:30 and headed out. Even with no gold I was inpressed with the 5000 and it ease of use, and qsmooth operation. :) Until next time, More Au to you, Robert

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