Rear storage boxes for Quads

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Hey all:

Got a question....Ive got a 87 Kawasaki Bayou.

I want to get a storage bin for the back of it.

I have a rack on the back that measures 36" X 16" on the inside.

I have asked other guys that have boxes on the back and they cant

remember where they got them.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I can make one out of 1/8 PP Sheet. But, buying one already to fit

would be a lot less hassle.

Tom H.

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Hi all,,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=550&wrapid=tlif132417299050410&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14015272486569576906&sa=X&ei=zkbtTrzxKJD9iQKEtvHJBA&ved=0CHkQ8gIwAg#

This is the container I have, not sure when you said "bin", if this is what you had in mind, but the outside dimensions of this will fit inside the dimensions you indicated. Nice and sturdy, you can lock the thing, or put a small carabiner to keep it shut when riding. They have gone up some, since I bought mine. A good buy, it will keep your goodies safe and out of view.

Hope this helps!


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Hi all,,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=550&wrapid=tlif132417299050410&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14015272486569576906&sa=X&ei=zkbtTrzxKJD9iQKEtvHJBA&ved=0CHkQ8gIwAg#

This is the container I have, not sure when you said "bin", if this is what you had in mind, but the outside dimensions of this will fit inside the dimensions you indicated. Nice and sturdy, you can lock the thing, or put a small carabiner to keep it shut when riding. They have gone up some, since I bought mine. A good buy, it will keep your goodies safe and out of view.

Hope this helps!



That is exactly what I need.. Tks so much for the info.

Will be getting it on order tomarow. :)

Tom H.

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