Sluice box matting

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Hey all:

I bought some sluice box matting off the web and this stuff is really fantastic to say the least!

I dont get any endorsment check from this but when you find something good, its good to pass the info along.

I ran my cons from drywashing through the trommel and the mat was solid black sand. I panned it out and got some nice gold out of it.

So, being the skeptic I am .....I re-ran the cons.....not a speck in the second run!

Same thing with some dirt I brought back....nothing in the second run. :)

Heres the link...


Tom H.

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Hey Guys,

I have edited my post. The matting I was talking about wasn't the GoldHog, but another one very similar. GoldHog has contacted me and are willing to allow me to potentially test run some of the mats on our trommel operation. I'm looking forward to taking them up on this and hoping the mats help overall gold recovery.

Will report back more later. For all you other guys trying it out, let us know how it works.

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob: never know, they may have had something set up wrong also. Angle,water flow, you know...

I was running 1500- 2000 GPH through the trommel when I was running the cons.

Tom H.

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Hey Guys,

I editted my post above. There was some misunderstanding or confusion on my part about the mats I heard about. They were not the GoldHog mats. Interesting in hearing more about these mats and how they are recovering on all scales of mining (recreational and commerical).

Rob Allison

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