Rob's Detector Sales AD in Lost Treasure

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His ad may have been in Lost Treasure before but this is a first for me to see it.It's in the Decenber issue on page 58.You got this good looking young man in the upper right corner woith a nugget in his hand.The ad has lots of color to entice you to call Rob for his great deals he has on the equipment shown.

Chuck Anders

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for the comments, I'm running 3, maybe 4 full page ads in major prospecting and mining magazines. I haven't seen my Lost Treasure yet, but I'm sure it looks great. It's getting tough to keep up with everything, but I'm still getting it done.

Hey Jim, don't forget I was just awarded the 2012 Minelab Customer Care Award at the recent Minelab Partner's Conference in Virginia. This is the second year back to back I have won this award. I guess I'm doing something right! :)

Thanks for posting. Hope to see you both posting more on the forums.

Your friend,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob, saw your photo in the Minelab newsletter for the 2012 Customer Care Award. Congrats on that and well deserved BTW!! Thought your web store should have been in there for the Website Excellence award though. It's easy to navigate then others. Cheers!!!! Mike

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