A good week in Boise

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I just got back from visiting my Daughter and a few days of detecting the tailing piles in Boise Basin. I found 3 pieces of quartz . I gave the small one to my Grandson, who went with me on 3 ocasions. Of the 2 remaining pieces, I crushed the smallest. containing ( 7 dwt.) over 1/3 oz. of gold. Hope that I can post a couple pictures, if not mabe Rob. will help. I can't post the Pictures, sorry. Doug

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Great job Doug, that's a bunch of gold. Haven't heard from you in a while, are you coming down soon? Can't wait to do some hunting with ya this winter, gimme a shout.

Great going bud,

Justin prospector. Lol

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Matt, You are right. I did a lot of home work before I went. and made maps of Boise Basin. The first day that I was there, I spent talking to everyone that I saw. It paid off, and I was able to get permission to hunt a large area, covered with Tailings from the old dredges. On Monday I found the 3 pieces and only found the Skunk the rest of the week, but came home a happy camper. Doug

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