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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Glenn, It's amazing how much gold was really there. I believe I'm close to two ounces myself out of that spot. Exploring the area today I found a couple others spots that might show potential. Will have to check them out in the near future. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Goldbug Ron, Thanks for the info. I personally never tried to balance all three channels, but heard of others saying it worked for them. I would think you would want to make sure the freq your hunting in is properly balanced. Thanks for your help, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Uncle Ron, Congrats on your find. I would agree it's iron mixed with the gold. Very common to have hematite/gold or hematite/gold/quartz. Heard Lou was back in town. Wishing him the best. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Today Leaverite and I done some exploring, but ended back in a wash that was very productive in the past. We both re-worked the wash working very slow and listening for those faint whispers. Dennis and I both ended up with some nice nuggets. Leaverite scored a nice 1.8 Dwt piece, while I scored a smaller 1.1 Dwt and a 0.4 Dwt piece. The gold is very local, but haven't been able to find the source. We both were using the Minelab GPX-4000's with Coiltek Searchcoils. Take a gander at the picture below. Rob Allison
  5. Hello Carlos, Yes, I meant to say prospect, but I use hunt sometimes. You can prospecting or nuggethunt on BLM and Forest Land as long as the area is not claimed. All mineral claims must be marked with PVC or Rock Monuments for the claim to be valid. It's the claim owners responsibility to make sure the claim is marked property and the stakes are visible. The Geocommunicator is not the easiest to use, nor is it up to date most of the time. The BLM's LR2000 is much more accurate, but might not be up to date week to week. The best method is to visit the BLM's office and check for recent claims if needed. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Uncle Ron, The report I got last night was most of the members were discouraged and gone around Noon from the pushes. Dennis mentioned he found one dink and two other very small nuggets were found for a total of three nuggets. Dennis mentioned it didn't look like the dozer done much of anything besides push topsoil around. Heard there was a good crowd of members there early in the morning. I personally didn't make it this time. I think the club has to really consider the larger dozer or starting some fresh pushes. The last three pushes have been pretty unproductive compared to last years results. The way I look at it is, nuggets are only valid on the pushes when people can see them. This is what gets people pumped up and creates memberships, not hearing a week later nuggets were found. Hoping the next pushes in the Devil's Nest produce a bit more. Rob Allison
  7. Hello Carlos, You wont need any type of permit to hunt on public lands, such and BLM or Forest Land. To access, cross or hunt State Trust land you will need a permit, but you're not allowed to hunt State Trust Land even with a permit. Do not prospect on Private Land, Indian Reservations, Wildlife Refuges, Wilderness Areas or State Parks. Also, even on Public Land, someone might hold the mineral rights. You can research mineral claims using the Geocommunicator and the BLM's LR2000. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Carlos, If you go to the top of the forums you will see some of the bundle special I'm running right now. This includes the SD2100, 2200 & GPX-4000. The SD2100v2 is - $1,995.97 The SD2200v2 is - $2,495.97 The GPX-4000 is - $4,495.97 All these metal detectors come with FREE accessories. The technology is a bit jump from the Eureka Gold to the SD series. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Carlos, You're very welcome. I should be up on the pushes late Saturday if you make it up there. I can talk with you more in depth if you make it. I added some comments about the Minelab Eureka Gold on the thread that BigEd started. Take a look at it. The Eureka is one of the best, if not the best in my opinion for the VLF gold hunting metal detectors. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Carlos, The Minelab Eureka Gold is one of the best VLF metal detectors for gold in my opinion. One major reason is the fact it has 3-freqs, unlike other VLF's that operate on just one freq. It's probably one of the best choices if you're going to stay under $1,000. I do offer some freebies for all metal detector purchases if you become interested in a Minelab metal detector. If you can justify a bit more, I would suggest a Minelab PI to elliminate some of the frustrations of a VLF. You will experience more ground noise, more hot rocks and less depth than a PI. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Guys, Had a customer come over last night that wanted to know about metal detectors and was interested in getting something to start with. Some of the first questions I ask anyone wanted to get into metal detecting is - How much experience do you have? How much time do you plan on nuggethunting? How much can you afford for your first metal detector? Are you interested in just hunting for gold nuggets, or do you plan on doing some coin/relic hunting? These four questions can give me a good idea on what might be best for you. If someone can afford a entry level PI like the SD2100v2 or SD2200v2 I high encourage it. The Pulse Induction metal detectors are much more immune to mineralization and get 2-3 times the depth under the right conditions. The SD's are also very popular cause there are battery systems, mods, amps and various searchcoils that will increase the performance even more than stock. Hope this helps a bit. Feel free to call, email or PM through the forums anytime if anyone has questions. I will do my best to give you the best advice on getting started with the right equipment specific to your needs. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Uncle Ron, Congrats on your first 2008 gold nugget! There will be many more this year for you. I know how you feel about your Father. I lost a Grandfather that I was very close with a long time ago. He also enjoyed prospecting and started me off exploring the deserts when I was young. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him. I know your Father, along with my Grandfather are in a much better place. Thanks for always being a great friends and contributor on my forums. Wishing you the best during these times. Best regards, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Gaine, No camera trick there my friend, that is the new color! That is actually a test coil, but the new ones will be the same color. The coils are very impressive to say the least. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Jim, Hope you had a wonderful Birthday. Tried to send you an email, but not sure you ever received it. Hope you and your family is doing well. Best regards, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Glen, Congrats! One heck of a specimen for the first one. Now you have to beat it. Just goes to show they are still out there being found. Sure gets your blood pumping when you find a chunk like that. Thanks for sharing, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Reg, Per your request, I PM the member that email. Not sure if he will reply back or not. Maybe you will get an email directly from him. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Carlos and others, I know if you join the club you can stay up to 14 days under the BLM rules. I doubt anyone would bother you if you wanted to stay longer. Many members come up on the weekends and stay overnight. I pretty much do this on the dozer push dates. I would suggest you get a hold of Elly and let her know you have talked with me on the forums. I'm sure she is open to ideas. There is very little, if any open ground around Rich Hill. This is one of the richest placer deposits in the US, so there is very little open ground. Most of the ground is claimed up by clubs, private individuals, State Trust Land & Private/Patented Land. P.S. AuGlenn, you're very welcome! Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  18. Hello AuGlenn, One of the newsletters talked about the coil size restriction, but not in the membership information. The coil size is limited to 11-inch and smaller (elliptical or mono) for the push weekend (Sat. & Sun.). There has been some talk about making it just the first day, but nothing has been set in stone. Most are using the Platypus 11-inch elliptical mono & DD, Coiltek Joey and Minelab smaller coils. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Carlos, The 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club is located at Rich Hill, just East of Stanton, Arizona. The membership is $350/year. Some great nuggets have been found on the claims in the last couple of years. The monthly pushes always produce more gold nuggets. Elly Loften is the owner, and can be reached at - 24 Karat Gold Hunters PO Box 1351 Congress, AZ 85332 Toll Free: 1-866-713-0608 Local: 928-427-0011 Fax: 928-427-0440 Email: Website - Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Dave & Reg, I'm not going to debate this, I never had a problem with the classified ad. I would agree, Dave never mentioned it was an upgrade to a newer version. I'm sure Dave won't have any problems selling the GP Extreme. Also, hate to see anyone not wanting to contribute. I'm sure he has a lot of knowledge like many others that just lurk out there. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Dave, I didn't get to read your PM. By the time I got home, Dawn deleted the PM's. You're more than welcome to use the classified forum. Someone just had a questions about your listing and it got out of hand. I really didn't get to read any of it .... so really don't know what was said besides what Dawn told me. I will delete your listing once your GP Extreme sells. How does that sound? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Mike, I know what you mean about stealth. I guess I can't show all my recent big nuggets then if you're all going to hold out! I've been debating about selling a couple of whoppers and purchase a new truck, but everyone keeps saying gold is going to double. It's now over $900, can't imagine if it goes to a couple thousand. Someone might stake a mining claim in my front yard. I can see "worthless" mineral claims all along 60 as you head West. Go figure who is staking all these worthless mineral claims .... Just imagine if it gets to 2k, you also might have claims in your front yard. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Grubstake, I would like to find a nice Rose Quartz and Gold Specimen. A friend several years ago found a beautiful Rose Quartz/Gold specimen and it was amazing. This wash where Glenn and I found the 5 nuggets has produced about 4 ounces of beautiful rough gold. Biggest piece was about 5-6 Dwt's, but there could be potential for a bigger one at depth. P.S. Did you get the Li-Ion Battery? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Guys, Terry - A high clearance Jeep or quad is the way to go. For years I was tearing up my 2000 GMC Full-size trying to access some of these areas. I finally broke down and purchased a Polaris 500 EFI Deluxe Sportsman! I'm now able to travel faster, less wear and tear on my vehicle and see country that I've never accessed before (too far to hike). Mick - Drove by that way a couple weeks ago and thought about stopping by, but didn't have your number off hand. Another guy that is staying in that same park just recently purchased a GPX-4000. We still need to get out together like I promised. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care, Rob Allison