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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Dawn and I (Rob's Detector Sales) want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This has been by best year so far for the business and it's all because of great customers and friends. Over the years I've met hundreds of new friends and customers. Thanks for always supporting Rob's Detector Sales, Minelab & Coiltek! P.S. If you every have questions or need something, don't hesitate to call anytime. Warm regards, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Goldstudmuffin, Congrats on the new finds! I'm still wondering who was hunting that Mountain Range first? Funny we never bumped into each other, but we were hunting opposite ends of the range. Haven't posted any of my recent finds. Nothing real impressive, just a bunch of smaller nuggets up to 1.5 Dwt's in size. Glenn found a new spot with 4-5 handstack washes and has found about 20 nuggets and then another 9 nuggets from a different location. I really wanted to make it out there today with them, but had to do Honeydoo's around here. Told you about the 2.5 ouncer from ...... though. Keep that a secret please. Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, Just wanted to update you all and let you know there is only eight days left before the Minelab price change. Effective Jan. 1st 2008 Minelab has increase all metal detector prices and some accessories. The Minelab GPX-4000 will increase $500 MAP price, while the SD2100v2 & SD2200v2 will increase $300 per unit. The Eureka gold is increasing about $100, while some of the lesser expensive units only a small amount. Get your order in now and beat the upcoming price change! All metal detectors and accessories in stock. Call (623) 362-1459 to order Today. Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales (623) 362-1459
  4. Hello Cooter, Thanks for sharing your finds. What is the weight of the largest one pictured? Hope you guys continue to find more! Rob Allison
  5. Hello Uncle Ron, Finding those old camps are fun, especially if it's a remote area. Found hundreds of them over the years from very small ones to extremely large ones. Once you find the camp, then you have to figure out what they were doing. Some camps obviously are not miner camps, but the ones that are can be placer or lode or both combined in some areas. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Everyone, Thanks for all the input. I've been playing around with Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth and Terraserver. All have something different to offer and some have better images of certain places over the other. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello AzNuggetBob, I know on AZO's forum I was getting a virus alert everything I entered the site. However, I believe that has been taken care of. I back this forum up a couple times per day just in case of an attack. I would hate to loose all the information that is stored here on the forum. If anyone has any problems, please PM me through the forum or email me directly. Thanks, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, A few have mentioned they were having post or thread problems, but I'm not having problems on my end. When you view a post you should be able to scan down and read all the replies without clicking on anything like a timeline format. Please post here if you're having any issues with the forum. As far as I know, it's working fine. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Steve, The show was on at 7:30pm here in Arizona. I watch the prior show about Tourmaline mining also. Looks like Keith got some TV time also! Can't wait to get back to Moore Creek in 2008. Anyone interested should contact Steve H. ASAP to get a spot reserved. The odds of finding a gold nugget at Moore Creek is very high. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Here is some news that Doc has told us all about - All these products will be available from ME (Rob's Detector Sales). Just an update, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Riverman, Thanks for purchasing your new Minelab GPX-4000 from Rob's Detector Sales. You're going to love the detector the more you use it. Without a doubt, the most powerful handheld metal detector for gold nuggets in my opinion. Hope to see some of your gold finds here on the forum. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Rob Allison
  12. Hello T-Bone, Congrats on getting a Minelab GP3500. The 3500 is one great metal detector and you should be off finding nuggets within no time flat! Notice you also have a Polaris 500. A good Minelab PI and a reliable quad is a great combination. Wishing you the best out there, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Ted, Congrats on the new finds! This weekend I spotted a small wash that looked good. We decided to stop and investigate for a few hours. I ended up finding four small nuggets and a new area. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello AZNuggetBob, The Ellite coils are nice and performing very well. I was testing a new coils last weekend at Rich Hill when someone noticed it. Before the end of the day I had like a dozen guys asking about it and when it was going to be released. Funny, I stopped over at the Stanton camp and a few guys were talking about them. The word gets around fast and I think these coils will be a great improvement over prior coils. Haven't heard much from you, hope you and your family have a great Christmas. Rob Allison
  15. Hello Uncle Ron, I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about? I don't have a problem with any of the Invision Forums that I visit. Are you still experiencing this problem? Are you sure you didn't change something in your "controls?" Get back with me, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Guys, I don't have a lot of time to explain, but hopefully you will understand. The reason I deleted the post was the fact it would eventually get out of hand. People will register and defend the others. I've seen these turn ugly on the forums and then it turns members away. No ones wins .... Think about it, it's Christmas time and most have enough stress in their lives. This is a time for us all to enjoy and cherish the Holidays! We should wish everyone the best of health and wellness during these times and hope the good Lord is looking over all us. I'm very fortunate I have friends like you all out there (especially Lamar). Friends that will stand up and fight to the end with me. I'm very blessed and thankful. I will leave with this final statement, "All things come Full-Circle, Good or Bad." Warm regards, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Lamar, Please PM me! You have taken this the wrong way, it was nothing against you. I appreciate all your business and willingness to stand up for me! Talk with you soon my buddy, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, After some thought I decided to delete the thread that was getting a lot of attention today. I thought it's best to not "pass judgement" on others, but rather let things run their course. The Lord tells us if you forgive and do good deeds good things will happen to you! Along that same note, if you do bad things it will eventually catch up with you. Lets get back on track and focus on those ellusive gold nuggets. P.S. Thanks for all the support, friendship and business. Without you guys I couldn't do what I really love ... Operate & Own something that I have a great passion for .... Electronic Prospecting. Wishing you all the best of luck, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, Today I met up with some of my new GPX-4000 customers on the 24K Gold Hunters Claims @ Rich Hill. Today the Devil's Nest pushes opened up on the East Basin side. Didn't seem like as many members were on the claims this time, but that was good for us (less cross-talk). I ended up finding a 1.4 Dwter and a smaller .25 Dwter on one of the pushes. I believe 3-4 other small nuggets were also found. The number count for nuggets was way down compared to last time. However, they did use the smaller dozer that is not able to move some of the larger boulders. Would love to see that D9 with the ripper back up there on one of these upcoming pushes. I found the first and second nugget (largest) of the day, which makes me a "trip winner." Each month there are prizes for the first nugget found and the biggest nugget found on the first day of the pushes. This will make the second time I ended up with the first nugget (just pure luck). Calvin (Bunk) also found a small nugget pictured below on one of the pushes. <Pictured Below> My nuggets on the left, Bunk's nugget on the right! Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Uncle Ron, Congrats on another gold nugget find. You're knocking them out on each trip. Are you heading to the 24K Gold Hunters Claims tomorrow? If so, will see you there. Rob Allison
  21. Hello Matt, Thanks for sharing the picture. Grubstake shared a lot of Bagby's history with Dennis and I when we were up there last. Sure sounds like a lot of gold was found there at one time. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Been trying to find a good arial program to view different prospecting locations. Played around with the FREE version of Google Earth and Virtual Earth from Microsoft. Didn't download either program, just went to the website and played around with both. Noticed on both that some locations are not available. Anyone have any suggestions which one is better, or is there something besides these two programs? Would you recommend downloading one of the above versions, and is it better than the freebie version on their websites? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Rob Allison
  23. Hello Uncle Ron, I believe you're right about that claim. It's on the 24K Gold Hunters Claim, not the LDMA. However, did hear they claimed over a few other claims and then dropped them. You have been quiet lately? Cleaning up some patches? Rob Allison
  24. Hello Dakota, I'm sure this weekends pushes will be great. I know I just sold (4) GPX-4000's to new customers that will also be new members of the club. They all are having trouble getting a hold of Elly right now to join the club. I pretty much just told them to show up and get the membership the day of the push. Two more customers coming over tonight to get metal detectors and they are also considering the club. The membership is really growing fast! Will you be there Saturday morning? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Flak, Ya, I know what you mean. Sometimes it just gets under my skin when someone has no clue what their talking about, but will spread false information to try to promote something they are selling. To be honest, all the searchcoils are great and have different applications (Coiltek, Minelab and Nuggetfinder). Way2cool - You can't beat the Coiltek Pocket Rocket Li-Ion System. It's one of the best inventions I've seen in the last 15 years for electronic prospectors. Take care, Rob Allison