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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Received an email earlier today stating I need to check out that HighDesertForum once again. I really have no interests to read that forum, but figured I would see what this was all about. Seen where one guy stated the new Coiltek coils are just gimmicks! Pretty funny how a guy that has never used them nor has a clue what has been done to them can make judgement. Maybe that whole group is just upset that Trinityau is cleaning up behind all them with their Minelab Commander Coils! So far I'm impressed with the new Coiltek line of coils. More testing is needed to make further conclusions on the new coils. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Reno Chris, Well they are in the test phase right now and results are great! Can't say too much until Trev gives me the ok. From my knowledge, Trev didn't want anyone advertising them as of yet. This is only the start from Coiltek, you should see the other stuff coming. Wish I could say more, but hopefully Doc or Trev will post more information. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  3. Hello JW, I don't have any pictures off hand, but will stop over and get the ones I have at the other house. This hard case came originally came with the GP Extreme. To break down your metal detector completely you need the 2-part upper shaft that came with the GP Extreme. The case will then hold the entire metal detector (broke down) and one 11-inch round coil. I've heard people have drove over these cases with vehicles and not damaged the metal detector inside. Not sure I would try it, but the cases are very strong! Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Nuggetdigger, I have several of them that are brand new. I will shoot you over a PM through the forums. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Butch, I believe I know what mine you're talking about. However, if it's the same one you now have to pass over Private Property. The new owner isn't the nicest person to deal with! Many of the Rich Hill mines are located way up the mountain side. I scanned a lot of the tailings with an earlier VLF and never had any luck finding specimens. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Tool, Most, if not all the major drainages in Arizona are running. I went down this last weekend to an old dredge spot and the water was running so fierce that it might be a few weeks before anyone could attempt to dredge the location again. I heard that the San Domingo and ajoining washes also received a bunch of water. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Guys, I've seen the "Gold Button" advertised in the gold prospecting magazines for like $100. Some think the price is a bit steep, but the Minelab push botton handle is $60 without any type of adapter for the older models. The push button sure makes it nice for the older GP's. Haven't seen the bungee, how does it compare to the other heavy duty bungees? Cop111 - Hopefully the pushes in the Devil's Nest will be just as productive as the last ones. That side seems to be more productive for nuggets. Hope to see you on the claims. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Russ, Really not sure what my total would be, but know for a fact I have 5-6 pounds from Rich Hill. Most of it was from 2-3 years of hard hunting with the early SD's. I need to find an 18-ounce patch! Rob Allison
  9. Hello JW, I would have to agree with the settings J. Porter stated. The Sensitive/Smooth mode is awesome on the GPX-4000 in hot ground or ground mixed with various volcanic or iron stone rocks. I love the Sensitive/Smooth mode on moderate to hot ground, but prefer Normal/Deep mode if I can get away with it. The "Quiet" Audio makes your GPX-4000 run so smooth, but you might loose a bit of depth. However, sometimes I think you can make up the lost depth running a higher gain. One great thing about the GPX-4000 is the various setting controls you have. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Buddy Jim, With my new toy I'm spending more time looking than swinging, just like you mentioned! However, have found some very interesting spots in just the short time since I've had my toy. Leaverite and I hit the hills for about 4 hours this morning, but the extremely gold weather and mild rain pretty much ran us out. Neither of us found any gold, but cleaned the rubbish out of a few spots. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Russ, Well, 70 ounces is one great accomplishment! Some are still trying to find their first gold nugget. Today, I'm sure your total collection combined would sell for no less than $70,000. That is figuring all the smaller and larger nuggets at an average of $1,000/Troy Ounce. Yes, you will find well over 100 ounces each before you enter Heaven. However, since you can't take the gold with you, it's best to share some of those secret gold patches with close friends. Many don't like to share their finds or collection with the public, but Thanks to Russ and Scott as it gives new beginners hope to find their first gold nuggets to start their own personal collection. P.S. I haven't counted or weighed my collection in years. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Guys, Most, if not all the major drainages in Arizona are running! I'm sure once the water calms down and clears up there will be some good dredging. It rained all Friday night here and this morning a bit. Leaverite and I got out for a bit of prospecting and dodged pretty much all the rain. We both found a nugget in a new spot today. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Russ and Scott, That is one hell of a collection of gold nuggets. Just curious what side (right or left) is yours Russ? I'm guessing the left side of the picture is yours. Have you ever weighed your entire collection seperately or combined? Leaverite and I went out prospecting today and we both scored a nugget in a new spot. Both pieces were pretty small though. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Guys, Grubstake - Can you send back that GPX-4000? LOL .... I really love mine, so I'm glad you have one now and I know you're going to hit big with yours! I was hoping to make it back up there sometime before the year end, but looks like it will be next year. I'm hoping to do another 5-6 day trip. Brandon - Congrats on the new nuggets. There's going to be a bunch of nuggets found this year between us four. I'm guessing we are going to find at least 200-300 nuggets amoung us, but always hoping for a real good patch that will produce a hundred or so nuggets in one place. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Matt, Keep in mind that everyone's hearing is a little bit different. What I do is back down the threshold to where you don't hear anything at all. Then I will slowly bring the threshold back up to where I can hear just a low, steady smooth threshold. If you run your threshold too high or too low you will miss faint targets. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Grubstake, Sorry to hear you got the old skunkaroo, but know you will get over a piece the next trip out. I think you done better with your SD than the GPX-4000! Congrats to Flak and Matt. P.S. You think the new Platypus is hot, you haven't seen anything yet. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Steve, Montana and JP, My overall favorite settings on the GPX-4000 here in Arizona are Sensitive/Smooth, Deep, Quiet Audio and a Gain of 11-13. I've tried experimenting with different settings, but always seem to come back to my original settings since the machine runs much smoother. I know I'm probably loosing some depth with the Quiet Audio mode, but sometimes I wonder if I'm making up the different with a very smooth and stable threhold? I went an entire year without getting skunked with the GPX-4000, so I know those settings work well in shallow to moderate ground depths. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Reno Chris, Congrats on your position with ICMJ. I've always been a great fan of the International California Mining Journal. I've been talking to Sally recently about some article stuff and a few more things. Hope to see more articles in the future. Rob Allison
  19. Hello JW, The Platypus Mono is one sweet coil. I'm amazed how sensitive it is on small gold and gets great depth. I personally don't do a lot of underwater searching since we live in Arizona, but it sure came in handy Sunday. The $400 gold nugget paid for the coil and some! P.S. Always have them in stock when you're interested. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Bob, I agree with you 100%! Done the same think Sunday and found out the best settings was a very smooth threshold, which produced more nuggets. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello All, Not sure what is exactly going on, but today will be the second time this month a customer purchases over (4) big Minelab PI's. Today a customer purchased (2) GPX-4000's & (3) SD's! They are a group of guys from Canada getting ready to tackle the Australia Goldfields for four weeks. Wishing you guys the best success and a wonderful Christmas in OZ. Minelab should be happy about the prices of gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Uncle Ron, The big one I found on the bottom of the coil is 8.6 Dwt's. It was approx 5-6 inches underwater and then about 2 inches in the bedrock. Total depth was only about 8 inches max. It was a screaming target on the Coiltek Platypus Mono when I ran the coil under the water. It seems like 99% of the targets underwater are iron rubbish or bullets, but this one turned out to be a nice Bradshaw nugget. The gold in the picture is from 4-5 locations throughout the day. Miner Matt - Hope all you guys do well out there! Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Today Glenn, Brandon, Dennis and I got out for some nugget hunting. We hit a bunch of different spots and ended up with a nice batch of gold nuggets for the day. At the end of the day I hit a very nice 8.6 Dwt gold nugget about 4-5 inches underwater. The Coiltek Platypus Mono really helped out on this target since I was able to submerge the entire searchcoil underwater to pinpoint and extract the nugget. The gold nuggets on the bottom are mine. Dennis found the ones on the left. Glenn found the ones on the top left. The single nugget on top is Brandon's. Three GPX-4000's and one GP3500 all using "Orange coils!" Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, I would first like to say "Thanks" for all the comments and suggestions. This is just what Trev @ Coiltek needs. The more suggestions we can give, the better the Coiltek products will be in the near future. I also didn't care for the single side shaft mounting on the UFO coils. Trev - Since I was able to use the Coiltek Platypus Mono Searchcoil and search through the water, I ended up with a nice 8.6 Dwt gold nugget today. The water was about 5 inches deep and I wouldn't have found it within this coil. The waterproof coils are great! Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hey Uncle Ron, Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Leave a few nuggets for us ... Rob Allison