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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Leaverite, Well you know how soaked I was. My shirt, Levi pants, socks and shoes were completely drinched! I knew we should have pulled out 30 minutes earlier, but the lure of that gold kept us all hunting hard. That area sure looked great, and know it has potential since Ohio scored (2) smaller ones within no time. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Gary, Well I think Leaverite is finally convinced it will keep him from a skunk! When it doubt, the Joey Mono always seems to find at least a small nugget. I'm just amazed how sensitive the coil really is, almost picking up sub-grain nuggets near the surface. However, pinpointing those little guys can take some time. It's easy to bury them, they expose them, bury them, expose them ... Congrats on the recent nuggets you're finding. I don't want to hunt behind you anymore, you're too good with the Joey Mono! You know anyone wanting a Joey, I always have them in stock. They are one of the hottest selling coils behind the Wallaby Series & the Coiltek 14-inch Mono. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  3. Hello DesertJac, Thanks for the recent order and like always, good talking with you! Make sure you look me up when you hit Stanton, Arizona. However, stay away from the shooters! Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Glen, What model of VLF detector are you using? The Minelab GP3500 and the Coiltek Joey can find them down to just under a grain if you're paying close attention. The hardest part is pinpointing those tiny nuggets. Would like to see your finds. Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Colorado Bob - Holding out, I see how it is! Hope it was a nugget and not a can. When it cools off we need to schedule a hunt or a camping trip out your way. Kamakazi - There is a difference from the old DD's and the DD Pro's. The DD Pro's use approx. 20% more power. By increasing the electromagnetic field you increase the coils performance. The DD Pro's are more sensitive and get a bit more depth over the normal DD's. RexB - The DD Pro might get more depth in highly mineralized ground, but I know the Joey Mono is more sensitive on smaller pieces of gold and will get a tiny bit more depth in moderate ground conditions. If I was hunting very hot ground all the time I would go with the Joey DD Pro. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Guys, JoefortheGold - Nice batch of nuggets you found there with the Joey! Thanks for posting the picture. Colorado Bob - What's the deal with the 26-28 inch find? Gold or Trash? Must have been a 5+ ouncer at that depth. I see you want to come over to the Bradshaw's and clean out my dinks, but you're hiding your "secret big nugget patches" out West ... LOL Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Dan, You won't be disappointed with the Joey Mono. As you can see by the other forum members, the Joey does amazing on small gold, but it also gets good depth for such a small coil. I have found 1/4 ouncers at 10-12 inches no problem. If you're listening to the faintest signals you will even get better depth. Will keep any eye out for an email or phone call from you. Always have the Joey DD and Mono coils in stock. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Dign4au2, Without a doubt the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoil. I have used both and know I'm finding them smaller with the Joey over the Minelab 8-inch round. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Grubstake, The (2) nuggets that Leaverite found are about 1/2 Dwt apiece. However, the ones I found are true dinkers! The smallest one I must have pushed it around on the bedrock for about 5 minutes before I got the little bugger in my scoop. Any guesses on what the smallest one weighs? The Coiltek Joey is amazing on small nuggets and also gets much better depth than most would expect. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Leaverite and I got out for a few hours today to check out some areas and decided to check an old stacked wash. Within a few hours both Leaverite and I had a couple nuggets. Leaverite found (2) gold nuggets and I found (3) small ones. We both were using the Minelab GP3500's and the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoils. Check out the picture below, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Bob, Thanks for the comments. Most of the stuff is small, but yesterday the gold was very coarse. Leaverite and I went out today for a few hours just exploring and seeing how the water situation is. I found three real small gold nuggets and Leaverite found two. You will need to get a Joey Mono when you get that SD2200. Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Flak - If I would have let it continue it would have gotten ugly. I don't have a problem with people wanting to voice "their" honest opinions, but you don't have to toss in flaming comments. If you don't like something, send them a Private Message (PM) through the forum and discuss it off the forum. Grubstake obtained my Coiltek Platypus Searchoil, but I plan to have another one in action before the wet season here in Arizona. The coil plays an important role when we are dredging. I can scan cracks/crevices to see if we need to continue to bust them up for nuggets. Last year I found them as small as "2 grains" with the Platypus on the GP3500 in the sensitive mode. Haven't seen you on the forums much lately. Hope everything is well on your end my friend. Lamar - Coiltek might have coils "literary" in the oven as you speak! I promise to keep everyone updated on new products that Coiltek will introduce, especially you. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, As for asking me if I personally own a Platypus, I gave my test Platypus to Grubstake and he has beaten the hell out of it and it's still finding gold. When dredging season come back around here I will have a Coiltek Platypus to check all my holes on bedrock. Last year doing this we found a couple of small ones that we didn't extract from the bedrock. Now when it comes to this forum (my forum) I can't control what people say. I can delete the post if needed and even BAN them if they would get out of control. However, for the most part I try to allow people to voice their own opinions about whatever. By doing this I allow people that are interested in a particular product to get familiar with the pro's & con's. Keep in mind, people can read between the lines very easily so they can see how you run your business and what you allow and don't allow. I only speak for myself; I can't control how others run their forum or business. Lamar - The ORANGE coils like to track down the YELLOW! Good to hear you're having great success with the Coiltek line of coils. J. Porter - I know you have found a lot more gold than most know about, and a lot of that gold was found originally with Minelab/Coiltek, but now you choose Nuggetfinder. You know I don't have a problem with that and it's good to hear you're finding gold. I'm positive you have found more gold with your Coiltek coils than I have in the past. You have any old pictures? Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Grubstake, I have no comments on that. They know I use NF coils, still have two of them in my arsenal. I think they make great coils just like Minelab and Coiltek. From largest to smallest here is what I have in my coil collection: NF 20-inch SL DD Round NF 16-inch SL Mono Round Coiltek 17-inch Wallaby DD Pro Coiltek 17-inch Wallaby Mono Coiltek 17-inch Wallaby Mono R-Factor Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono Coiltek 14-inch Round AI Coiltek Joey Mono Minelab 8-inch Commander Mono Minelab 11-inch Stock GP3500 DD Do you need this many coils? NO! However, I think I have all bases covered. The bulk of my collection and what I use is Coiltek. Surprised? Didn't think so ... Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Got up this morning and seen the "Latest Gossip" thread got way out of control. I don't have a problem with Lamar, JP and others voicing opinions about what coils they like the best, but we don't need any negative attacks on anyone. I thought it was best to end the thread where it was before it got way out of control. I respect JP, Lamar and all of the other forum members. If you would like to voice your opinion about something that is fine, but if you think something should be posted, then use the Private Message (PM) feature rather than flaming someone on the forums. I would be a hypocrite if I said I didn't own a couple of NF coils. However, the Coiltek ones get much more attention, that is just my choice. My two favorite coils right now are the Coiltek Joey Mono, Coiltek Wallaby DD Pro and now going back to the Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono again! I've found so much gold with the Coiltek 14-inch round I need to give it another run for a while and see how my luck does. Hope you all understand, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Leaverite and I hit a couple of spots today, one we got rained out on, but later decided to give it another whirl. At the second location Leaverite and I hit a total of (8) nuggets using the Minelab GP3500's and Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoils. I found the (7) nuggets on the left side of the coil and Leaverite found the (1) nugget on the right side. Spent more time driving then hunting ... Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Bob, The Joey Mono is a bit more sensitive over the DD Pro and probably gets a tad more depth, but the DD Pro is more immune to mineralization and can discriminate. They are both really good coils, just a matter on where you're hunting the most. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Billy, Yes, the Coiltek Joey Mono will respond better on small gold like you found over the Minelab 11-inch DD. I picked up (7) more today with the Joey Mono! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Gary, Great story and sounds like you might have found a nice wash. Keep the place under your hat and work it when the water dries up. I would take your detector and the Joey Mono down the wash and work it real slow in the "Sensitive" mode. You might be surprised how many small nuggets, maybe big ones that are laying in that wash. Did you detect the small nuggets around the coin in that wash (besides the bigger one)? Congrats on the new finds. Keep up the great nuggethunting! Rob Allison
  20. Hello Grubstake, Now why the hell are you stressing yourself out over those Hipsticks? Your health is far more important, so don't let it stress you out. I haven't heard from Chris either, have no clue where he might be. I've sold about 1/3 of the batch you sent me, but the sales are slow on them with very little advertising. I thought Chris might advertise them to get the word out. I'm sending you a PM. Rob Allison
  21. Hello Lamar, It's almost impossible for me to get skunked with the Joey in the Bradshaw Mountain Range. I know it sounds shitty to say that, but I'm confident enough to know I can find gold just about anywhere with that little Joey Mono. Ask Leaverite about my Joey Chant when I find a nugget with it, "Joey, Joey, Joey ..." I think he's sick of hearing it now. I've used both the Minelab 8-inch Mono and the Joey Mono and they both are deadly little coils. I prefer the Joey since it's elliptical in design and I can crevice easier with the "nose" of the coil. I have found hundreds of nuggets with both coils over the years. P.S. Did we discuss the product holding charge for products that have been paid for, but are just being stored for the time being? LOL ... Just razzing you! Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Grubstake, Extremely fast service for my buddy! Was hoping you would get it today and be able to use it tomorrow if you go nugget hunting. Save a few nuggets for me in that patch! Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Gaine, I don't sell the chemical cleaners or the Ultra Sonic cleaners. I purchased the Magic Green Cleaner and Ultra Sonic Machine from some website off the net, can't remember which one though. I have cleaned some specimens up really nice with the combination, but others don't seem to clean very well. The dirty quartz ones are hard to clean up. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Don, I've never personally met Tom Ennis, but heard stories about him and his Brother rolling over some big Granite Boulders and exposing some goodies! Heard they moved one boulder and found ..... well I better not tell. Elly makes it sound like Tom is local now, so I would assume he is living up around Congress or Yarnell. The club has an upcoming meeting at the small prospecting store in Congress. Good to hear from you. Hope everything is well on your end. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Bob, No wonder all the nuggets were grouped together. Just seemed like someone took a small handful of nuggets and tossed them in a small area. The biggest piece shown is just over 1/4 ounce and a couple of the other larger ones are 1.5 - 2.5 Dwt's in weight. This was just a small patch, but it produced a couple 2-3 ounces of gold. I sent you a PM back about the coil. Rob Allison