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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Here are a couple of pictures from the 24 Karat Claims. The first picture is Ghris Gholson and I standing at the base of the claims where the old club house once stood. The second picture is a partial batch of nuggets I found from a patch up there last year. The patch produced about 2.25 - 2.5 ounces of nugget gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Shep, Good to hear you had a good time and got over some gold. I would love to head back up to that country, but I know a weekend just don't do the trick. I would need a couple of weeks to do all the exploring I would like up there. I'm sure some of the ground I was thinking about is now claimed. Claims are going up everywhere out here. I think someone just stuck a damn claim stake in my front yard! I'm sure your coil is sitting in your PO Box. Thanks once again for the purchase. Get back up to Grubstake's patch and clean it out! Bring your wife down here this winter and I will get you both over a nugget. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, Well hopefully everyone made it back home safe. Been away from the personal PC for a few days, so if you tried to contact me through email or phone I will get back with you this evening. Spent Labor Day quad riding around Mingus Mountain. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Bigfoot, Since the wash was pretty shallow to start with, I would say the deepest nugget was only 3-4 inches max. The deepest spots in this small wash might be a foot deep. I found the bigger ones at shallower depths than the smaller ones for some reason. I'm sure if I went back and raked out the wash more nuggets would pop out. Just too hot to hike in there and work like that now. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, There have been a few updates to the 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club. Elly had changed emails, so anyone trying to reach her will need to use this new email address - Members should have received a Month Newsletter through their email address. I just received mine about 15 minutes ago. PLEASE NOTE: ELLY has EXTENDED THE CUT OFF DATES FOR THE DUES TO ACCOMODATE THOSE WHO HAVE REQUESTED APPLICATIONS VIA EMAIL AND FOR ANYONE ELSE WHO WAS HAMPERED BY THE EMAIL FAILURE TO PERFORM. SO YOU HAVE ADEQUATE TIME TO JOIN. After Sept. 20th Membership dues will increase to $350 per year or $2,750 for a Lifetime club membership. Prior to Sept 20th, lifetime memberships will be $1,750 or $275 per year. Tom Ennis, Club Manager will be opening up (5) new pushes on October 14th (Saturday 8am). You can only hunt the pushes if you're a paid member. No guests or unpaid members will be allowed on the pushed areas. Each push will be almost an acre in size. All non-members caught on the claims or trying to high-grade the pushes will be turned over to the Yavapai County Sheriff's Dept. The club is working on getting the old well fixed for anyone looking to use water for panning, reticulating systems or even high-banking. No more FREE day passes will be issued. Single day hunts are offered at $50 per day. If you decide to join the club that $50 will be applied to your membership fee. Memberships can be sold or transferred for a $50 fee. The most important issue, Elly's health is doing much better. She is recovering from a minor surgical procedure that put her in a coma for 7 days and a 60-day continuous stay in (3) different hospitals. Elly is making a great recovery due to the power of prayers and her strong willingness to not give up! Elly said she is looking forward to see us all at the push. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello John, If I was going to walk into this spot I would probably have to walk about 2-miles. This is way to far right now if you have to carry prospecting equipment with the Summer heat. You can't pack enough water with you. The minute you start to dig you really start to sweat big time and there is very little air flow in these small washes. With quads you can get within 300-400 yards of the spots, but you can't drive directly to the spot with any type of motorized vehicle. I guess this is the reason there was so much gold still left in this general area. P.S. John, there has probably been over 500 nuggets taken from this immediate area. Almost all the drainages produced a nugget or two, some even a small handfuls of nuggets. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, I know many are probably out of town right now, but for the ones that will be traveling around tomorrow I just want to wish you a very safe Labor Day. I know here in Arizona there are always major fatality accidents on Labor Day, many of them from people trying to rush home from the high country. I just wanted to wish you all a very safe Holiday. Drive safe and have fun! Here is a small article about "What is Labor Day" for anyone that don't know about it. The History of Labor Day Labor Day: How it Came About; What it Means "Labor Day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country," said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor. "All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man's prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation." Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Bob, As always I enjoy your posts and pictures. Makes me wonder how much smaller gold, and maybe bigger at depth I have left behind in some of the washes we detect. Over the years I have found hundreds of washes ranging from small feeders to very large sandy washes that have produced a good amount of gold nuggets. In some of the shallower washes I can actually see, and blow out the fine/flake gold when retrieving the gold nugget(s). I'm sure some of these washes would be good for drywashing/vac-packing. There's nothing like that beautiful desert gold you're finding. Keep up the great success. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Guys, Thanks for all the comments. I decided to take it easy today and stay home. Heading up to Prescott tomorrow, but not to nugget hunt. Probably do some quad riding with my girlfriend's family. I did receive an update from Ohio yesterday. He went back to an old wash where he scored 4-5 nuggets in the past and found a nice rough, flat nugget with a hole right through the middle of it. I haven't seen the nugget yet, but Ohio said it was a nice piece. Thought about heading back to that small wash, but it's to rough to access it with my vehicle and way to far to hike this time of year. The small wash has now produced about 30-35 nuggets ranging from a few grains to 4 Dwt's. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Bob, I sure love that country down there. Can't wait until the weather cools off so we can come down and do some hunting together. I have a bunch of spots I can show you, some been hit hard, but would be other spots for you to play around in. Bob, that patch of mine down there runs from the Colorado River to Salome, from the Indian Reservation to Yuma. Kind of a big patch, so if you can stay off of it. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Today Ohio, Leaverite and I hit a remote placer location North of Phoenix. The area required quads or a short wheel-based 4x4 vehicle. We arrived at the location around 5:30am and hunting up to around Noon. I hit several washes and found gold nuggets, but one small, overly vegetated wash produced the most for today. I ended up with (9) nuggets and Leaverite found (2). Pictured on the Coiltek coil below my (9) nuggets are on the right side and Leaverite's (2) are on the left side of the coil. I'm not sure if Ohio picked up any nuggets today, he left one spot to try another and we lost contact with him. Hopefully he picked up a couple out there also. Leaverite and I were using the Minelab GP3500's with Coiltek 10x5 Joey Mono Searchcoils. Ohio was using the GP3000 and also a Joey Mono. There's more gold in the area, but it got hot quick and we decided to save the rest of the nuggets for another early morning hunt. Pictured below are the nuggets we found today. The second picture are all my nuggets in my hand. Hope everyone else got over a nugget or two today. Rob Allison
  12. Hello Alan, It would probably be fun watching those guys/gals "speed pan!" The last one I seen they used lead shot instead of gold nuggets. You had to pan down and keep so many pieces of lead in the pan to win. Sounds like someone will have a nice Minelab Eureka Gold Metal Detector after this weekend. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Just wanted to remind anyone that hasn't joined the club yet that the change in membership fees has been pushed back to Sept. 10th. Anyone looking to get Grandfathered in at $275 per year better call soon. After Sept. 10th the yearly membership fee will be $350 per year. In October there will be several pushes on some old patches, so if you're not a member you will not be able to participate. Hope to see you all out there, but not in my patch! Rob Allison
  14. Hello Bob, I don't personally own a quad yet, but after driving Leaverite's around the last couple of weekends I just have to get one. Leaverite has a couple of quads, so when we need to do some backroading I'm able to borrow one. Bob, regardless if we find something, I'm always up for an adventure. The friendship and hunt means more to me than gold nuggets. I actually can't wait for the cooler weather. That old drift sounds interesting. I'm sure if they were placer drifting there's more nuggets around. Hopfully they aren't too deep. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Ron, Good talking with you and your wife last night. Tell your wife "Thanks" for the help and information. See you out this way this coming winter! Rob Allison
  16. Hello Dan, For the Rich Hill, Stanton area I was say one of these four clubs, LDMA/GPAA, Weaver Mining District, Roadrunner's Prospecting Club or the 24 karat Gold Hunters Club. The LDMA/GPAA have most of their claims down in the flats where you found a specimen several years ago. The Weaver mave most of their claims down there also, but a elsewhere like the 3 or 8 pound patch area. The 24 Karat have pretty much the entire "Devil's Nest" area under claim and even over the hill towards the "Turkey Foot." They have a couple of other claims on the hill also towards the Stanton side. The Roadrunner's have claims down in the flats, below Myer's Mine and some near the Octave Mine area. All four clubs are good, just trying to pick which one is best will be hard. I guess it depends if you want to spend more time down in the flats or on Rich Hill itself. As for Greaterville I know the GPAA have a few claims, but the Tucson Gold Digger's Club have the most down there. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Hammer, That a good thought, but some believe that they took several foot of bedrock out to make sure. I know when I talked with the owner of Ganes Creek, Doug Clark, he said he was removing up to 3-4 foot of bedrock to make sure they were getting all the gold. Just makes you wonder when they were running those old dredges if they did the same. I would think they would take a foot or so, and that might be enough to get most of the nuggets unless there was a deep crack/crevice. However, I'm sure some gold is still in the hole. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, By any means I'm not trying to take any credit from the Alaska nugget hunters. The gold is probably easier to find since it's been processed and stacked for you, but you still have to get over the gold. Great to see someone like Bernie find 2+ pounds of gold at Ganes Creek. Been watching their website and seems like the finds were slow for a while and then Bernie hits big time! I'm sure he's a great hunter and deserves every ounce he found. I really love Alaska and hope to return again this year. This year was probably my worst, but then again it gives me a reason to return. I think places like Ganes Creek, Moore Creek and a few other operations are your best shot at finding that "One Plus Ounce" gold nugget. I have yet to find a one-ouncer up there in the last three trips, but then again I know my time is coming. It's just a matter of hunting hard and digging everything you can. I highly encourage anyone that hasn't experienced the Alaska outback to give Moore or Ganes Creek a try. You won't be disappointed and you will find at least some gold (if you go to Moore's). Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Bob, This isn't the first time this has happened. I work with the public all day and have to deal with this crap. I just got to the point where I heard enough of this "You don't speak Spanish" crap I had to vent about it. I wish I could speak Spanish, but I never knew I was required to living here in the US. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Grubstake, Speaking of the Post Office, they just placed a customers packaged valued at $300 in someone else's PO Box and now it's gone! I can't freaking believe it! I guess the customer that opened the box knew it didn't belong to them so just just left the box open and now the package is gone .... Rob Allison
  21. Hello Frosty, It's a shame that our own Border Patrol Agents can't even do their job. This country in for a big awakening if we continue to let people just walk across the borders. Glad to hear the petition got enough signatures to hold the case for now. Hopefully the Agents will get off of the charges if the story is correct. American's need to stand up for one another instead of hiding in the closets. Funny how when a traggic event happens everyone wants to hold hands, but after a months everyone is hiding out again. Be freaking proud to be American! Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, I probably shouldn't be posting this here since I encourage gold prospecting, but I couldn't resist. About a week ago at work a Hispanic Lady asked if I spoke Spanish. I told her very politely that I didn't and I was sorry I couldn't communicate with her. The very minute I told her I could speak Spanish she started cursing and carrying on that she couldn't believe I didn't speak Spanish. As much as I wanted to say, "You mean you live in American, where English is the primary language and you're going to carry on that I don't speak Spanish?" As much as I wanted to, I walked away pretty upset. Since when am I required to speak Spanish in America? Go figure ... Rob Allison
  23. Hello Mike and Cindy, Welcome to my " Forums." The LDMA has a great camp at Stanton, Arizona. However, unless you need the hook-ups and such, you probably don't need the camp. The GPAA/LDMA have some great campsites around the US, Stanton being one of them. It's a great place to camp, share stories and meet people that share the same interests. If you plan on traveling around to the LDMA Campsites and using their facilities it's well worth the money. Joining the LDMA you can use their campsites and all of their claims including the GPAA claims. The LDMA is kind of a deluxe club where you can use all the LDMA & GPAA claims. If you're just a GPAA member you can't use the LDMA claims. The White's MXT is a great unit, but might struggle a bit on mineralization out West. Later down the line you might want to look into a Minelab PI (Pulse Induction) unit. Just above everyone hunting around the Stanton, Rich Hill area is using one. They are much more immune to mineralization and punch down twice the depth of a White's MXT. This is something to consider in the future, but not necessary in the near future. Books can be a great help. If you don't have the "Placer Gold Deposits of Arizona" or "Arizona Gold Placers and Placering" I would highly recommend them for hunting around Arizona. You might also consider Jim Straight's books, such as "Follow the Drywashing 7th edition" & "Advanced Prospecting and Detecting for Hardrock Gold." I carry all these books and they are well worth the price. You might already have them all. I would also recommend Chris Gholson's "Rich Hill" book if you're interested in the Stanton, Arizona area. What small Arizona Club do you belong to? Roadrunner's Prospecting Club, GPAA, Arizona Prospectors Association, Mesa Gold Digger's, Tucson Desert Gold Digger's, Weaver Mining District? Wishing you the best of luck out there. Hope to hear back from you. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Motherload, Hope you all do well up in the Motherlode Country. Wishing you all the best of luck. Keep us updated, Rob Allison