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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Jim, Just curious when you're going to convince Jerry to come back out this way? I believe it was 2-3 years ago you guys headed down to Stanton. I wasn't able to break free and meet up with you guys. I heard you guys found several nuggets (maybe Jerry) right around the camp area! Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Lamar, Never heard of that type of tape. Can you pick it up at a Hardware store, or is it some type of speciality tape? I used to use the normal Black Electrical Tape, but you would have to re-apply the tape very often. The Coiltek tape is much stronger and you don't have to re-apply as often. Hope everything is well on your end. I also have you down for (2) Hipsticks, correct? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know I have adjusted the price on the new US Treasure Atlas Set per a recent magazine article on them. I have lowered the price to $99.99 (includes shipping), which includes the entire set! Normally this entire set runs for $160 or $15.95 per volume. Email me at - or call if you're interested. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Jim, I received the publications we talked about. I’m very eager to check them out. Make sure you keep this a secret between you and I. You know, Mum's the Word. Jim, I'm very open when it comes to products. I don't allow my "Feather's to get Ruffled" when someone else talks about a product I don't sell here, unlike what I seen on other forums. Regardless of what detector, searchcoil or how much gold you have found, you're always welcome here! I can only remember when I first started. There was no Internet or Internet Prospecting Forums. I had to learn a lot on my own by trial and error. Luckily, several very successful Electronic Nugget Hunters took me under their wing. Several of them now passed, I give them all the credit in the world. Without them, your books and the willingness to learn I would still be looking for that first gold nugget. I will never forget my roots! I can only hope they know I think about them often .... Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Bob, Sounds and looks like you found a very interesting piece of specimen gold. Just makes you wonder how many more pieces might be lying around on the hillsides like that one. What brand/type of detector were you using when you found it? Did it respond well on the detector? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Guys, I'm hoping to spend more time with the Coiltek Platypus Waterproof Searchcoil this winter season. I know last year when we were dredging the GP3500/Platypus combo became an important tool for scanning the newly uncovered bedrock. This insures us that we didn't leave any small nuggets wedged in the cracks when we were done. Jerry, your new Platypus should arrive anytime now. I believe Shep and a few other California hunters are considering the coil in the very near future. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Jim, I personally don't have a copy of Sam Radding's drywasher book, but have glanced through it before on the shelf. I actually forgot about the book until you mentioned it. Ok, so there are a couple of drywasher books available. When most people purchase drywasher's (especially new prospectors) they have no clue how to properly set the unit up. Understanding how to properly set up a drywashwer and targeting the right locations can great affect someone's success. The more you know about any one thing the better your chances will be in the long run. I know when I avidly drywashed the Arizona desert regions your book was a must. I had a good idea on how to set-up the drywasher, but there was a lot of other stuff I was uncertain about until I read your book cover to cover! Without a doubt, drywashing can take a lot of experimenting to figure out the best methods, since ground conditions and type of gold vary from placer to placer. I pretty much gave the drywashing up, but know a couple of spots where I'm sure you could recover a couple of ounces of smaller gold very quickly with one. I'm half-tempted to get another small drywasher and vac for testing purposes. Just recently I found a very small wash were I personally recovered about 11-12 small gold nuggets. During the process of extracting the gold nuggets from the small cracks, I was able to see a lot of small pickers and fines. This is one place were I think a drywasher would do well. P.S. I think your books have inspired more people than you can imagine Jim. You're only seeing a small percentage of people that can give you feedback on the forum and through email. There are thousands of people that don't have Internet access or don't care to play around on a PC. Also, Mr. B said I'm doing well with book sales! Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, I just wanted to let everyone know that you can order the Coiltek White Searchcoil Tape that comes stock on the Coiltek Searchcoils. Most don't know it's available through "Rob's Detector Sales." I always have the Coiltek Tape in stock. I have no clue what type of tape this is, but you won't find it at a local hardware store. The Coiltek Tape is much stronger and will last many times longer than Electrical Tape that most use. The Coiltek tape is a bit pricey at $8.00 per roll, but a roll will last for years. Just wanted to let you all know this tape is available for anyone that is interested. I see a lot of talk about "What to Use" when it comes to searchcoil covers falling off. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, I know you might think I'm plugging the hell out of Jim Straight's book, but that's what I'm doing! Jim Straight is so knowledgeable that his books/booklets shouldn't be kept a secret anymore. Many probably don't even know about this booklet, but Jim wrote a book titled, "Successful Drywashing, For the Man Who Wants to Know the Secrects of Successful Drywashing." This booklet covers the following topics and more - Little Known Old-Timer Tips Problem Solving How to Set Up Moisture Calculations Dead Air Space Wet and Dry Recovery Methods And More .... This book is an absolute must for anyone wanting to become a successful Drywasher. Without a doubt the best Drywashing book on the market. The booklet contains 33 pages of jam-packed Drywasher information. Also, every copy personally autographed by Jim Straight. Your Price - $9.95 + $3.00 US First Class Mail & Handling If you're interested in this booklet please contact me through email - or by the phone number listed below. P.S. Jim, Thanks for all the great books you have written over the years. You will never be just a "Pitstop" for me, but rather a lifetime friend and mentor! Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Bob, Congrats on the new gold specimen find! Did you happen to do a specific gravity test to see how much gold it contains? Interesting how that gold forms in those vugs/cavities. Hope you find more out there. Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, A friend purchased a Minelab GP3500 from me some time ago along with a bunch of other searchcoils and accessories. Below is a short message he wrote us and also a few pictures!
  12. Hello Airboy, Everyone has their own opinions on what is best. I will just show you how I do it and have never had problems. Check out the pictures I attached below. I just run the coil cable straight up the lower shaft and start wrapping when it gets to the upper metal shaft. Never had any problems like this. The last picture is how I have my Coiltek Li-Ion Pocket Rocket System mounted to the side of my GP3500. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Airboy, It doesn't matter which direction you wrap it, but it does help to keep the winding higher up the shaft. A lot of people don't know better and start wrapping the coil wire around the lower shaft. This could decrease sensitivity and also cause false signals. Also, make sure your coil connections are tight. If they are loose they can also cause false signals. Also, the "Otto Complete Fiberglass Upper/Lower" Shaft Assembly helps elliminate extra noise also and is also a bit lighter. A bit expensive for this set-up, but I like it. I will post a picture of how I have mine detector set up. Gold? Well I found a few dinks and both of my new customers found their first gold nuggets. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Gary at HystWare sent me the "HystWare Mines and Minerals v1.0" Program last week. Been curious about this program for some time and I'm finally testing it. So far the program is great and pretty easy to use. I didn't receive any instructions with it, not sure you need them. I haven't tried to migrate other mapping program into it yet, but I'm sure it work great with them. Checking out Arizona data to see how accurate it is. Programs like this make it very easy to find locations! Will keep you all updated when I play around with it more. Thanks for sending the program Gary. If you would like to add more please do so. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Airboy, What are you trading to get the Mini UFO and Joey Mono? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, All the copies I sell are pre-autographed thanks to Jim Straight! This book is a must read if you want to learn more about geology and advanced prospecting. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, What I tell everyone, especially new detectorist is to pocket any strange pieces. If you found something, but have no clue what it might be, you can always drag it back home and find out. With all the Internet forums, it's easy to post a picture and get a good ID on a find. Meteorites can be anywhere, so keep your eye out for them. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, The only White's metal detectors I have used were the Goldmaster 3 and the MXT. Both worked well, but struggled a bit on mineralized ground. I think for a starter machine it will work fine. All detector have limitations, so it's up to the user to figure them out and work within them to get the best out of any detector. I have Jim Straight's books always in stock if you're interested. You can reach me through email or phone if needed. Good luck with the detector and hope you get over some nice gold! Rob Allison
  19. Hello Lamar, Brenda was a great customer and I can tell she's going to find more gold in the future. I'm sure if it wasn't so blazing hot during the field instructions we could have located more. However, it felt like 150 degrees in those washes! Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Airboy, I think everyone gave you some good advice. Now it's up to you to decide what you're going to get. I think any of the choices above will work well. I pretty much have all those coils in stock if you decide to make a purchase in the future. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Airboy, In my opinion, since you already have the stock 11-inch coil, I would get a smaller coil for bedrock type hunting, hunting small nuggets and also tight areas. Then I would purchase something a bit larger than the 11-inch round, such as the Coiltek 14-inch Mono, Wallaby 17-inch Mono or Wallaby 17-inch DD Pro. All three of these coils will do great as a prospecting coil. The Coiltek 14-inch and Wallaby Mono will find slightly smaller gold and get just a tad more depth, but the Wallaby DD Pro is great for prospecting a wide variety of spots due to it's high mineral immunity and the fact you can still use discrimination if you choose. If you need something waterproof that is a bit larger than the stock coil, then you might consider the Coiltek Mini-UFO, which is a lightweight 17-inch elliptical Mono Searchcoil. I know, too many choices ... Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Guys, FlakMagnet - YOU'RE FIRED! Lamar - Have you down for two of them. I have about 10 people on pre-order right now. Will let you all know when they are available and ship. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Grubstake, Thanks for the update on the new "HIPSTICK." This is one of the greatest bungee inventions to date. I will have them always in stock, so if you're looking to get one off the first batch you will need to contact me ASAP. I'm starting a pre-order list right now. Contact me at - or call (623) 362-1459 M-F 3:30pm to 8pm PST. Also, to my knowledge the "HIPSTICK" don't come with its own bungee cord. I recommend you using the "Boomerang Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee" that I also always have in stock. HIPSTICK - $42.00 HIPSTICK & BUNGEE - $58.00 Prices don't include AZ Sales Tax or Shipping Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Today several friends and I met up with Dwight and his wife for their Minelab field instructions. Dwight just recently purchased a Minelab SD2100v2 from me. We all arrived at the hunting location around 6am. I showed Dwight one of the patches I hit about a year or so ago where I personally recovered about 70 nuggets. Every time I've been back I've been able find a few more nuggets, mostly small though. After a few hours at the patch, I was able to find several undetected/undug targets. I called Dwight over to compare the signals on the SD vs. my GP. There was no doubt one of the targets was good, but the other he couldn't hear. I was shocked since both targets sounded very good on the GP3500. Well after we dug the first target up we realized it was fairly sizeable Ironstone. The GP's really hit hard on them, but the SD was practically immune to it. This is one major advantage of the SD2100, it has great mineral immunity! We ended up digging the second target and it ended up being a small gold nugget. I gave Dwight the gold nugget. He can now use this nugget for testing when it doubt. Throughout the day, several more targets were dug off the patch area. I even found another small nugget about an hour later. Glenn found a small gold nugget in one of the washes below the patch. Like always, Leaverite decides not to find a nugget saving up for another 1+ ounce nugget! How does that work anyways.… Dwight, had a great time in the field with you. Hope you and your wife enjoyed the instructions and your first Arizona gold nugget. The way you both double-team that SD2100, there's no doubt you're going to find gold. Thanks once again for the purchase. P.S. Check out the pictures posted below. Picture (1) is Dwight with the new SD2100v2. Picture (2) is Dwight's Arizona gold nugget. Picture (3) is all the nuggets found. Far left is mine from today, middle is Glenn's from today & (2) larger nuggets on far left are Glenn's from a Friday hunt without me! Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, Glenn - Well after pulling out $8,000 worth of Moore Creek gold in a single week, I guess that's a good plug for the Coiltek Wallaby DD Pro! There's no doubt it's the premier DD Prospecting coil. I would take the Coiltek Wallaby DD Pro over the Minelab 15-inch DD any day. Not knocking the Minelab coil, but it's less sensitive and is much heavier! You can't go wrong with the Coiltek Joey Mono or DD Pro for small gold at shallow depths and hunting tight spots. The Coiltek Joey is a must in my opinion. Take care, Rob Allison