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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello 29Prospector, Well those pictures really show why someone would want to play in the dirt. That's some beautiful gold you guys are drywashing. Never found a spot where I was able to find decent nuggets drywashing, but have found plenty of spots with tons of fines and small flakes. Some places will probably never get worked since they are so far off the beaten path. Thanks for sharing the pictures of some of your finds. Keep up the great work. Rob Allison
  2. Hello SDF, Funny how someone can be a great dowser, but then again could turn down a quick million bucks! I guess the dowsers must be making multi-millions and the single million is not worth their time or effort. Still would like to see one good dowser prove me wrong and find a gold nugget. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Uncle Ron, If I was you, I would bring a bunch of your newly printed Rich Hill maps to the push. I'm sure you could sell a bunch of them there. I need to get another one, so make sure you bring at least one for me. For anyone that don't know, Ron Long, also known as "Uncle Ron" makes custom topo maps. He can make a map of anywhere you want, but has a bunch of pre-make maps of the major placer locations in Arizona. The Rich Hill map has a lot of the major club claims listed so you know what is claimed and by whom. The maps are worth every penny in my opinion! You see more information about these custom maps, Arizona Custom Topo Maps, Click Here Colorado Bob - I know exactly where your old claims are. Was it you that made the big settling pond up there? I know Jim Sweany's did well in one particular spot on the lower end of his claims. Ipersonally found a couple of small virgin patches up there over the years. Biggest stuff was around 1/2 ounce with a lot of Dwt pieces. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Guys, Alan - No the Joey didn't detect the Rattler, but worked nice for keeping him at bay. This Rattler was very aggressive and started buzzing before we got within 20-30 foot of it. I see you received the X-Terra 30. Grubstake - You know I will make sure Shep is taken care of. Check your PM again. 29Prospector - Haven't hit anything of size lately, just small nuggets. However, it's so hot and humid I've been poking around old locations. Question about the Rattlesnake - I thought the Coontails tail colors touched? What I mean is the black and white should go all the way around the tail and touch. This one had staggered black/white on the tail. The white touched the black, and the black touched the white? Is that normal? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Bigfoot, I guess the ones that are keeping their mouth quiet are the smart ones. You know, "Mum's the Word." I would like to see one of these Master Dowsers work in person. I never said I don't believe it, just would like to see it hands-on. Someone needs to teach me how to dowse so I can save time and just walk right to the nuggets. Forget about all this digging iron rubbish, bullets, shell casing and other junk. In all seriousness, is it possible to mount dowsing rods on your detector, or do you need to actually hold them? Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Bob, What claims (names and area) did you own before you sold them to Elly? Did you sell them to Elly, or did Jerry Kate get them from you? Bob, anything under about an ounce I tossed back. Man, I can still remember the days at Rich Hill with the SD2000 and then with the SD2100. I've better keep that under my hat though. P.S. I would assume if I purchase Nugget Bob's patch map for $5,000 off of Ebay I could find a small fortune. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Guys, I've never been convinced by anyone that claimed to be a map or general dowser. Not that I don't believe it, but seeing someone actually prove something to me would be nice. I find it hard to believe someone is going to dowse for small gold nuggets, and if they can, why the hell would they tell anyone else. They should be rich by now and drinking mixed drinks on a remote Island. If I could dowse for gold nuggets I would be a rich man within a few months, maybe sooner! Not knocking the 3 cups, that is still 33.3% chance, which is actually still really high for probability. If the guy could dowse a single penny under like 10 cups I might be convinced if he done it multiple times. Seeing is believing… Rob Allison
  8. Hello Bob, Don't worry about my space, I have over 500MG still available! Feel free to post whatever you wish about your ventures. Hope to make it over that way this winter. Have detector, will travel. Rob Allison
  9. Hello Bob, I have experienced the same thing even with the Minelab PI's. My only explaination is the fact newly exposed soil, especially clays are much hotter. Older more exposed soils have weathered to some degree. Maybe someone has a technical answer for this? Bob, leave the GP at home, just bring the Bug. P.S. Talked with the claim owner that I referred you to. Sounds like the "Red Skins" are putting pressure on them. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Bob, I always look forward to your prospecting adventures. I hope you continue to keep us all updated on your adventures. Hopefully someday I can get over there and check out the area. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, I just got off the phone with a customer that is very interested in heading to Alaska next year since it's so easy to find big gold nuggets. Also the fact that "One Ounce" nuggets aren't really that big over there and kind of common. Ok, lets back up here a bit. In my opinion, and I know I will be challenged a bit, but hunting tailing piles requires less skill than hunting for undisturbed gold nuggets. Hunting tailings you just stay on the tailings and you have a chance. Also the fact that huge dredge(s) has done all the work for you. All the big gold that was once very deep, probably on bedrock is now laying in these rows of tailings piles fairly close to the surface. My partner Glenn found over 12 ounces at Moore Creek this year. He said it was the easiest nugget hunting of his life. He stated, "I just hunt hard, stay on the piles, look for fragments of bedrock and dig the trash and gold!" He even said he wished Arizona hunting was just as easy. Not taking any credit for the guys in Alaska that have had good success, but if I dropped you off in the middle of the Bradshaw Mountains and said go find a nugget, many would say, "Where should I start?" I don't know, you tell me ... When you're hunting for undisturbed gold nuggets you have to know where to start. This could be anywhere, the washes, the benches, the hillsides .... When I find old placer areas here in Arizona where the old-timers drywashed or screened the oversized off, the nuggets (if available) are easy pickings. Kind of like Alaska, but on a much smaller scale. Finding virgin gold nugget patches is a hell of a lot harder than finding gold in any tailings (wet or dry). Also, one ounce nuggets are very hard to find when you have to find them in the nature ground, undisturbed. However, you probably have the best shot at finding a big nugget in a tailing pile. Tell me your opinions… Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Today Leaverite and I headed out very early to hit a spot in the lower Bradshaw Mountain Range. It must have been 100% humidity today. Within just an hours time my T-Shirt was drenched in sweat. However, that didn't stop both of us in the search for that elusive yellow metal. We both hunted hard for about 5 hours digging iron rubbish, lead bullets, shell casings, copper nuggets and even some gold. I ended up with (7) gold nuggets and (2) small copper nuggets. Leaverite kept the skunk, but was able to say he found a nugget, copper that is. I think he jinxed himself when he found that 1+ ouncer in one of my old stomping ground. Another 100 small nuggets and we might be even. Pictured below are the gold nuggets. All the nuggets on the right are mine from today including the two top copper nuggets on the left. I was using the Minelab GP3500 and the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoil. Leaverite was using the GP3500 also, but the larger Coiltek Wallaby Mono Searchcoil. We did bump into a nice Diamondback Rattler earlier in the morning. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Pondmn, Good to hear Elly moved the date back on the new membership fee. I'm sure there will be 75-100 people waiting to hit the pushes that morning. It's going to be a mad house, since the majority of the people in the club are Minelab PI users. The interference among detectors will be so bad you will only probably hear a multi-ouncer on the surface! Jerry, just bring your VLF. Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, A customer called tonight asking about the 24 Karat Gold Hunters membership. What I might not have clarified is if you get in before Sept. 1st 2006 you're "Grandfathered in at the $275" fee for life. That means if you decide to join up for another year you would only pay $275 rather than $350. If you don't join before Sept. 1st you will have to pay $350 for the first year and $350 for every year after that. One nugget can easily pay for the membership! John - I'm actually taking classes for an Apprenticeship. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Doc, Remember when you ordered those really big ones that were slightly "U" shaped? They are bigger than the 1.5x1.5 ones. Those are the ones I'm talking about. Sold the last one to Grubstake's Uncle. Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Here is a post from I believe Tom Ennis that was posted on another forum - Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Guys, Working for a major Electric Company I have heard people can dowse for water, large cables and pipes. However, I have never personally seen it done. I've watches two so-called placer dowsers at work before and none of them found any gold. One owned a small placer operation at Rich Hill and stated he knew where the old channel was. However, my question to him was, "Why did you dig everywhere else besides the old channel area?" You would think since they owned large equipment and knew where the old channel was they would at least sample it, but they decided to dig 20-30 holes everywhere but the old channel ... Go figure .... Maybe all the good dowsers are keeping quiet since they have pockets full of gold! Rob Allison
  18. Hello Bob, Very possible to score a dink, or even a nice one. Rich Hill is just one big Granite boulder strewnfield. At least half the ground is covered by boulders, so you know if you could just move all the boulders a lot of gold would be found. I've done well over the years working with a small coil like the Coiltek Joey and crevicing around the rocks. I've never found any huge by doing this, but have found a handful of smaller nuggets under 1/4 ounce in size. About 4 years ago a friend from Bagdad found a nice 2.50 ounce solid gold nugget by crevicing. I must have walked around the spot a million times and never stuck the coil between those two rocks. I'm sure the pushes are going to expose some new gold. However, it might be tough will a hundred Minelab PI users interfering with each other! Probably best to let me check them out first and I will let everyone know which ones are the better ones. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, I just had to watch the video one more time since it's so touching to the heart. Trust me, there will be a time where this is very possible and at a much greater place than Earth. Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, Here is part of the email that Elly sent me - This should give you a better idea of her plans this season. I'm sure some nice gold will turn up. Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Bob, Elly just sent me an email ealier today. I thought she mentioned October for the pushes, but I could be wrong. They are going to do (5) pushes (200x200ft) to start with. Then every so often they are going to re-push those pushes until they are down to bedrock. If I also remember correctly the claims will be shut down before the pushes. I'm sure people will be watching people if you know what I mean ... I'm at school right now, will catch up with you later tonight. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Lotsa Luck, Very touching story. The LORD is smiling on them both. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Grubstake, You're very welcome! Hope that was the right super magnet your Uncle wanted. I believe that was my last one in stock. I'm not sure if Doc has those ones anymore ... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, I just wanted to let everyone know that might be interested in joining the "24 Karat Gold Hunters" club that the membership dues will be increasing to $350/year starting Sept. 1st 2006. You have just over a week to get in at the old membership price, which is $275/year. If you get in at the old price you're grandfathered in at that price per year if you decided to continue with the club. I must say I found enough gold on these claims to pay for a handful of memberships over the years. It's well worth the money if you're looking for claims that have produced big gold nuggets! I've seen them as big as 6-7 solid ounces come from these claims over the years. This year the club has some scheduled dozer pushes in line. I heard they are planning (5) pushes this season, so it should open up some good ground and some nice nuggets will be found. Rich Hill is one of those places where you can push ... push ... and push and keep finding gold. If you need more specific information I can give that to you later about the club. Just wanted to place a post up about the increasing membership dues before it's too late. I've known the owner a long time and thought I would help promote the club for this years prospecting season at Rich Hill. I'm not getting any kick-back for promoting the club, just doing this as a favor to help them get more memberships. Make sure you tell Elly you seen the information here or talked with Rob Allison @ Rob's Detector Sales. Here is the contact information if you're looking to join the club: 24 Karat Gold Hunters Elly Loften PO Box 1351 Congress, AZ 85332 1-928-427-0011 Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello 29Prospector, I have yet been up to RSC. Years ago Richard D. (Gramps) invited me up, but I was unable to make it. I heard it's a neat looking place and does have some gold. Thanks for sharing your story, Rob Allison