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  1. Link for USA gold import. .........Link......
  2. We need some candy shots. Note the moss and lichen on the dirty nugget in the second photo, that bit of candy is not for the mouth.πŸ˜€
  3. I found when a shallow lead is crossing a graded road it pays going 20 meter both way on the road. As a matter of interest my first ounce plus nugget was found on a sealed road. I was detecting down the bottom of a red surface patch that ended at the bitumen road. The surfacing had been flogged and a blade put over it before I got there. There was a strip about 10 ft wide running parallel with the road. It had a fair bit of junk on it but got dozen or so small nuggets. When I had done it to my satisfaction I decided to check the other side of the road to see if there was any virgin ground the earlier miners had left untouched. Before I got over the drainage gutter I got a can size beep (well it sound like that then) When I dug it up I was rewarded with my first nugget greater than an ounce, in fact my first multi ounce bit 4 ounces.
  4. My wife had a nickname one in the road. She filled her holes in the road however she heard a vehicle in the distant when we were in a remote spot. She got a bit of scrub/brush and swept the road with it to hide her activity from the intruders as the moister of the dug soil was visible.😁
  5. Particularly those yellow ones that you can bend with your teeth. Their value is greatly reduced if you do. πŸ˜€
  6. I guess some viewers will be disappointed. The present post at "detectorprospector" is extremely popular well presented and the photos and other's participations is well worth a look. I'm sure would you will enjoy it too, is that so Rob.
  7. I have found many nuggets I beat the 1 Oz. mark (after a lot of failures ) with a 4 Oz. bit and then a specimen with 7Β½ Oz of Au in a specimen the largest nugget found later was a SUN BAKER at 5Β½ Oz. solid bit later on I found a deep specimen over 2Β½ Kilos. that yielded 16+ Oz but once the fever sets in the target get higher and to make things hard my mate found a 96 Oz. solid nugget. At my age and what life throws at you I guess I will not get to the next target, but it will be fun trying and Midas smiles on some so who knows.
  8. In my day Garrett and Whites were the best until Minelab got into PI and remained in front ever since. If I was to get a new VLf detector I would not hesitate to get the 24 or any future combined tech VLF detector. I liked the Garrett's and the Wife liked the Whites both had their good features combined back in 1970 there would be little gold for PI after they had clean up the patches.
  9. Bob I with you 100%. The trouble with your design is that it is too sensitive. I found it hard to use on good gold ground as it had a problem deciding which nugget to lock on. Causing me to go left then right and so on. In areas away from gold it would get a good hit and had me walking for hours and still not get close to the target. However with my G-J (Gold minus Junk detector) detector it can be adjusted with an upper and lower limit to size of the gold that you are targeting. πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘
  10. AzNuggetBob this is the latest technology available of mine that I posted on Detector Prospector and I am willing to put it up against your model above 😁 Please please Steve don't shut them down I am trying to legitimize them with my new technology break thru. related to electron magnetic field that occurs 79 times a second when they align in a particular pattern. I know my price is high so the offer is not for sale but hire/rent of $7000 a week but it will need less time than ML GPX6000 to find both small and larger particles of gold. I have a built in chip that will only allow rental time before it shutdown requiring renewable rent to reset it. You may get an idea how it works by looking at the difference in the two diagrams of the electron below caught at different positions. Together, intelligent coding assistance and ergonomic design. The new G_J Model of Gold and Junk detector. Please do not rent or hire, with out checking it's write up on Detector Prospector about it's tuning and effectiveness by S.H. .......... πŸ€‘
  11. I could not read much of Juniex Post except for the reference to Viagra 25 mg so I guess that will make their rod/stick firmer for longer use. 🀣
  12. Nice find, I know how you feel. Back in my early VLF days I got a similar one that was about the same size and shape of a dice that busted the 1 ounce mark. I was thinking of painting the dots on it and calling it a weight diceπŸ˜€. Let hope you find it's mate.
  13. Started very early as a kid but started solo when I got my car licence back in 1966.