Next stop--ALASKA !!!

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Hello all,

I am back from taking dad on a trip to TN

We were going to try and find an old ring he lost but the people who lived there had plowed it all up diging around and had had numerous people there looking for Dad's treasure!!! lolol

Well, dad also came clean and told me him, mom, and a friend had gone out many times with their metal detectors they bought specifically to find the ring...

So the fun there was talking with the family and enjoying how the grown up kids remembered my dad.... one told us the story of how impressed he was to see my dad give a hog an injection--he had never seen an animal ( and maybe a person) ever get a shot--- that impressed him as a kid...

As usual the trip was the gold !!!

I go to Alaska Saturday and hope to dampen my thirst for gold soon!!!--- Crow Creek calls!!!!


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Been crazy. I was snowing 10 days ago, and two feet if snow at CrowCreek. Temps in the 70s and 80s last five days, creeks running high or looking as late snow melts off. Still will be snow patches at Crow Creek but they are going fast.

I am driving to Reno this weekend then flying back to Alaska mid-June to go detecting most if the summer. I have no idea what kind of summer we are shaping up to have weather-wise. The last couple sucked, and this one is off to a strange start so who knows. Just have to wait and see.

Good luck and have fun!

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Hello all,

I am back from taking dad on a trip to TN

We were going to try and find an old ring he lost but the people who lived there had plowed it all up diging around and had had numerous people there looking for Dad's treasure!!! lolol

Well, dad also came clean and told me him, mom, and a friend had gone out many times with their metal detectors they bought specifically to find the ring...

So the fun there was talking with the family and enjoying how the grown up kids remembered my dad.... one told us the story of how impressed he was to see my dad give a hog an injection--he had never seen an animal ( and maybe a person) ever get a shot--- that impressed him as a kid...

As usual the trip was the gold !!!

I go to Alaska Saturday and hope to dampen my thirst for gold soon!!!--- Crow Creek calls!!!!



Thats awsome that you were able to go back and make memories like that.

Good luck to you up in Alaska, you sure are one traveling prospector! :)

Tom H.

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Dang Paul it sounds like you are living your dreams. Good for you!

Is BB going to join you? Last I heard he was working a nozzle in parts unmentioned. You should take him along I'm beginning to think he's your good luck charm. Of course the fact he can dig like a badger doesn't hurt at all!

Have a great trip buddy. Stay out of the Cactus! :P

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Where the heck have you been????

I thought you found a mineshaft full of gold and dissapeared :)

Hope all is going god with you.

Tom H.

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Thanks everyone,, i will try to learn how to use my GoPro camera and post some good AK videos....

I have been getting everything packed and shipped to Ak------and getting stuff buttoned down here at Dads......

Leave 0650 tomrrow and arrive Anchorage at 15:29--- time to get my rent a car, go to the hotel and run down to Crow Creek!!!-----hahahaha---

well, maybe time to get the car get to the hotel and CRASH!

Hope to see you sometime Steve, ( i may stay up for 6 or 9 months)------ \\\Kelly ???where you been--- rehab????.\\\\..Clay---can you say "SNOW CACTI"--\\\\Tom had a great time with dad---\\\\Thx Frank!!!!

Time to get on some gold!!!!!!


God bless you all here and drink plenty of WATER!!! :excl:

I will have glacier

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Got my turdy five hundred and my GB2..... and a big case of the, "want to"---

Shovel/rake/pan/ on the list in AK---

The bazooka looks so neat on youtube.....just sling it on...Gotta be a catch????

So does the G1 highbanker????

So what to do,,??? I will go to CC and see what the others are doing.... snoop around a little--oops... i mean, do some research

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By Golly Clay.......

There ARE cacti in AK......

And i can you belive it, i found them the very first day!!!!


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Thanks Steve,

These vets are a little different than the rest of the country...

kinda have a different, e'sprit de corp, about them


You know the same feeling!


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