GPX 5000 iron reject questions...

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Hey all:
Well after my last outing at the lynx creek landfill....ive been thinking and have some questions about the iron reject on the 5000. I did find a nice chunky 1 grammer up there amid all the garbage and sitting right next to a bullet in a crack.

I didnt have my DD coil with me up there so I couldnt try it.

I know if the nugget has some iron stone attatched to it that it will blank it out like iron.....but ive yet to find a nugget like that in the areas I hunt.

I know, I know...dig all targets, but , when you only move about 4 feet in a hour of hunting and have a pocket full of nails, tin, bullets (I can deal with them) wire and other misc. mining have to do something to speed up the detecting.

Questions are....

Im guessing the 1-10 on the LCD screen is the sensitivity to how much its going to reject iron.

If you set it at 10 does it blank out all iron, or if the piece of iron/steel is very deteriorated does it still give a mellow signal as in fine gold?

Do you loose a lot of sensitivity detecting the nuggets if they are solid nugs?

Will it also blank out iron stone? Ive got a wash I had hit before but it was covered with ironstone.

Have any of you used the iron reject successfully?

If so, any tips or tricks?

Im going to do some testing in the field but until I can get out there I was thinking about these questions.

Tks all.
Tom H.

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Put some magnets on the bottom of your shoes Tom.

But then I would stick to the ground!

You smart eleK!

Tom H.

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The one time that I have use IRON REJECT on the GPX 5000 was once when I first got the detector. so I might be wrong with this. I was using the ML Commander 11 inch DD coil, I was hunting a tailing pile that was just loaded with nails! I couldn't swing a foot in either direction without getting a target. I turn the LCD read out up in steps to 4, before the detector would null out a response from a nail. I had the normal thresold buzz, but when I would pass over a nail instead of getting a deafening blast the detector thresold buzz would null out over the nail. I dug some larger trash that day afterware but no more nails. :) Unfortunately no Au either. :(

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Hey Tom,

What many don't know about the discrimination on the GPX 5000 is it actually work best in the "Fixed" mode over the "Tracking." Also, the level of discrimination is just that, if you have it set on 1 or 2 for example, the discrimination is very conservative and will normally only really "Blank out" on larger targets like nails, horseshoes and larger iron type targets. Smaller iron targets sounds normal until you're right on top of them. As you increase the level it seems like you get better discrimation on true iron targets, but you also have the chance to "blank out" specimen type gold (gold in ironstone or quartz).

I've had my best discrmination success with nuggets using a good VLF detector with an iron meter.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Hey Tom,

What many don't know about the discrimination on the GPX 5000 is it actually work best in the "Fixed" mode over the "Tracking." Also, the level of discrimination is just that, if you have it set on 1 or 2 for example, the discrimination is very conservative and will normally only really "Blank out" on larger targets like nails, horseshoes and larger iron type targets. Smaller iron targets sounds normal until you're right on top of them. As you increase the level it seems like you get better discrimation on true iron targets, but you also have the chance to "blank out" specimen type gold (gold in ironstone or quartz).

I've had my best discrmination success with nuggets using a good VLF detector with an iron meter.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

Tks for all the help.

I kind of figured the disc on the IRON mode was variable as to the size and such...

I only hunt in FIXED anyway.

Im going to do some testing next time I go out with some nugs and trash and try to zip it up so when I do get in a

high trash area I can at least go a foot or two without digging up some steel.

Like I said, fortuanatly.......ive yet to find a specie. Everything has been solid gold.

Not saying they are not there, but if I do start hitting some good gold....well, you know, I will slow it down, dig, scrape and poke :)

Tom H.

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Hey Tom,

In a place like Lynx or any other heavily infested trash area, it is worth the risk to run the Disc. The odds that you pass up a ironstone/gold nugget because it blanks out are slim to none unless the gold in that area is common to have Ironstone in it. I only have the 2200 but it responds about the same way I would presume when using disk mode.

My issue very often was that I would just about dig a target up before it would finally start blanking out. It frustrated the crap out of me , as I would just wind up digging the target up because of my proximity. On the bigger ferrous trash close to the surface or coil it was always accurate, and I could reasonably assume it was trash. The disc was never wrong btw.

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Hey Tom,

In a place like Lynx or any other heavily infested trash area, it is worth the risk to run the Disc. The odds that you pass up a ironstone/gold nugget because it blanks out are slim to none unless the gold in that area is common to have Ironstone in it. I only have the 2200 but it responds about the same way I would presume when using disk mode.

My issue very often was that I would just about dig a target up before it would finally start blanking out. It frustrated the crap out of me , as I would just wind up digging the target up because of my proximity. On the bigger ferrous trash close to the surface or coil it was always accurate, and I could reasonably assume it was trash. The disc was never wrong btw.

Thats what im thinking also.....

The area seems to be solid gold when it gives it up.

So.............Disc would not be dumbing me down so much.

When I was up there last weekend I finally started to just dig the mellow sounds. Turned up a lot of bullets that way :)

Oh yah...and a big honken 1 grammer!!!! :))))))))))))))))

The screamers were always junk.

Tks bud

Tom H.

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adam the problem I see with that theory is Lynx is loaded with lead bullets etc. and because lead is very hard to discriminate if not almost impossible in my opinion, it wont work. along the creek is so trashed with it and often they are concentrated together in the same crack or hole, you may as well dig them all.

Tom Lynx is a bad example for discrimination. AzNuggetBob

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adam the problem I see with that theory is Lynx is loaded with lead bullets etc. and because lead is very hard to discriminate if not almost impossible in my opinion, it wont work. along the creek is so trashed with it and often they are concentrated together in the same crack or hole, you may as well dig them all.

Tom Lynx is a bad example for discrimination. AzNuggetBob

Good point Bob, Non-ferrous trash is exempt in the disc mode......

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Ill use the Commander 10x5 DD in the high trash areas with the high trash setting. I've got a YouTube here.

Sent from my iPad

Perhaps the best advise is Rob's

Use a VLF, been seeing some great results with the little round coils on the GB. Pro and the xTerra's

Coiltek has just released a new 6" round for the Eureka and it should work on the older XT's also

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Did I tell ya about the kid I ran into up at Lynx that was sniping?.This was years ago I had all but given up trying to hunt

in the creek for all the trash. this kid showed me a bottle with about an ounce and a half of gold in it.

He would find cracks loaded with trash, bullets,nails,wire, tin, nuggets etc.with his cheapy metal detector.

He would only dig the cracks that hit with his detector (all metal mode)eliminating cracks that had already been recently sniped by others.

and rather than sit there and try to sort through all the trash with his detector, he would throw it in a bucket and pan all the material and pick out all the gold.

He had figured out a way to deal with all the trash,but this only works in the creek.If your hunting near one of the old mining camp sites you could try a magnetic rake.


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Thanks for the video. That helps :) Im going to be digging some ferrous until I understand how the sound is on it.

Yup, thats the way to do it! :) I sure wish you could use a vac. in the area. I use that method when im sampling to

drywash around LSD. Worked out pretty good last time. Have a nice little area I want to take the big DW into in a couple of months.


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