micro nugget

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Hey all:
Welp, Dad and I went out detecting today to backwards wash. Wanted to see if the monsoons had done any damage up there. There was some dirt moved...but not a lot.

I hit the wash again and didnt find anything and hit some other washes.....I got skunked today.

But! Dad found this little guy in a area that I had detected over a couple of times.

Yup, the 80 year old guy beat me today :)
Good day out and had fun.

Tom H.

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Hey Tom,

Great find for your Dad. Did he finding metal detecting or using another method?

Thanks for sharing,

Rob Allison

Hey Rob.

Yup....detecting with the GB pro and a 6 inch mono.

Thats got to be the smallest nug we have found so far.

Its paper thin.

Tom H.

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Hey Rob, I have a question for ye. This little nugget was on its edge in red shale. Tom detected over it several times and didnt get any indication on his 5000 (or maybe he just didn't reconize it). I was chasing what I thought was a hot rock but a little off pitch. When it went into the upright shale I didn't figure it for a hot rock as the shale was so close together. It really didn't sound off untill it was in the scoop. If the nugget is perpendicular to the coil and very thin is it harder to reconize a signal. I have had trouble in this wash before with the same scenario.

Old Tom

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  • Admin

Hey Old Tom,

Pieces that small are almost too small for a GPX 5000 and small coil to detect. These type of nuggets are perfect for the Goldbug series (Pro and GB2). The more surface area a searchcoil can hit on, the better the target. A nugget on edge is much harder to hear due to the smaller surface area than a nugget on the side (more surface area). I know exactly what you mean by "chasing a hot rock." I've pushed small nuggets like this around on bedrock, you almost need tweezers to recover them. When they are small, you have to be careful not to push them into a hole or down into a deeper crack.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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I got one the other day so small that I decided I needed to see how much it weighed (I have a very accurate scale). It calced up on the scale at 0.09 grains - roughly 5,200 pieces to the ounce. I am guessing your micro nugget is 4 or 5 times the size of the tiny one I got. I will try to post a pic of it. The nugget (if you can call a piece of gold that tallys up at less than one 5000th of an ounce a nugget) - was detected with a Gold Bug 2. I was beating up an area that has been well worked with GPX detectors, trying to pick up some of the stuff too little to see with the GPX.

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