Placer or Lode areas in Nevada

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You have to know the host rock of the lode mines. If the host rock is one that is comprised mostly of granite with quartz veins, then placer gold is probably nearby.

But if you get into a place like Eldorado Canyon, in Nelson Nevada, you will find that back in the 30's and earlier, literally millions upon millions of dollars of gold was mined. And not a single speck of it can be found with a metal detector.

The host rock was monzonite. A greyish rock with less than 5% quartz. The gold was trapped in this ore and it was microscopic gold. All the ore had to be crushed and then put into potassium cyanide leach pits to extract the gold.

So, it all depends on the host rock. You need quartz if you are looking for placer gold.


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Hello dqsantos,

I have to agree with what all the other members have stated.

First, Nevada is great State to chase nugget gold. It has a huge history of silver and gold. There are good books, publications and reports online that wil help in your research. There are many known goldfields that have been famous for gold nuggets, like the Rye Patch area.

I would suggest you research areas that have produced gold nuggets, at least sizeable enough (a few grains in size) that could be found by a good metal detector.

Many areas, such as some of the Carlin Deposits were known for micro type gold, which is not detectable. Even though the Carlin Trends produced millions of ounces of gold, a very small percentage, if any, was big enough to detect.

Research hardrock areas that have produced pocket type gold and areas that are known for gold nugget production in the past. Explore and branch out from these areas and you will eventually have some success. You success will depend on a lot of variables, but the more time in the field, hunting decent ground, using good equipment, having drive and determination, along with a bit of luck on your side you will find some gold.

Hope this helps a bit. Great to have you on the forums.

Rob Allison

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Hey Wes,

Great suggestion on the tires. I have personally been with friends that have blown several tires on a trip traveling the back roads in Nevada. When traveling the back country, extra of everything you can carry is suggestions as you might not see anyone for weeks and limited or no cell phone service. I also recommend a Sat Phone if you can afford one.

Rob Allison

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Rye Patch was my planned next stop. Be there Monday and Tuesday; can't wait. My copy of "Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada" came in the mail today along with several other books.



I was going to be there those days too but something came up. A group of my buddies will be there though. One of them is very experienced and may be able to help you out. They'll be camped near the southern end at the Jim Williams memorial. Tell them Digger Bob sent you.

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Many placer deposits are born from lode deposits. Both types can be found in the same areas.

Buy Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada by Maureen Johnson .....Do some research

I have to agree with Adam on this one. but I want to say Rye is almost like Rich Hill, just when you think its done, beat to death, it keeps on giving. AzNuggetBob

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Sensitive extra or sharp, use the mono.

IMHO this is the best time of the year to hunt NorNV, the ground is dry and the weather is perfect.

I stopped in and got the lay of the land but only had a couple hours to hunt with no luck. But I was running in normal and fine gold.

i will be back in about a week with a couple days to work after I pass through Joshua Tree CA and the Grand Canyon.

Any spots I should check out on the way from the Grand Canyon to Rye Patch?

Oh, and I was thinking about a bigger coil.

thoughts on which one; Coiltek Blitz or a larger elliptical 18X12 or so (unless round would be better)

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