New bush guard

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Well, after wiping out two front turn signals and a headlight from going up Arizona washes where I really probably shouldnt be going.....I decided to gather up all my scrap metal around the workshop and make something. :)
WHALA!.......bush guard :)
This aught to keep those nasty branches off me truck.

Tom H.

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I agree Very Nice guard.

But Tom Az. pinstiping is a well earned badge of honor. :spank::lol: AzNuggetBob

Got sliders on the sides already.

Will try and put some AZ pinstriping on it in the next few weekends :)

Tom H.

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Hey AZNuggetBob,

I agree with you. I was just razzing Tom a bit, but I think he has the right idea for hunting for gold.

Ahhh.....its all dead stuff im knocking out of the way in those washes.

But, a 1" dead branch can do a little damage on the front end.

Me thinks this will take care of that though :)

Tom H.

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