GPPA/LDMA management team must be smoking ganja weed!

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Lets here it for GPPA/LDMA organization...I am a member of LDMA (Lost Duchmans Mining Association) I received a letter recently that stated, even though I am current on all my payments, I will only receive my membership card for 2014 when I send in a copy of a government issued ID with photo.

The organization claims, that they need this information to verify that the person coming onto the claims and the mining camps is the member. Now those of us who use GPPA/LDMA properties to prospect on, know that internet access is sparse if non-existent out in the field...even at the LDMA camps. Therefore what good is it to have my ID with photo back in the Home office in California? It doesn't make any sense and we have not really received any valid logical reasons as to why we have to provide sensitive information that could and can be used in identity theft. I doubt that GPAA/LDMA has the IT resources or the technical staff to protect their data files from hacker piracy! Hell ADOBE couldn't prevent a record theft that recently took place where millions of customer records were stolen including the passwords to the database and credit card information. I got an email from ADOBE advising me that I needed to change my pass codes. Even though that would not protect me from the potential of ID theft that had already occurred.

So I got to hand it to you GPAA/LDMA...your popularity is falling like the popularity of Congress and the White House and OBAMACARE!

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

I'm not saying the GPAA/LDAA is not a great organization, but in my opinion it ain't what it used to be when the "Buzzard" was running it. The GPAA is now commercialized like all other big companies and organizations. They have taken away the personal relationship with the members, which was huge when the Buzzard was still around.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

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I got the same letter. It talks about a "disruption of service" (or some such verbage). First of all we have a written CONTRACT!!! Not to mention that in the years I was paying for my membership they never ONCE asked me for anything EXCEPT money. The way I feel now if they wanted to refund my money I would anxiously await the check and sever ties with them. Not for the act but for the arrogance displayed. As for the club being run different by the Buzzard you are RIGHT ON!!! Remember when he passed? Miss Wilma still ruled the roost in a good and solid way. When she passed the club went all to Tom and new faces started showing up with wierd ideas. Kinda like a graduating class from some third rate business school. It would seem that all the bozos that didn't get hired by obama signed on with the GPAA.

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Hi seeker

I'd say your right we need passports anyway. The sad part is at the rate we going we'll need one to go from state to state. When they come to take your guns they'll take your detectors to make sure you can't detect on state and park land like it is already in Texas.


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Hey, tell them you will send them a picture of yourself and they can make the ID themselves. Then obviously, only the person with the LDMA ID with the matching picture can be identified as belonging on their claims. Put it back on them.


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