Nugget patch étiquette

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First rule of detecting with a partner or friend, always discuss and mutually agree on the split if any before arriving at the site, period. even if you have hunted together many times before, always and I mean always define the split beforehand. That includes rules of return hunting to people you invite to your private patch.

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Why would there be a split while nugget hunting? Sounds like a bunch of greed , Paranoia & jealousy........If anyone with me found a nugget like that, I would be very happy for them ,and continue hunting. Many Dry washing trips however, when there is mutual work for a combined effort cleanup, there will be a split of all the detected ( placered ) nuggets and the fine gold from dry washing.

You repeated the word " unclaimed" .... the situation and result should be the same regardless if the property is claimed or un- claimed

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i agree adam......

If i Invite Someone i dont expect him/her to be "working" for my gain....

On The Other Hand. if you Invite Me To hunt with you and i find a gollywhomper....the least i would do is buy you the biggest steak dinner you could eat..... if you dont eat meat, Then i would buy you a big

in other words, i would give tribute.......and who knows, i may buy you supper and gas just for having me along ...period....

qits only good manners if someone has been good enough to invite you to their known patch..

i may get a return invite that way....too


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Having seen and experienced the "good, the bad and the ugly" in nugget hunting I would make sure we agreed on what would happen if one of us found a thumper. Gold does some seriously strange things to some people who you would never expect it to! I once found an area with a guy and got some gold. Back at home he later said he had to go back interstate to take care of a few things. Being the person I am/was, I said no worries do your thing and when you get back we will go again and work it. A week later he's back and we head off to the spot. Just before we get there he says how we should try another area. I said "what are you nuts, we haven't finished that spot from last week!" He went funny and when we got there he walked in another direction. The alarm bells went off in my head and as I got through the scrub to the spot there were holes everywhere! This was a not easy to find spot. To cut it short he had not gone back interstate at all. He'd spent the week flogging the area.

Another guy I went out with I asked what he would like to do, share or keep?, he said keep, I said are you sure, he said yes we keep what we find. He went one side of a hill, I went the other. By lunch time I had a 2 grammer and a half grammer. When I showed him he said, seriously not mucking around, "great, we have some gold, how much do I get?" I knew he was serious and reminded him of what he had chosen. He got dirty one me and huffed off to detect. At the days end I didn't show him the 1/2 oz bit I had in my pocket that I got after lunch and never went out with him again.

Then there's the stories of other guys I know and what happened to them, I could write a book, "Gold & Greed".

I have had some good experiences too but beware the "gold greed bug!"

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Did you ever watch Treasure Of The Sierra Madre? Its an old classic, Humpry Bogart.....I watch it once a year just to see his character go Greedy and Nutz..over gold Hey on a serious note. Yes if hunting on unclaimed land..and your good far as I am concerned...who ever finds the gold ..keeps it.. If your invited to private property and you made an agreement of split...abide by your word..simple. If you find your partner goes greedy and makes a fuss.. I would not go out with them. Or it becomes one of those end of the day things..where no one finds one... ;)

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Well this is a touchy subject for someone that has been burned a handful of times. For the most part, if you're exploring new country and you both are contributing to the hunt the same, most just keep what they find and show the other person.

However, when it's a patch or area you have discovered gold in already, then it can be different. Many can get the "gold fever" and the friendship, help or whatever you have done for the other person can change quickly. I couldn't tell you how many times I have taken someone out to a spot, shown them right where the gold was being found and come back and the area was hammered to death. Even though it's not my claim, there should be some respect to showing your finds and asking to return on someone else's discovered area. I have had areas dug up, bushes and trees uprooted and even rock turned over in hopes of a guy finding a few nuggets missed.

When it comes to patches or known gold areas you have discovered, it wouldn't hurt to lay down the rules. If you don't want someone there, you just don't invite them. If you decided you want to invite someone, then you might discuss any details on the detecting prior to letting the person set foot on the spot. I can tell you, if you don't, there will be problems. It might not be so much the person finding a big nugget you missed, but rather the person bring in others, who tell others and before you know it the area is now well known and being hammered to death. Nugget locations are not easy to find, at least good ones, so you need to but thought into it.

I recommend finding one or two good hunting partners that are on the same page, then you have no worries.

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Ah.... Trust !!! Webster's 9th; Trust 1. a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. It is a word that should have Integrity in it's definition. Integrity 1 : an unimpaired condition. I don't have an experience to share as far as a nugget patch goes, but being a refiner at one point in my career, I have definitely seen the affects that gold has on some people. I have seen mill mechanics go goo-goo over silver scale that balled up into a little BB size silver beads when they cut into Electrowinning piping to replace it. Its crazy...

I have a(one) partner-- my wife. I wish I could find someone to hunt with when she is busy but the thought of dealing with greed, has kept me from pursuing it. I have close friends that have a key to our house, now if I could only get them interested in detecting, I'd have it made. . . :P

I agree with the most important "First rule of detecting with a partner or friend" stated above. However the discussion goes,(split or no-split) it should be done in MHO before the road trip begins. In my mind, splitting has nothing to do with greed,paranoia or jealousy ... but in fact camaraderie, partnership and memories. Differences of opinions make the world go round...

Best of luck on your hunt....

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When it comes to patches or known gold areas you have discovered, it wouldn't hurt to lay down the rules.

Some great input so far... thank you gentlemen. Here's where I'm at...

I've been on these boards for a few years now. Due to various other hobbies and interests, I've never really gotten serious about prospecting for gold. As an avid dirt biker, I've ridden just about every trail and non-trail in the Bradshaws. Each time I'm out riding with my buddies, I always comment to them (due to many hours of research on my part) on the history of the area, and the amount of gold and other minerals that have been found in the areas we like to ride. I've sold all my street bikes, and have slowed down on my dirt bike and off road riding, so now it's time to get serious about my gold prospecting hobby/business.

I've already told all my buddies about my intentions, and let them know if they wish to come out and help me either detect, dry wash, or dig, that I'd do a 60/40 split with them on what ever we find. I will provide transportation (if they don't already have a dirt bike, quad, or UTV) to the location, give them training on using the detectors, provide all tools, lunch, drinks, snacks, etc.

Concerning any greed, or the potential for claim/patch jumping, or them blabbing to any of their friends, I'm not too worried about it, as both my prospects aren't exactly user friendly for the average Joe to access. Here's one of the trails to one of my locations, and the other trail to the other location is similar in nature. To get to each location we have to go through 2-3 miles of this... and that's after several miles of taking other trails that aren't all that much better. As you can see it's a ton of fun... but that's what prospecting is all about... right? ;)

So what do you guys think? Is this a fair arrangement?

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Yeah had the people take others to the spot too. Took an old bloke to a place once. I had no probs with him going back alone, I told him that. Also told him to keep it to himself. Well, he went back and found a 6 ouncer. Good on him, I had told him no worries going there, not like I owned the place or anything. But before he told me about the find he told every vulture in the district where it was! Hammered does not even begin to describe how the place looked when I went and had a look. Raked, dug and wiped out! I don't tell a soul where I get my gold now. Burnt, yeah I hear you there Rob!!

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I agree Rob and Roo
Me personly I say you keep what you find, my patch or yours. really cuts down on all the splitting up the gold BS. If you get invited into a patch dont bring in your friends later! without permission.. Big misstake.happened to me to Rob, too many times.
If you do I guarentee I'll will never invite you again. Thats how patches get thrashed and some cases all permission revoked by the owners. I had owners tell me dont tear the place up!

If the land owner does't have a POO or reclemation bond on the BLM or state claims, what ever the case may be doesn't like it, it can result in big fines for both you and the claim owner(s).
(eye in the sky)

I have taken a lot of people into new patches.
good example.
When I found the three pound patch out by RH I took a friend the next day and he found about seven oz's, cool!
I found a lot more but that was only because I could dig and recover the nuggets faster than him. :P:D

we actully started passing up small targets for the larger ones, digging lots of holes. I have never dug so many holes in one day in all my life, very little trash. BTW Unclaimed Patch. the day after that we agreed to invite another mutual friend, he was new at hunting gold nuggets but not detecting and he found about three oz,s. We all had a blast! a lifetime of memories. we are still solid friends to this day and we share patches.

In some cases I have asked for permission on private claims and the owners dont even want a percentage. they just say show me what you find, and were you found it. ok works for me and them too. take care guys, AzNuggetbob

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Oh forgot to mention Kyle, The patch, it was right next to the road, at first then we realized it ran through the road and down to the creek. But I agree a folding lightweight detector in most cases will come in handy. Im looking forward to the Minelab 2300 too. AzNuggetbob

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Yes, I very rarly hunt with anyone and most everywhere I hunt are patches that I researched and found and no one else has hunted... I did make a mistake of taking a relative nubie under my wing a while back and told him this was my "Living Room" but he was welcome to take a shot at it one time and even described the minerology to look for ... Next thing I knew he was hunting it like a day job, 8 to 5, every freaking day, and completely cleaned out patches I had spent years researching ... Lots of nice nuggets and meteorites and then bringing his buddies into the patches too ... What once was faint tracks into patches now are rutted traIls ... On one hand, I try to tell myself he didn't realize how badly he had breached prospecting etiquette , but in the course of it all, he did some other things that were just downright not right, violating some archeologic sites, etc. ... Anyhow, that's why I don't hunt with others except very trusted and proven friends... OK, vented, all better now ... Cheers, Unc

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Sheesh, everyone's experiences are like the ones Iv had. Guess people are the same the world over huh! I too fell for a "newbie" helping hand once Ron. I thought "poor guy, ill show him around a bit to help him out". Yeah right, he told me he was new to it and didn't know what to do, but after I had fallen for it all I got talking to a bloke who had known him in the areas for years, detecting. Reckon I saw red or what!?

Hey Bob. That sounded like a dream patch, passing over the small to get the bigger. :blink: Yeah it sure sounded like you had a blast to me too!

Good stuff indeed! Im still hoping to find one like that. One day maybe.

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Thats what i'm talking about,,,,,

I like give back in some i said before-------because i wouldnt have been able to even hunt most of the places i do if someone else hadnt given me the opportunity..

When invited,,, I just have to remember not to be an idiot and post up pictures on FB or forums,,,, hahaha, ,,,,

i have done that by mistake AND have endured the WRATH !!!!!-----for the newbie mistakes,,,,lolol

i would never have thought how many people watch us ,,to get an edge on where to hunt,,,, amazing....

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  • 2 weeks later...

You invite me to your "claimed" patch my rule is always to show you the gold I found and give it to you. I'm not there for the gold I'm there for the friendship and fun. I consider it an honor to be invited to someone's claim.

Rob, knows this. The times I have received an invite from him to hunt his claim I have always tried to give him the gold I found. Of course, Rob has always refused and told me to put it in my pocket.

Now, if it is an unclaimed patch, it depends. If this is a brand new patch, then of course I would want to have an understanding with the guy who found the patch, I'm not their to raid his patch. And truthfully, if he wants any gold I find it's his. To me the thrill is finding the gold and building my knowledge base of trying to figure out how it got distributed and from where.

But that is never the kind of unclaimed patch I am invited to. I am invited to the patch that someone has worked to death and hasn't found anything for past 6 months. "Yeah I found a 4 penny weight nugget there, and a handful of 1 grammers over there, and 14 nuggets in this gully." Well what this means is in order for me to find anything, it's going to take a lot of work, bigger coil, smaller coil, really going slow, trying to find the one that the person who invited me didn't have the patience to work hard to find.

I have invited people to patches like that, and I tell them straight out, I have worked this to death and I can't find anything else but I'm not infallible so have at it and if you find something it's yours to keep because I can't find anything else.

To me it's all about the GOLD; but not the nuggets! The Gold I treasure and value are the friendships I have formed over the years.

Great friends are more precious and rare than a chunk of yellow metal. I can always find another nugget, you can't always find good friends that easily.

Merry Christmas


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Last summer I was invited by a gentleman to hunt a patch with him that he had pulled some 37+ dinks out of. I did not know the guy. He was a good friend of one of my really close friends (I know, it's kinda confusing). Anyway, we showed up and started hunting and at the end of the day he had pulled a little over 4 grams out of the area and I had a piece so small that my scale wouldn't even acknowledge it. He asked me how much of his I wanted us to split and I looked at him like he was crazy. I told him that he was the one that did all the swinging and digging for those pieces and there was NO WAY that I was going to take any of his gold that he had found. At that point he told me that I was welcome to return to that area at anytime (and bring one person...our now mutual friend) to hunt with no worries. We left the spot and I took him to lunch.

I saw him again about 2 months later and he asked why I hadn't been back to the spot. He could tell I hadn't been because there were no new digs or any other activity out there. I told him that it was not right for me to go there and hunt without him...even with his blessing. To me it is just like this: If I work for a company, and you are a friend and need a job, and I get you a job there, too, I do not expect you to give me half of your paycheck on payday! Or if you ask me where the best place is to buy a lottery ticket and you win with that purchase I don't deserve anything for it. If you are the one walking, swinging, picking, and digging and you find something...FANTASTIC!!! It is YOURS because YOU worked for it.

On a side note: How would you "split" a nugget find anyway? I've never been in a situation to have to do it, so I'm curious how it is done. Say you find a 6 ouncer! Do you actually split the nugget itself? Or do you sell the nugget and split the money? I hear that big nuggets are more valuable in their natural form, so wouldn't cutting a big nugget to split it decrease its value?

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Last summer I was invited by a gentleman to hunt a patch with him that he had pulled some 37+ dinks out of. I did not know the guy. He was a good friend of one of my really close friends (I know, it's kinda confusing). Anyway, we showed up and started hunting and at the end of the day he had pulled a little over 4 grams out of the area and I had a piece so small that my scale wouldn't even acknowledge it. He asked me how much of his I wanted us to split and I looked at him like he was crazy. I told him that he was the one that did all the swinging and digging for those pieces and there was NO WAY that I was going to take any of his gold that he had found. At that point he told me that I was welcome to return to that area at anytime (and bring one person...our now mutual friend) to hunt with no worries. We left the spot and I took him to lunch.

I saw him again about 2 months later and he asked why I hadn't been back to the spot. He could tell I hadn't been because there were no new digs or any other activity out there. I told him that it was not right for me to go there and hunt without him...even with his blessing. To me it is just like this: If I work for a company, and you are a friend and need a job, and I get you a job there, too, I do not expect you to give me half of your paycheck on payday! Or if you ask me where the best place is to buy a lottery ticket and you win with that purchase I don't deserve anything for it. If you are the one walking, swinging, picking, and digging and you find something...FANTASTIC!!! It is YOURS because YOU worked for it.

On a side note: How would you "split" a nugget find anyway? I've never been in a situation to have to do it, so I'm curious how it is done. Say you find a 6 ouncer! Do you actually split the nugget itself? Or do you sell the nugget and split the money? I hear that big nuggets are more valuable in their natural form, so wouldn't cutting a big nugget to split it decrease its value?

Chris you're my kinda' man. Same way I am. Someone invites me to a patch, claimed or not, unless I am invited again you will never find me there.

I ran into a buddy of mine, Ray Flannagan. He was in this gully. I said Ray how ya' doin'. He said I got a hot one, I've got 9 nuggets so far out of this one gully. Now Ray knew he could tell me that because he knew his secret was safe with me.

About 2 months later, he said, hey Doc, you know that gully. I said the one you were doing so good in? He said well I ended up with about 20 pieces out of there and I got it all cleaned out. So if you want to take a shot at it, go ahead, I left some good pieces of trash in there for ya', as he chuckled.

So with his blessing I ran the gully and scored a couple little pieces he missed, but until he gave me the go ahead as far as I was concerned it was sacred ground.

Merry Christmas Chris,


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Merry Christmas to you as well, my friend! I am glad we think alike. I am still looking forward to hunting with you some time. I will be in to see you in February per our discussion. And if I had a secret patch I would let you hunt it for sure. ;-)

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Hi Chris. If we agreed to a split it would be either sell it and split the money or one would buy the others share. Yeah cutting up a nugget would make it scrap value. Though I saw a video once of guys in the Sudan chopping up a huge nugget on an anvil, almost made me cry :wacko:

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