Got out today and got some gold

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Hey all:
Welp, got out today with dad and Boulderdash. It was great detecting weather and tons of fun.

We get to the spot and im helping dad get ready so BD goes out and not 15 feet from the truck starts popping nuggets! ARG!!! :)

So, we went farther up the wash and didnt find anything. BD went back to the area were dad was and then I started hitting the nugs.

Big one was about 8 inched down with a reverse signal. Thought for sure it was trash..but it twernt.

The smaller ones were downstream about every 3 feet. Sure is fun when your in a no trash area and your getting signals.
I detected farther upstream and down to the main wash. Went back to the truck and told BD it was good GB2 area. Gave him my GPS were I marked the gold at and he went back up to it.

Lo and behold he goes farther upstream and starts finding gold! That big one was a sunbaker...unreal.

Mines on the left at 3 grams and BD is on the right at 1.6 grams.

Great day out with dad and a friend and the good Lord blessed us with gold.

Cant ask for much more then that. :)

Will be going back in and PI ing much farther upstream in a week or so.
Tom H.

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I was using a 9x14 mono on a 5000

Boulderdash was using a GB2 with a 6 inch eliptical.

Tom H.

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Tom also forgot to mention that I hit the same spot with the bug. I started at the bottom and went so slow moved rocks chased every sound and did not get even one target. That 5000 did a very good job..

Hopefully...its going to do another good job in about 8 hrs from now! :)

GOING IN!!!! Wish me luck :)

Tom H.

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