Another Shipment of Garrett ATX Metal Detectors Arrived

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Just a heads up, as it's been very difficult for us to keep the Garrett ATX metal detectors in stock. We just received another good batch of them this week. We don't expect to have them in stock long, so if you or anyone else is looking, we have them currently in stock and selling for $2120.75, which also includes free Shipping, Insurance and Training.

How to purchase -

Online store -

Phone orders - 623.362.1459

Questions, use this forum post or email us at -


Rob Allison

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Looks like Garrett has a hit in their hands. I have my gripes about the unit but they are more about things like the weight, not about how it performs. The bottom line is it performs very well at a very affordable price. Nice thing about not spending a lot is it is easier to break even. My ATX has now officially paid for itself. Hard to not like that!

It does not look like a unit you stamp out quickly on a production line so it may be very hard for Garrett to keep up with any sort of serious demand. Supplies may be limited for quite some time.

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You said training now is this the same like the GPX in the field ? Now do you think you will do the same when the SDC 2300 comes out ? You know like training in the field.

I know I may be putting words in your mouth but I like what I've said and hope you do too.

Chuck Anders

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  • Admin

Hey Chuck,

That is correct. We are offering the same type of training on the Garrett ATX or new SDC 2300 in the field. This is only right now for detector purchases through us. We are swamped with field instructions from customer purchasing elsewhere, so right now I'm going to keep the ATX and SDC training on detectors from Rob's Detector Sales.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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I don't think anyone anywhere could find a better deal than that. Now it's just down to what detector you want when the SDC 2300 comes on line and what the buy is willing to spend.

The buyer will be waiting to hear from you after you have done a field test on both. Like always in the past Rob's detector sales stands alone at the top offering service above all other dealers.

Chuck Anders

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