New coil for the 5000 called IDL

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Hey Chuck,

I think you're talking about the PulseMate coil if I'm correct. Don't know anyone using them. They could be great, I know they had a rocky start with coils, but I heard they are much better.

Searchcoil market is a touch one as there are many companies making coils beyond the known and highly recognized ones such as Minelab, Coiltek and Nuggetfinder.

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Yes Rob your right. One video shows a test in the field detecting a nugget and the other is a static test. They do call it a dual field coil but it's not open like the ATX and TDI coils.

I guess a lot of money is to be made in selling coils. That's why everyone is wanting to jump on the ban wagon. It's so many great coils out there now and this one will have to prove it's worth to make a dent in the market.


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Hey Chuck,

Competition is always good, as it keep the price down on most products not allowing one manufacture to own and control the market. That being said, making money off coils is not 100% accurate. When there was one aftermarket company making coils, the profit margins were much higher for dealers. Now with many searchcoil makers, they are all fighting to have the best coils, allowing prices to drop and that also reflects a bit portion of our profits as dealers. Unless you're moving 1,000's of coils, there is small profits in searchcoil sales in my opinion.

What you want to look for in a searchcoil purchase is the following -

  • Not the hype on the forums, but rather proof of the performance. Keep in mind, a one or two time use don't show the long term durability of a coil.
  • Reliability, customer service and most importantly the warranty. Most Searchcoils warranties are 2 years. When you see a 2 year warranty on a product, especially a product we all know we bang around, drop, and whatever else, 2 years is huge in my book!
  • If you have a warranty issue, can you get a coil quickly as a replacement or do you have to wait for one to arrive from Australia or to be made? I've seen customers wait months for a warranty replacement coil, not good business in my eyes!

Just some fact to know when purchasing a coil for any manufacture. Do you do-diligence and make sure you're purchasing the right coil, not just reading into the hype of someone selling it.

That being said, I'm always looking to see new products hit the market and wishing them the best of success in all marketplaces.

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If I want to buy a coil I'm going to get it from you. The main reason I can call you and get help in one form are another.

I wish GPX 5000 had any competition if it would help to lower the price. I know we have some good mid-range detector but being that isn't competition.

What can you say but some got it and others got to go get it.

Chuck Anders

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  • 3 weeks later...

What isn't made these days for a fraction of the retail price? Have a look at fishing lures! They are no more intricate or complex than a toy you would get in a cereal box or a Kinder Surprise and yet sell for the equivalent of 1 to 2 hours wages, some more! :lol:

Take though for example Nugget Finder coils. They are not exactly made in just a few minutes and there are factory costs, wages and materials that come into play. I know the guy well and have been in the factory a number of times. He'd be running backwards selling them for just 50 bucks :lol:

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Roo.........just a word of advise.....dont answer the guy that posted above you :) only gets worse!

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:lol: I know, and I keep thinking that and then... you know, the train wreck thing, shouldn't look but find yourself doing it. :lol:

Hey........and anyway, shouldnt you be out hunting over there? It should be starting to cool off. Starting to warm up over here.

Still go out in the summer when I find a day its going to be below 100F before noon. That way we can get in about 5 hrs of hunting till we dehydrated and give up :) Soothes the itch.

Tom H.

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I'm thinking the competition is due to be elimitated. Think Coiltek is budding up with Minelad and the new big machines will be like the smaller machines with the frequency in the coil and only available from Minelab and Coiltek because of patent rights. It would be a smart move on Minelabs part but time will tell.

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Im going to say it up front. KE you have no idea what it takes to start a small successful company. after market companies like Coiltek don't make large quantities. ordering small quantities of prefab supplies is very expensive, like specialized coil wire or even the overhead paying people in R and D and apparently you haven't priced lot wire lately.and advertising costs. not to mention having molds made for the coil housings,epoxies, custom cables and that they are hand made, the time and money they spend to help stop fakes and they have a warranty.. you don't find these in chinese knock off"s AzNuggetBob

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NuggetBob, your absolutely right about that. I have tinkered around with building a few things to sell (much simpler than a coil) and am always surprised how many different costs come into play before its all said and done. The "victims" of high prices have usually never run a business or have any idea how many total costs there are between an idea and actually putting a working product in someones hands. Plus, a detector coil is not like a television, you can make the best coil in the world and your not going to sell 10 million of them, its still a niche market. If Sony makes the best TV, they will sell 10 million of them so profit per unit can be much less. Most people with some common sense know this...

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Hey Allen,

You hit the nail "Right on the Head!" We will see what happens in the future, but aftermarket coil companies might be in trouble if they decide to "chip" the coils to eliminate counterfeits and such. Coiltek is building coils specifically for Minelab and I doubt they are going to let another company get a piece of that pie.

Just my thoughts,

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