Indian Metate Found and Interesting Gila Monster's Teeth

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Hello All,

Out detecting for gold nuggets today I ran across this Indian Metate laying on the ground. It was up out of the wash bottom and just happened to look to my left and seen it.

A metate (or mealing stone) is a mortar, a ground stone tool used for processing grain and seeds. In traditional Mesoamerican culture, metates were typically used by women who would grind calcified maize and other organic materials during food preparation (e.g., making tortillas).

Under a protection law, these type of artifacts are not to be removed. After looking around a bit, I discovered two small drawings on the rocks not far away.

Even though I didn't find any gold nuggets, plenty of bullets, this find was much more valuable to me. I search all over for the grinding stone (Mano), but was unable to find it.

indianstone2 (640x480).jpg


Out exploring today I ran across this dead Gila Monster in the bottom of a wash bottom. I see a lot of people messing with these Lizards, not really understanding the teeth and jaw power they possess. Take a gander at the razor sharp teeth in the second picture. Now you want those clamped down on your fingers or hand?

The poisonous venom from the Gila Monster is very similar to the Coral Snake. That being said, there hasn't been a recorded death from an Adult that I could find on the Internet.

If you seen one in the wild, take pictures, watch it, but then leave it alone.


I have been updating my Facebook page more often then the forums. If you get a chance, "Like" our "Rob's Detector Sales" Facebook page and see more updated information.

Hope you enjoyed.

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Pretty cool finds Rob.

Got to give it to you for getting out there in the heat!
Dont be fooled by the live Gila monsters....they look fat and sluggish

but can move incredibly fast for short distances. Found that out as a kid :)
Tom H.

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Rob, it is unlikely that the original owner left that metate that way. Usually they would turn the stone over so the user side stayed clean and it would just look like any other rock in the area. Most likely, someone moved it and then decided it was too heavy to carry out...

Nice finds


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