Five from the river

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well it was just a beautiful day for a long rugged hike down through the river claims, I managed to score my first nugget in a side drainage next to the spot I park the quad, but after that it was several hours of rugged climbing and hiking and tons of trash until I sat down and came up with a new plan. I don't know how many of you have noticed how we tend to re-hunt an area the same way over and over, I started remembering running my coil into the same spots that I had hit over the last few years, so I had to make a conscious effort to swing my coil into spots that would be second or third choices and to turn the could onto its side along small ridges and above all else, SLOW DOWN, it worked out well because I pulled four nuggets out after I changed methods in an area that has been hit fairly

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Good advise Glenn:
Nice looking gold :)

In the past ive been into some pretty unlikely looking spots and gotten gold out of it.

One was a little side trib about 60 yards long, ended in a box canyon. But, there was a .625 oz. slug sitting in it..go figure

Glad I wasn't the only one out enjoying the weather!
GL to you.

Tom H.

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That's cool, Glenn... I've noticed that too over the years ... It's hard to force your brain into a new pattern on a spot you've hammered to death and convinced yourself you have it completely covered .... I have a spot that I beat to death and was rewarded with many lots of nice nuggets ... Then they stopped and I made 10 hunts with nothing... No trash, no nuggets, no nothing ... So I took a break from the spot, explored others for a few weeks then went back ... Literally 5 minutes into the hunt, which I approached from about 200 degrees different approach than I had ever used before, well, bodacious half ouncer in the midst of some spanish dagger and chollas and a small tight cat's claw ... boom shakalaka! ... Different direction, different attitude ... Also a pic of a bunch of nuggies off that same ridge ... Cheers, Unc






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Nice collection Ron! And your advice as well as Glenn's is right on ... One would think a cleaned out patch is a cleaned out patch ... BUT ... there is always something hiding in an area you didn't cover the first or tenth time through .. directional changes do open new area in the same patch ... we just never cover it all!

Mike F

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Here's a pic of a few I have taken out of San Domingo area including my first one ouncer, I had the jeweler put hooks on them but the big one kept breaking chains, I have found three over an ounce in that area, the big ones seem to run alone for some reasonpost-121-0-97085900-1415154977_thumb.jpg

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