2 for 3.5 grams

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Hey all:
Welp, got out today with Arctic Dave and went back in the LSD area to a spot he has had his eye on.

Hes got a good eye! :) First wash was devoid of gold, second wash I found the flat one about 4 inches deep on cemented gravel bedrock. Well, as usual, slow down detect all around...nutten. Start back up the wash and about 50 yards up I get another one on the side of the wash. That's it..got to get Dave over here.

Get back to the truck and hes down in a wash playing in the dirt mumbling something about testing dirt?

Well, we get back over to the spot I found the last one and let him scoot on up the wash. Ill be danged if that was it. :( Bummer.

Well, it opened up a whole large area for him to go back to for sure.

Called it quits around 1 as the wind had stopped and our water was getting light.

Great day out with a friend and the good Lord blessed me with some gold!....had a blast


Tom H.


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Oh no....my cover is blown... Better re-camo my yoto!

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Thanks all:
Got to say, after I found those nugs, I went off a side wash and it was brutal.

Had to hook the coil, use the pick and pull myself up a lot. Detect a small area and do it again.

Crazy steep and choked with my favorite plant.....cats claw! oooooo how I love that plant.

But when you just found gold, it just don't matter how rough it is.

Tom H.

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Love? ....and blood! :)
Tom H.

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