8 Nuggets Found June 10, 2015 VIDEO SDC2300 GPZ7000

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I need your opinion. Is it better to make one long video like this with the entire day's finds or make separate videos for each nugget found?

June 10, 2015

3 Nuggets Found with SDC2300

5 Nuggets Found with GPZ7000



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Doc due to most persons impatiences or from being sidetracked, summoned by the better half for honey-dos, kids/friend/s/ phone calls, texts intervening, etc. and from my own experience most will stop watching or jump ahead/skipping the more mundane portions of a video if it's much longer than 10 minutes, shorter would even be better, for what it's worth I once had a professional cinematographer tell me that the max time for videos like on YouTube to keep viewers from losing interest, skipping portions, etc. is around 12 minutes or less.

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Hey Doc,

I think it's a toss up. I like the way you added them all together, even though it's a 33 minute overall video. It's great for someone to sit back at night, relax and watch some good nugget digs.

That being said, I try to limit mine to around 5 minutes, main reason being upload time. I'm formatting them in HD, so a 5 minute HD video uploaded to Youtube can take 2-3 hours. If I do longer, I won't be able to get on my PC as it takes all my PC resources to upload and then try to get high-speed internet out here in the boondocks! :unsure:

I just filmed a short nugget dig which I will upload tonight if possible.

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I do mine in HD as well. However I have a super fast computer and if the video is 30 minutes long it only takes about 40 minutes to upload it. I had my son build this computer for me and I told him I wanted it loaded up with a super fast processor and lots of memory.

So I guess that helps a lot.

I have been trying to cut out a lot of the extra digging, cussing, throwing my pick, etc. Seriously, I have been trying to cut it to a minimum, and as I learn more about editing I am sure I will become even more efficient and keeping in the most important things and editing out the rest.


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Hey Doc,

What editing program are you using to format and save your video in? I've been using the Microsoft Movie Maker that comes with most PC's. It's real basic and limited.

My internet upload speed is only around 0.8 - 1 MB. My download speed is over 20MB. I think the upload speed is what matters when uploading a video from your PC to Youtube.

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I am using Power Director. I upload it in Quicktime .mov format in HD 1280 X 720/24 7 MBPS.

I tried uploading it in other formats and it takes forever.

Power Director is a great program and not very expensive.


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