Best VLF or Detector for High Surface Trash Areas

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Hey Mike,

Ya, I'm real impressed with the GPZ. If I could only get Chris out there with me, we would clean some of our old patches out. I'm been working close locations due to the heat, but having good success.

That being said, played around with the XP Deus last night around the house. Very impressive for a first run. Picked up a dozen non-ferrous targets among tons of rubbish. Never heard any rubbish, just a few chirps here and there.

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Rob ... If you leave those old patches I'll work on Chris when I get back and if you'll let me join in the fun ;) ... hint hint! ... I'll see if I can get him away from the shop a day at a time.

Mike F

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rob - just back from a trip to Manitoba to try out the Deus on trashy old sites specifically to look for coins. Here is one lucky days take - for the two of us - totaled over 62 dollars in coins (remember we have loonies and toonies - one and two dollar coins that can add to the total pretty fast!)

I was impressed by the Deus's recover time, discrimination ability and ease of handling (ie moving from one program to another) I'll be heading back to the gold fields soon with the new knowledge acquired and will try to find some gold now!!

Cheers yukonlewis

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  • 1 month later...

Larry Sallee in Zip-Zip describes a cow-belly magnetic rake he designed. It worked great

but was cumbersome and not very effective as the ones described by AzNuggetBob and

Mike Furness. But one thing for sure, the non-discriminating 48kHz GoldMaster Larry used

was capable of beeping a bit of placer gold as small as 1/10th of a Grain and as there are

480 grains to a troy-once that is small jim

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