17x13 Evolution First Trip

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I'm posting this for anyone who may be on the fence like I was regarding a larger coil. 

Overall I’m very pleased with the 17x13 NF Evo coil.  First trip out with the new coil was last Saturday.  Went to an area where a lot of gold was recovered thinking I would find something deep.  Well that wasn’t the case.  I did find this little dink about two inches deep.  What am I getting at?  I was amazed this large coil would still pick up little pieces and a decent depth.  This coil ran quiet, did not false when bumped and was still small enough to maneuver around the brush which is why I didn't go any larger.  I was using 5000, Fine Gold, Gain 15, Normal Audio, Stabilizer 9


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey Nevada Brian,

  Thanks for sharing your finds with the new NF Evolution 17x13.  

I agree with Roo, the new Flat Wind coils are really enhancing the performance of all PI's, especially the GPX series.  

I should have some 15-inch Evolution's in a few weeks. 

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