Saturday's Late Hunt for Gold

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Hello All,

Well I had to work a few hours today, but decided I would be crazy enough to make a short trip into the goldfields at 100+ degrees ... :( Since Leaverite lived right down the road from my work I decided to give him a call to see if he wanted to join. You guessed it, two nuts heading into the goldfields in the afternoon in search for that elusive yellow metal.

We both hunted from about 10am to 4pm searching over a few spots. During that time I drained a 100oz Bladder of water and three big Gatorade bottles. Luckily it was worth it, I ended up scoring (7) nuggets and Leaverite (1). All the gold was found with Minelab GP3500 Metal Detectors and Coiltek Searhcoils.

Leaverite's nugget took some work to recover. I heard him banging on the bedrock for a good 15-20 minutes. I finally decided I better head down there and see what he had going. After a few minutes we were able to see Leaverite's nugget wedged in the schist bedrock (second picture below).

Pictured below are the total nuggets found today. Mine are the left seven and Leaverite's single piece on the right.

Just goes to show the gold is still out there and even more valuable now! :P

Happy Hunting,

Rob Allison

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Rob you have been on a roll lately with consistent multible nuggets on each trip. Glad to see leaverite has hit two weeks in a row. To bad the heat is setting in. Nice gold. Jerry

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:D Great nugs Rob & Leaverite,

Hey Rob, keep sending the heat up here.. Still got snow, but melting fast :)

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Hello Guys,

Thanks for the comments. All I can say it's getting hot and you need your snake protection & plenty of liquids.

Grubstake - Normally when I'm working areas where the gold might be wedged in the bedrock I will carry a "Drinking Straw" and small "Flathead Screwdriver." The screwdriver works well for the tight cracks/crevices and the straw is for blowing them out to see if I can see the nugget or not. Sometimes you have to get real physical and bust the hell out of the bedrock to recover the small nugget.

Uncle Ron - There was plenty of sweat going on. I went through a 100oz water bladder and three big Gatorade bottles. Luckily there isn't much trash, so you don't exhurt youself digging trash all day in the hot sun. I know Leaverite spent a good 15-20 minutes digging the nugget he recovered from the hard bedrock. Sometimes just one of these targets can really exhaust you. Any recent gold finds?

Pondmn (Jerry) - I can't complain as of lately. I think I have taken about 100 nuggets now from 2-3 small locations. I'm pretty sure the cream of the crop is now gone, just a few dinks here and there left. It's getting hot, so it's now off to the high country for prospecting or short local hunts early in the morning. Did you ever get the 4-inch dredge from Keene?

Bid Ed - I sure wish we could push the hot weather up your way. It won't be nice again until late October. :( Have you been doing any nuggethunting up there lately?

Talk with you all soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob....I'm in a rut! :( No new nuggets for the past week. I was hunting in a number of different cholla thickets where I'm finding lots of targets but only one nice nugget ;) ...Right now, battling chollas and gnose gnats and sweating like a pig has given me the wrong attitude for positive huntin'/findin' ... You know how that goes :huh:<_< ... Anyhow, I'm headed back right now into the 103 degrees for another patch...Cheers, Ron P.S., if you use a 2' long section of 1/4" flexible tubing it works much better than a drinking straw for blowing out bedrock cracks...Years ago up in the Klamath Mtsn, I used to use a little "mouth powered" dredge with two pieces of 3/8" tubing attached to the top of a plastic suck on the one end and the other end is like the dredge nozzle...The material including the gold stays in the jar when you suck it up...Works killer for sniping small wet cracks.... :rolleyes:

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Hello Uncle Ron,

Are you using the flex tubing system on wet or dry cracks? I used a strong drinking straw cause its easy to pack and if I break it I can get another one at Circle K. :P The device you're talking about sounds similar to the GoldTube that John at sells. :huh:

I know what you mean about attitude. If I'm not 100% focused to hunt gold I won't go.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hello Rob,

I just got in my place last saturday, cut out tree's, shoveled snow and cleared a couple of rock slides ;-) tried to use GP3500 but creek is flat out roaring now, I thought it would be easy with the open web Platypus Coil, and shaft in creek, I thought it was going to brake the handle of the GP...

But got camp site and bear box's set and just need the heat sent up here :-)

Greatly appreciated,


P.S. good luck up in AK, your getting good practice in :D

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Hello Bob(AK),

Are you heading back to Moore Creek this year? Sure wish you could have joined us again on the first week. Last year you seemed a bit bumped out and wish you would have used my used Minelab I brought along.

With the water being higher I'm not sure about my game plans at Moore Creek. I will probably just wonder around hoping to stumble onto something Yellow. :blink:

Thought about using the dredge one day, but haven't decided. I know I can probably get 1/4 - 1/2 ounce of gold detecting per day if hit it hard, but not certain about dredging the piles. I guess you could hit a nice batch of nuggets in one of the dredge tailing piles.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Rob Allison,

In the last 3 months you've been providing us with TOP GRADE in situ AU picture's!Thank ya much for taking the time to do these...I DO believe its a art-form.This recent one displays suspension of material,wedged packing(of nugget and other tabular heavies)and smoothe bedrock.I dont know the area but it looks like there was some serious water moving through at one time.

I've been doing in situ pics UNDERWATER (35mm disposable underwater cam)in some worked out areas that shows pieces in thier "Natural Habitat"!lol.....The pics are better than Centerfolds but arent scratch&sniff though.


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Hello Bob(AK),

Are you heading back to Moore Creek this year? Sure wish you could have joined us again on the first week. Last year you seemed a bit bumped out and wish you would have used my used Minelab I brought along.

With the water being higher I'm not sure about my game plans at Moore Creek. I will probably just wonder around hoping to stumble onto something Yellow. :blink:

Thought about using the dredge one day, but haven't decided. I know I can probably get 1/4 - 1/2 ounce of gold detecting per day if hit it hard, but not certain about dredging the piles. I guess you could hit a nice batch of nuggets in one of the dredge tailing piles.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

Hi Rob, at this time I'm not planning anything at Moore or Ganes. I just went outside for 10 days and will do so again in Sept. That is about all the running around I can do in one year. Wish I could go first week with you guys, because you are all good guys, perhaps some other time.

I didn't stick to my plan at all at Moore last year, my own fault. I was real mad at myself after it was all over. Would have been interesting to try your Minelab, maybe someday. Trying another machine I was not familiar with may have just confused me more though. I'm not complaining. I had a couple good (lucky)trips at Ganes and hope for some luck again.

For sure the water will be higher in June, perhaps 2-3 feet. You could see the high water line when we were there last year. The June mosquitoes will be huge and blood thirsty but many of the other bothersome bugs will not be around untill later summer.

Steve once mentioned putting a couple dredges where there is virgin ground this year. That could be interesting. I didn't hear about anyone getting any larger pieces dredging last year, don't know why it didn't happen. I still think any larger specimens with lots of quartz will go right through a dredge and you will never know you had them. Perhaps shut down at times and go over the tailings with a detector.

We all know you will do well, have fun and good luck, Bob

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Hey Bob,

Good to see that you're still out there, I haven't written in a while. Sorry to hear that you won't be at MC this year. I'm going up for weeks 2 & 3. I would have liked to have gone the first week also but had a conflict of interests.

I won't have much time when I get to Anchorage to say hi but I'll have a full day when I get back. Maybe we could get together for dinner or something?

Until then,


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Hello Guys,

Bigfoot - Thanks for the comments. I found another nugget this weekend stuck in the bedrock, but forgot to get a picture of it. If take some In-Situ pictures we would love to see them here. I have one real "Scratch and Sniff," most of the time I don't scratch, just sniff!!! :o:P:lol:

Bob (AK) - Well that sucks you're not going to hit up Ganes or Moore Creek this year. Hope you have plans to attack a few other places with the detector or dredge this season. I really enjoy hearing about your dredging experiences in Alaska.

Keith - What's your game plan this year at Moore Creek? Did you decide on searchcoils?

Talk with you all soon,

Rob Allison

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