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I have a friend who is a Dowser. He dowses for spirits, gold, lost pets, water, mines, ect.

He has been trying to get me into it saying "you can dowse for anything"

He still hasn't proven anything to me and I am not so sure!

If it's so good, then why dosen't everyone do it?

I am curious of what you think of the subject.

I appreciate all input.


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I once knew a guy from Texas, that claimed he could dowse for water, and said he could even tell how deep to dig. Well a frien took him up on it. He said after dowsing with a wllow stick, theres water here dowm 15 ft. They dug the hole to 50 ft. it was dry!A well driller moved his rig over about 300 yards and hit water at 5 gal per minute down 30 ft. They hit an underground stream. :rolleyes::rolleyes:B) Grubstake

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I have had some experience with dowsing and dowsers.

I have been involved four or five times with professional dowsers. Everything from looking for water, to looking for placer gold. Was also involved in a treasure hunt or expedition.

I was also involved in using the MFD's and found that they are about as good as dowsing.

I try to keep an open mind on things so won't say that I believe or disbelieve.

Won't go into a lot of details of the above ventures as they are long stories, but I can say this, not one single thing was found, by either dowsing or by the MFD's.

Take all that stuff with a grain of salt. I will stick with the Detecter or Dredge, I know they will find something, well sometimes.

Bob T.

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My friend Ray who co-owned a well drilling outfit for over 50 years dowsed and said it was just a show for the customers.They went by the ground formations and rock types.Another freind had a mine with a 80 gallon a minute well.The property directly below was for sale and a lady put in a bid contingent on finding water,her well drilling outfit drilled many dry holes holes,she recinded her bid.The dozer operator who pushed my friends roads knew where the well was,put in his bid and had a welldriller punch a hole directly below my friends well,water of course.Experience and knowledge pay off...Dave

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You can do it, but it takes a lot of practice and concentration to refine your technique. other than bent coat hangers to find pipes and cables, most other targets require a lot of effort.

In dowsing, everything has to be phrased in a 'yes and no' format. some people use l-rods, some bobbers, and some use pendulums. how and where they cross, how many times and the direction they bob, swing arcs, time of day, clarity of thought, and other variables all play major factors. Some forms use mineral associates.

You may pinpoint a hole or target, but what you uncover may be entirely different (as in cadaver, or simply nothing if the target has been recovered by someone else previously). Dowsing is simply not a matter of blow and go, and anyone that would tell you that you could reasonably step in and do it, right off the bat, is interested in your cash and ignorance

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Dear eodseal2000;

OK, my friend, let's stop and take a close look at this from a realistic point of view for just a minute. Let's suppose that a person can locate an item with a willow branch, a couple of brass welding rods, or a pair of coat hangers bent into an 'L' shape. Now, let's do a quick estimate on how many poor people there are worldwide. Once we've done this, let's take into account the availability and extremely low cost of the materials you will need in order to go dowsing. Now, taking into account the high number of extremely impoverished people in the world today, coupled with the inexpensiveness and worldwide availability of the required dowsing materials, you tell me. Does dowsing work??? If it did work, there would be literally LEGIONS of poor people wandering all over the face of our planet, dowsing for everything from gold to platinum, diamonds to rubies, oil to silver, and the list just goes on and on. I live in the poorest country in South America and if dowsing worked even 01% of the time, there would be literally thousands upon thousands of Bolivian prospectors dowsing in Bolivia.

Your friend;


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Hello Guys,

Working for a major Electric Company I have heard people can dowse for water, large cables and pipes. However, I have never personally seen it done. I've watches two so-called placer dowsers at work before and none of them found any gold. One owned a small placer operation at Rich Hill and stated he knew where the old channel was. However, my question to him was, "Why did you dig everywhere else besides the old channel area?" :huh: You would think since they owned large equipment and knew where the old channel was they would at least sample it, but they decided to dig 20-30 holes everywhere but the old channel ... Go figure ....

Maybe all the good dowsers are keeping quiet since they have pockets full of gold! :rolleyes:

Rob Allison

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like everything else, some have better developed talents than others.

If you're going to play a metallica guitar riff, you'll have to practice until you get it down, so down that you can go on stage and play before a crowd.

With dowsing, the more that the object has to do with the common good of more people, the easier and precise it is. Inversely, if you are after treasure that will benefit mostly YOU, you have to learn how the 'filters' work. For the most part, it pays to do such 'work' in private.

It's one thing to dowse a map, and quite another to pinpoint the exact spot in the field. Not everything you dowse can be precise or even accurate. once you set up a personal system that allows you to go back and recheck accuracy, you will be on your way to better finds.

my list of dowsing idiosyncracies:

things are more accurate if the dowser has no stake nor anything to gain from the exercise.

Your mind has to be absolutely clear of any other thoughts, pre-conceived notions, and just wanting 'good' news.

if you map dowse, it pays to dowse tracing paper (as overlay) instead of the map. use new unmarked tracing paper each session, and then line up all the sheets and work on the spots that hit dead one and forget the rest.

When using L-rods or doing field pinpoints, everything is based on the coordinates of your left or right foot, depending on your left or right hand orientation.

for best results, work out a triangulation method as buried cache locations vary according to different times of day. (bury a jar of coins and work this out at home).

Using a car battery, work out positive vs. negative swings, bobs.

Where L-rods cross or swing actually indicate one of three feedback remarks. Use 3 different colors of ink or paint to mark those so that you will know if it is yes, no, unsure or rephrase question. it will save you a lot of pain.

Do map dowsing early in the morning, like 2-5 am.

Dowsing feedback can lie (the ouija board is actually a form of dowsing instrument).

anything can be used for dowsing- any type of wire, rod, fishing pole- some people even use their own hands and arms.

Dowsing can be very energy draining, and some instruments circumvent that better than others.

Once somebody digs a hole, it is 'registered' in the archives, along with original contents. If somebody comes back and digs up the treasure, and backfills the hole, including placement of a body, the site will still register as if it was the original deal.

Dowsing is most accurate for water and medical info, less accurate for oil and gas (though many big fields have been located by the company dowser), and somewaht less for large tracts of commercial grade ore. Least accurate are personal quest for buried treasure.

An accomplished dowser can pinpoint distances from property lines or landmarks, depth of target, when buried, object descriptions, container info.

Any landmark that were in place when the object was buried will also register as the 'current' landmark, even if the landmark has been obliterated.

The less the dowser knows about the site, the better it is for eveybody concerned.

If a neighbor has something they want found, have them furnish you with a blank paper with one or two un-named lines on it (that mean something to the other person), and don't let them give you any history, detail, oral description, or any other info except perhaps the name of object they desire to know about. You should be able to give the sheet back to them with all the streets, property lines, landmarks, sites, buildings, etc. Make sure they know you don't want any thing in return for your time and effort. If they give you something afterwards or after they go out and check the data in the field, that's okay. by not having any monetary relationship to the outcome of the dowsing work you do, or hinging on such, is one way to ensure accuracy (and if it flops, nobody is out anything but labor and time; not that I have ever had that experience).

Before you laugh and ridicule any dowsers, bear in mind that we don't fully understand many things we use everyday, such as precisely why a metal detector works, electrical energy relationships with the Earth's magnetic Field, how some airplanes fly, how a shark or whale can dive thousands of feet down and back without injury while humans are mostly stuck at 200 feet deep or shallower, or even how radio signals (no matter how weak) can fly on fiber optics. WE do know it works out of conditioning and prior use, but if you were to go back in time and placed a metal detector in the hands of a 19th century prospector, chances are you would have been burned at the stake.

Heck, most people don't even know why good gold nuggets are to be found in one specific spot while feet away they aren't, much less the geological process that put it there.

Back to Steve's post: "Keeping an open mind is virtue - but not so open that your brains fall out.

- Space Engineer James Oberg"

Some people definitely have talent and have developed their talent. it's up to you to recognize the REAL from the FAKE

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Dowsers doesn't even need to look for gold, they can make a quick million dollars by proving their ability to the James Randi foundation. He offers one million dollars to anyone who can prove they can dowse. Plenty of dowsers have tried and failed. Excuses abound. James Randi is a magician and skeptic who has exposed a lot of bogus psychics, spoon benders, faith healers etc.. Check out his offer at James Randi Educational Foundation or look up skeptics society for the truth on dowsers.

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Hello SDF,

Funny how someone can be a great dowser, but then again could turn down a quick million bucks! I guess the dowsers must be making multi-millions and the single million is not worth their time or effort. :rolleyes:

Still would like to see one good dowser prove me wrong and find a gold nugget. :huh:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello SDF,

Funny how someone can be a great dowser, but then again could turn down a quick million bucks! I guess the dowsers must be making multi-millions and the single million is not worth their time or effort. :rolleyes:

Still would like to see one good dowser prove me wrong and find a gold nugget. :huh:

Take care,

Rob Allison

Man I sure wish I would have had a great dowser with us today. Blue stake and SWG missed this important little feature in our dig site. We didn't miss it though. After we had "exposed and located" the 3" gas line for them one of the guys actually got out some bent wire and "checked" its path. Had I not been talking with the medics at the time I would have choked the M F'r to death.

Well marked right on top as well as an offset NSWG (no southwest gas) yet at 3.5' we put two holes in before we got the bit stopped.


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