Sunday's Gold Nuggets from a new spot

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Hello All,

Sunday morning Leaverite and I headed out to a new spot. We found several small drainages where the old-timers placered during the Depression years. Several small camps and a lot of shallow prospects around this new area.

We worked the area for about 6 hours and ended up finding seven really rough gold nuggets and a ton of trash. The old-timers loved to toss all their junk right back into the washes, so it was tough digging all the iron rubbish.

Speaking of small gold nuggets, take a look at the small gold nugget I found lying on the "Rob's Detector Sales" sticker. Haven't weighed the piece, but my guess would be about a grain, maybe 1.5 grains.

I found the four nuggets on the right side of the coil, Leaverite found the three on the left.

Take a gander at the pictures below,

Rob Allison

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hey rob those are some nice looking course nugs you got there. some of the the best finds ive had are from where the old timers areas that have been worked extensivly but the trash just drives ya crazy. next year we got get out at least one day or hopefully i can make it down this summer in july or august for a couple weeks maybe we can hook up for a day or 2. hopefully the price of gold will hit 750 and i can sell this years finds to buy a 40000 heres a pic of the gold ive found from the midwest to az the majority was from az hopefully in the next year or so after all the kids finish college i can do nothing but prospect meanwhile goodluck TOOL

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Hello Guys,

The little one hit pretty good on the GPX-4000. I had the Gain at 14, was in the Sensitive/Deep mode, Sensitive Extra, Deep Audio and Mono Mode. The coil I was using was the Coiltek Joey Mono.

The gold is very rough, or coarse. There are a couple of small prospects and one smaller mine we found towards the end of the day. I believe one of these was the original source to the gold. Some hillside hunting is needed, since there might be a patch just up out of the wash.

Chuck - I have hundreds of those "Rob's Detector Sales" stickers for your coil or whatever you want to place them on. Send me over a PM with your address again and I will get some out.

AZNuggetBob - Nope, this is nowhere near where we talked. I wouldn't even attempt to check that spot without your permission or without you being there. I figured you already hit the location. We need to get out there before it gets too damn hot though.

Talk with you all soon,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob I dont care if you and Leaverite go in there. also being trashed :D I thought maybe that is were you were huntin. Oh by the way that gold you got is so course I dont think your going to need to go far to find the source. B) Take care, AzNuggetbob

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Hello Bob,

Since you're a "Master Patch" finder I might need to ask you for advice. I get really discouraged hunting the hillsides for any amount of time. I know it's like a needle in a haystack, but know if I could just get one it might lead to a nice patch. The nuggets we are finding are very local and I'm sure there would have to be a few on the higher benches or low sloping hillsides.

Any suggestions?

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob all kidding aside, From what I've seen, I think the gold is probably from auriferous stringers, no main veins and is probably going to be spotty, your going to have to canvas the area and slow down when you find one??? One of those places that drive ya crazy. :D Take care AzNuggetBob

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Hello Bob,

If you had to make an educated guess, what percentage of the time did you find nuggets out of the wash (upper benches or hillsides) when you found nuggets in a wash? I know this is a hard questions to answer ...

I've found hundreds of washes over the years that had nuggets, but very few times every found something on the hills above. I know the better patches are probably high and dry.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob, Your going to mess with me on this one. Your not a greenhorn on geology. as far as nuggets on banks when found in creek or wash, I will say Probably most of the time. But I have also seen huge pockets of gold eroded out of one spot in a creek bed and no gold in the banks. Main veins or stringers? it also depends on the slopes of the geology of the area, or the gold not formed in quartz at all, or if its primary or secondary precipitation. I found a partially gold plated horse shoe deep in a creek bed??? secondary precipitation??The character of the gold. The color is a clue, the age and location of the placer gold. Placers are formed in so many ways and types. Its almost like the impossible question without being more specific. But I think the more we learn about the true origins of placer nuggets, the easier it is to try and nail down the source of the nuggets that are being found. Many people can tell one of those Alaska slugs from a California slug. Or a Nevada from an Australian iron stone nugget. Nuggets can tell ya a lot. But they cant tell you if they have buddies in the bank or up on the ridge. :D Take care AzNuggetBob

Oh almost forgot, If you get a minute, stop by and check it out, I finished that double cam Lion battery pack for my SD. Im running 8volts. its adjustable 8.5/7.5 and is weights less than the 4000 pck. ;) But it dont have a five pin plug. :P

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Guest Mike C...

Hi all theres a place around the weavers where I've found gold just like that-not very pretty gold either-brassy looking leaf gold-but gold is gold-Mike C... ;)

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Hello Mike C.,

This spot is many hours from the Weavers. Those pieces haven't been clean, but after I cleaned one of them they turned out very golden in color. I know what you mean about that brassy colored gold, I have some from the same general area you were talking about.

Having any luck lately?

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Guest Mike C...

Hi Rob ya I've been finding a little here a little there-nothing to quit my day job over yet :P someone told me that you and Chris joined the new club-did you donate any of your hot spots to the club :P -I'm still thinking about it :blink:

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