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Well I'm prob. getting banned at this moment on AZO, I expressed my opion, about looking into peoples private messages, and deleating reply's over there, and Chris's dealings, with people I know and respect. So anyway I don't care one or the other, but if its not already gone, you should look at my post. Grubstake

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Hello Grubstake,

I personally don't care to get into these discussions. I've been accused of stuff in the past, all being lies and BS.

So what the heck happened? I've gotten PM's asking me what is going down on the AZO forum ....

P.S. I'm sure forum admins can scan PM if they really wanted to. I have no clue how, nor would I even think about looking into someone's private conversation with another. Heard a few rumors about a few other admins scanning PM's, but it's all "hear-say" as far as I'm concerned.

Hope it gets resolved,

Rob Allison

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My guess to all of this started when Walco pick drop DOC. and Rob off their list.Now if they want that pick they have to go to Chris.Walco pick shot them self in the foot for doing that and I think they know it by now.

What they should of done is split up USA saying you got this half and the other to the other person.Walco may had a good pick but you can find better ones that are made by people on this forum.

Grubstake if Minelab came to you saying that you are a dealer but they want to give you the business that everyone has to buy from you.You would have a hard time to turn a offer like that down.Remember nobody is in business for their health.We work at a job for the money and when it stops then we stop and go to another job.

Chris has put on outings at Stanton and I've been to three.I didn't buy a thing but won one gold nugget.I think that Chris put out more money than he took in but that's the way the ball bounce.So what does this say for Chris, well he may not be perfect but with his free outings he has help alot of people in nugget hunting.

Grubstake I don't know you but by reading your post I see that you are always willing to help anyone.I know if I call Rob with a guestion he would help me and I think he'd keep doing that if I never buy another thing from him again.

I'd never post anything personal on any forum because the only thing personal is what you don't say out loud.

We have to bury this and go on! This and others forums are great for nugget hunting and now on here for coin hunting.

If anyone has to express them self to me then my email is

Chuck Anders

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Hey Chuck,

I agree with you. Most dealers like AZO spent a lot of money, time and effort putting on outings. However, even though you might not make a bunch of money at the outings, it's all about PR and exposure that eventually lead to future sales.

I told myself I'm going to stay out of all this personal stuff. I just have to worry about myself and let others do their own thing.

I wish everyone the best of luck out there, it's not easy trying to run a prospecting business. More and more Minelab dealers are going out of business, we lost 2 more here in Arizona. :mellow:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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I dont' particularly like getting mixed up in all this but I will say I don't think Chris G. shares any blame for accepting a courteous offer to supply them with Walco picks while on a pleasant vacation outback. I seriously doubt walco picks said, ya know were going to drop doc and go with you cause your a nice guy. Of course walco hid that information and only even let doc know via a brief e-mail, not even a phone call as I am lead to believe. I think little did Chris know what should be a sound business decision on his part has turned into the internet fiasco of the week.

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Although DOC is my friend, as is ROB, the things I was refering to have little or nothing to do with that, I know nothing about what went on on that deal, thats between them, I'm refering to something else altogether, and only the partys involved know what went on, but the 2 i'm talking about are friends also. What took place between JP and DOc and Chris is them, nothing to do with me or my friends. So secound guessing the whole thing is not going to get anywhere. I have told ROB what its about, but won't post names, its up to them to go public, if they choose. Grubstake

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Never put anything in writing on a PM or on the computer that you want to keep secret. EVER! Hackers are just as big of a headache as a snooping administrator and your secrets will be in the hands of who knows who.

I think we can trust Rob but I am not sure about Dawn yet!!! :blink::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Just kidding!

You have to be careful where you spread your secret spots because money is the root of all evil!

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