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Rob. I have no idea how you can use boost audio, no matter what your other settings are , but I know that boost really brings up the signal if you can deal with the chatter. I find that I have much better luck running my audio in quiet all the time. One grainers are no problem and I don't have to listen to anything but a smooth threshold. What it sounds like is that some people like the stronger signal and put up with the chatter, others like a dead smooth threshold and listen for the mellower signal.

JW . the 8" Minelab mono coil is dynamite on small gold .-----Bob

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Rob. I have no idea how you can use boost audio, no matter what your other settings are , but I know that boost really brings up the signal if you can deal with the chatter. I find that I have much better luck running my audio in quiet all the time. One grainers are no problem and I don't have to listen to anything but a smooth threshold. What it sounds like is that some people like the stronger signal and put up with the chatter, others like a dead smooth threshold and listen for the mellower signal.

JW . the 8" Minelab mono coil is dynamite on small gold .-----Bob

Bob, what sort of volume levels are you using on your booster? This could be the area you are gaining your performance when using Quiet mode especialy on the smaller gold, I would also say the dual speaker set up is helping with this as well.


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Did some weighing and measuring last night.

Test nugget->

Weight: sub 1.5 grains

Shape: 3x5mm oval shaped

Thickness: 0.2-0.5mm

With a perfectly smooth threshold I can just hear the nugget respond when right on the coil... Default settings in normal mode, 8" mono coil. Very slow swing speed to calm the threshold.

I stopped using it because I thought it was out of my size range, going to put it back in the kit though.

Thanks for the help guys!!


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JW. I prefer sens/extra for small gold while running small coils. Try that and I think you will see some improvement. Also if you have another nugget the same size, try it on that one . There are some nuggets that get a better response than others the same size.----Bob

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SDF. Next time you have that problem check the tightness of your coil mounting bolt . If your coil pivots too easily you can get a weak signal . Check also that you don't have a loose loop of coil wire just above the coil. Coil wire movement and a floppy coil can cause a lot of falsing. There could also be a static buildup and discharge from brushing the coil on the grass, much like rubbing a baloon on your hair. Dry dusty conditions and wind exxagerate this problem. Not much you can do except maybe turn the gain down a little , making it a little less sensitive to the static. ---Bob

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JP. I run the amp at about 1/4 volume. I hadn't thought about external speakers and the amp being a reason I don't like anything but the quiet mode, but now that you mention it , before I got the GPX compatable amp I used the headphones for about 6 weeks and as I recall, I used the normal or deep audio setting more then . The amp will of course make the interference amplified also along with signals. It very well could be a factor in the audio preference difference among GPX users. I hated the amp being mounted on my control box, so I now have my amp mounted behind my back on top of the battery and once in a while the volume control knob bumps on some brush and the volume changes a little. It drives me nuts if it isn't exactly where I like it. I'm going to find a way that it can't be accidently changed. ----Bob

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Hello every body,

Jonathan I am glad to see you are posting on the U.S. forums and I hope the B.S. from the minority doesn't cause you to quit.

I will throw out that the interference from wind is probably caused from the coil discharging static electricity. You guys might try rubbing anti static dryer sheets on your coil occasionally.

In the mean time I am taking a break from prospecting and am building a Hot Rod.



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Hello Montana Bob,

My favorite settings for small gold on or near bedrock is the "Sensitive/Smooth/Quiet mode and run a higher Gain (normally 13-14). If I want to really run super sensitive and the mineralization will allow, I will go to Sensitive/Extra and Quiet or Sensitive/Extra/Boost.

One thing that is so great about the GPX-4000 is the fact you can run tons of settings to find out what is best for each user and the ground they are hunting on.

I'm not using any signal enhancer or amp to increase audio and have no problem whatsoever finding the small dinks down to a grain in size.

I really love the DetectorPro Black Widow headphones.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Here is another question which might spark some interesting views;

With the GPX do many of you use groups of settings in two or more of the settings area's

(i.e. one in Patch another in Deep and so on...), and then switch back and forth?

For instance I use the Patch Mode to dial settings in when I start hunting an area, using auto-tune etc.

Then if I get a signal that is faint, or questionable I have another group of settings (usually in the Deep

Mode setting), that I switch over to,

which as well as 'deep-sensitive' being used, usually involves some added gain and 'boost' on the audio.

If I'm careful - even in a highly mineralized area - sometimes

I can get some real help in the way of a stronger

or a clearer signal when going over the questionable target.

Anyone else do something like this?


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Hello All,

Many ... many years ago, Richard Doherty told me to whip down my coil with some type of anti-static wipes. The anti-static property don't last real long, but does improve "static discharges" during the Summer months in Arizona. I used them for awhile, or until I ran out of them.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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I don't know anything about the GPX 4000 because I use the SD2200, but I DO know that wiping

fabric softener sheets on things that collect static electricity will really help to control the static. Saw it used on spinning mechanical spindles that gathered thin plastic years ago. You might try it and see if it works on the searchcoils. I don't see how it could hurt anything.

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