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  • Admin

Hello All,

After some thought I decided to delete the thread that was getting a lot of attention today. I thought it's best to not "pass judgement" on others, but rather let things run their course.

The Lord tells us if you forgive and do good deeds good things will happen to you! ;) Along that same note, if you do bad things it will eventually catch up with you.

Lets get back on track and focus on those ellusive gold nuggets. :D

P.S. Thanks for all the support, friendship and business. Without you guys I couldn't do what I really love ... Operate & Own something that I have a great passion for .... Electronic Prospecting. :lol:

Wishing you all the best of luck,

Rob Allison

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Thanks for taking care of matters at hand. The wisdom shown is of great value to you and the rest of us. This is a great hobby we enjoy with a lot of good people. Time is just to short to get hung up on the BS of the world.


PS: A complete summary of this years work is on the way. I've been down with a cold for almost 3 weeks now but I hope to have a complete story and pictures for posting by Thurs.

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Yep...Good job, Rob...There's enough negativity floating around with out inviting it into your life just because you need to connect up with friends in our hobby...Cheers, Unc...PS...Discovered a new handstacked wash just at sundown to day...Can't wait to get back out and shoot it...

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I posted what I did in an attempt to teach others the folly of posting slanderous remarks on other forums and I truly believe that all people can be taught, no matter how things may seem to be at the outset. I posted what I did in an effort to be thought provoking and humorous and obviously I made an error somewhere. C'est le vie. I do understand that you own this board and as such, it's your right to delete whatever topics you deem to be inapproriate.

Please take this time to understand that it is also my right to choose not to post on this board. I did not post for well over a year previously, and this should serve as adaquate example that I feel no pressing desire to post here or anywhere else. You will not have to delete another one of my topics, as I will never again post another word on this forum.

As for what may be owed, if you feel strongely about it, then consider it to be a Christmas present from me to you. Our business is now terminated, as is our friendship. Ciao.


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......You will not have to delete another one of my topics, as I will never again post another word on this forum.

.....As for what may be owed, if you feel strongely about it, then consider it to be a Christmas present from me to you. Our business is now terminated, as is our friendship. Ciao.



May I help to 'mend some fences here'?

I have no idea of any business relationship you have with Rob....I just closed my door so I could keep some heat in here as I type this....yee ha! :) And no I don't live in a barn! :lol:

You did nothing wrong in posting what you did, there was an implied suggestion to Robs business practice and preference to certain coils on the HDGF. However Rob can favor any product he chooses and promote it as he chooses. :D

Emotions and literial intepretions can go "sky-high" when reading forum posts....did I stand my own ground on this one?

Take a second look at things.....doing business is one thing......but terminating a good friendship has a far greater cost.

Business relationships have no bearing when posting on a "forum thread". We all have the right to choose. Rob made a choice to delete a "thread" because in the very "end" we were all getting sucked into a bashing mess or an "abis" my mind you stuck up for good principle and honesty.....take a deep breath and let things go.

When I was in the military service years back our favorite saying was "yah....sh_t always flows downhill"... and many already know that when a person stands up for ones principals it may bite them in the hinney! And that "bite" in most cases is OK!.......fix it..... it's not worth the lose! And don't stop "posting" LARMAR.


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Dear group;

Although efforts to spread oil upon troubled waters is appreciated, I feel that I must explain the reasons for my ire.

I feel this matter could have been handled in a much more gentlemanly fashion. I could have been PMed by the administrator or a moderator and asked if I would delete the offending topic of my own accord. Had I been asked to do this, I would have cheerfully and willingly deleted it and also offered up an apology for anyone whom I may have unintentionally offended. This is how I do things. Instead, I was basically given the forum equivilant of "Sit down and shut the heck up!" without even the common courtesy of a PM explaining why my topic was taken down without my knowledge or approval. This is the proper etiquette in such matters , as I understand them. I am now insulted and embarrassed.

Your friend;


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You've misinterpreted what Rob is doing.

I think you ought to PM him and get it straight.

As an aside. Noone can guess which is the way you would

like someone to clear something with you. You posted in an open forum

first and now complain that if anyone wanted to do something about

it they should PM you. On that kind of logic, you should have PM'ed

Rob before you launched your topic.

In addition, even I can see that Rob isn't slamming you in any way

by deleting the thread, he just doesn't want the whole issue started up


Get over it.


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Lamar, my post were deleated too! No big deal, they were and still are Bashing me. Not a big deal. I'm a big boy and can take words. Because I know they are not true. It was nice to defend someone we all respect. He has choosen to deleat it it. So as not to stir the pot too lng. We said what we did, they got our piont, it doesn't matter to them. So it should have been zapped and was. Rob is and will continue to be my friend and have my business. Friends are just that friends. You make many good post on this forum, we would all hate to lose you over this petty stuff. Grubstake

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

I don't have a lot of time to explain, but hopefully you will understand. The reason I deleted the post was the fact it would eventually get out of hand. People will register and defend the others. I've seen these turn ugly on the forums and then it turns members away. No ones wins ....

Think about it, it's Christmas time and most have enough stress in their lives. This is a time for us all to enjoy and cherish the Holidays! We should wish everyone the best of health and wellness during these times and hope the good Lord is looking over all us.

I'm very fortunate I have friends like you all out there (especially Lamar). Friends that will stand up and fight to the end with me. I'm very blessed and thankful.

I will leave with this final statement, "All things come Full-Circle, Good or Bad."

Warm regards,

Rob Allison

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Dear group;

Although efforts to spread oil upon troubled waters is appreciated, I feel that I must explain the reasons for my ire.

I feel this matter could have been handled in a much more gentlemanly fashion. I could have been PMed by the administrator or a moderator and asked if I would delete the offending topic of my own accord. Had I been asked to do this, I would have cheerfully and willingly deleted it and also offered up an apology for anyone whom I may have unintentionally offended. This is how I do things. Instead, I was basically given the forum equivilant of "Sit down and shut the heck up!" without even the common courtesy of a PM explaining why my topic was taken down without my knowledge or approval. This is the proper etiquette in such matters , as I understand them. I am now insulted and embarrassed.

Your friend;


Um Lamar,

I think it was the cumulative negative posting and the vein in which the whole thread was running that did not meet the standards of the forum. Don't think the whole post revolved around you, heck I thought it revolved around my astute posts and I was the center of attention :rolleyes::rolleyes: (just joking). MC (Merry Christmas) Think I'll shut up now as it probably would be a very good thing...


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