New "GOLDSTALKER" Prospecting Picks Arrived!!!

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Hello All,

Just wanted to let you know a batch of the new "GOLDSTALKER" prospecting picks have arrived. These picks are manufactured here in the good ol'd USA! They are approx. 33-inch in total lenght. The pick blade width at the widest point is 5 1/8 inches. The pick blade length is 12-inches. The total weight of the pick is approx. 4.5 pounds. There is a round ring attached to the top of the pick for a super magnet.

These picks are going to be a top of the line seller!

The first 15 picks I sell will include a FREE round super magnet.

Cost is $79.95 + Shipping.

Absolute lifetime guarantee to original owner. ;)

If you're interested let me know ASAP. Many of them are spoken for already.

Rob Allison

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Come on Rob! I know what they look like and even I want to see a picture. By the way guys just to tease you a bit more.

These are made with the absolute highest quality material. Take any pick out there that has a wide blade, and if you could hit the other pick hard enough with our new GOLDSTALKER pick you would pierce it.

Top oif the line hanlde, we had two choices on handles, I selected the most expensive one.

Welded super magnet retaining ring.

Yes I know a super magnet is a must, but we all know no matter how strong they are, they will slide off the pick if you hit something hard enough long enough. Our retaining ring keeps the magnet from sliding.

HOW good is this pick? Absolute lifetime guarantee to original owner. Break it under normal use and we replace it.

SPECIAL INTRO offer. SUPER MAGNET included with each of the 15 picks Rob has available.

I know this has taken a while to get to you, but I refuse to make a half-assed product. If I can't carry WALCO, then I am going to make something better than WALCO, and better than any prospecting pick out there. This is a real MAN's pick for professional prospecting. It is not a piece of crap.

We spared no expense to bring you the absolute best quality.



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Hi all,

Doc is correct, we are giving Rob a little well deserved teasing.

I think Rob may have had to get some batteries for his brownie be patient

and we will all be able to see Docs new pick.

I sure would like one, but I need to know how much it will cost me as well.

Have a good day!


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Hi Doc,

when you say

"This is a real MAN's pick for professional prospecting. It is not a piece of crap."

I'm sure you will agree there is a pick already out there that does not fall into that catagory,

it has been much discussed on the forums and I would like to make the exception on that one.

I will not mention the name of it, but we all know what it is...

That comment aside, I look forward to seeing and probably purchasing your entry

into the important market for picks.

I am happy to see you put forward a product in place of a pick made by WALCO,

a company that - after their shabby and dishonest treatment of you,

should, in my opinion,

never again be patronized by anyone in the prospecting community.


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Here's a picture of the exact pick I was thinking of when I made that comment, so don't rread more into it than was meant. It surprises me what some people come up with that they think will stand up to the rigors of prospecting. I keep this thing around because it amuses me.


Hi Doc,

when you say

"This is a real MAN's pick for professional prospecting. It is not a piece of crap."

I'm sure you will agree there is a pick already out there that does not fall into that catagory,

it has been much discussed on the forums and I would like to make the exception on that one.

I will not mention the name of it, but we all know what it is...

That comment aside, I look forward to seeing and probably purchasing your entry

into the important market for picks.

I am happy to see you put forward a product in place of a pick made by WALCO,

a company that - after their shabby and dishonest treatment of you,

should, in my opinion,

never again be patronized by anyone in the prospecting community.


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Guest Mike C...

It looks alot like the walco--it apears to be a good pick also and I like the idea of the magnet retention ring and the warranty is a plus- B) -but the price is a little steep--lets see pick+shipping+taxes-chi-ching :mellow: -I'm content with my hermit pick for now-sure it does'nt have the extra perks but the price was right and its served me well so far ;) -Mike C... :ph34r:

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

I know Doc won't have any problem selling these picks. I took a bunch of orders last night and have to make another order with Doc ASAP.

As for the price, I think it's about right for a pick that will last forever (warranty wise). I've never seen another pick have a "lifetime" warranty, so this is a major plus. The handle lenght is a long, but can be easily cut down to your prefered size.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to send a PM, email or phone number.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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80 bucks is nothing, I have already taken the tip off of 3 $25 dollar specials from HomeDespot of the pot metal variety and being a manufacturer of custom turf pluggers any handmade product that is under $100 retail that is abused and has a lifetime warranty is a great deal!!!

Although my ultimate goal is to get an EZYDIG pick from Australia, which looks impossible now that the builder had passed away, this pick blows away my yellow handled HD special and should fill the current good digging tool gap I am experiencing, the nice long handle is a plus for a tall fella like me...

Put me on the list Rob, but I have to go out of state for a week so i'll hit you on the next batch around Super Bowl time!! ;)


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Actually while it has the pie shape of a WALCO, (they are disc harrows cut like a pizza) that is where the similarity ends. The head of this pick is much thicker, you can pry whatever you want and you will never bend this pick. The quality of our handle, which is Hickory, far exceeds the quality of the WALCO handle. I elected to go with long 33 inch handle because you can always make it shorter, but you can't make it longer. Personally I like a pick with around a 21 inch handle, but then we don't have extreme conditions around here. If you are tall or if you are working some of the really rocky ground down in AZ or up in Northern California, that long handle combined with the super strong head is going to give you plenty of strength and prying leverage to dislodge large rocks.

I remember one time when I had a pick (before I knew about super magnets) that had a cow magnet I had cemented into the handle. I got what I thought was a target and in order to dig it I was wedged up against this Joshua tree. Six inches down, I ran into this big piece of quartz and the angle I needed to try to break it out had me up against this tree. Now the week before I had ran into a nasty Mohave Green Rattler with a nasty disposition that came right at me. (I know, he was scared and confused and trying to get away, he wasn't really attacking you) OK, well it didn't stop me from crapping my pants.

So I am still all snakey at this point and sort of jumpy. I am banging away on this piece of quartz, and all of a sudden I get "BIT" in the back of my head really hard. I start whoopin' and hollerin' running across the desert smacking the back of my head trying to dislodge the rattler that obviously jumped out of that damn Joshua tree and bit me in the back of the head. I had thrown my pick Lord knows where I'm running screaming like a 12 year old girl at a INSYNC concert, dragging my new GP across the desert rock a scrub by the power cord, yelping. I finally get 50 yards away and pull my hand off my head and look at my hand, sure to see blood coming from the snake bite. NOTHING. But my head hurts. I am looking around to make sure that damn snake isn't still on me or near me, NOTHING. I grab the power cord of my detector and reel it back in and survey the damage. Dirty and scratched, but still working.

Now I slowly walk back to the scene of the unwarranted attack. Leary all the way, because I don't want to get bit a second time. About 30 feet away I find my pick, I decide I am going to need it to kill that damn sneaky snake. When I bend over to grab the pick, I notice the cow magnet had split right out of the wood. and was gone.

When I got back to the hole, there laying next to the hole was the stupid cow magnet and a sliver of wood. Apparently in my exuberance of banging on that piece of quartz the magnet became dislodged, flew up in the air and hit me in the back of the head, scared the crap out of me. I had a good laugh at myself and took a quick look around to make sure no saw me make a freakin' fool out of myself.

I made the mistake of telling that story at the family dinner table that night when I got home. And ever since then every time I go prospecting when I get home I am asked, "Any rattlers bite you in the head today dad?"

So that's the story of when I got bit in the head by the rare cow magnet rattler. (oh yeah the target? A piece of wire)


It looks alot like the walco--it apears to be a good pick also and I like the idea of the magnet retention ring and the warranty is a plus- B) -but the price is a little steep--lets see pick+shipping+taxes-chi-ching :mellow: -I'm content with my hermit pick for now-sure it does'nt have the extra perks but the price was right and its served me well so far ;) -Mike C... :ph34r:
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Ha Ha Ha!!!

Good story, Doc, that one is in competition with the Dreaded J Turn story!

Love it.

Dinner table... what is that?? Obviously some old world quaint custom...

We usually put the pizza box on one of those folding T.V. trays... :lol:

Have a real great OFF day, Doc!

Yousa jewel! Don't EVER change!!


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