Interesting Weekend, never touched the detector

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Hello All,

This weekend I had a couple of field instructions scheduled, but never got to conduct them. Late Friday night I received a call about my Grandmother. She stopped breathing (code Blue) in the Hospital. She was there because she was having some minor breathing problems, but they were having trouble getting her blood pressure down. They ended up giving her a bunch of medications too close together and dumped her blood pressure and sent her into a seizure. She coded twice, but they were able to get her back (Thank the Lord!).

Long story short, they ended up putting her on a vent (breathing machine) and we were all scared she wouldn't be able to come off it. Thanks to the Power of Prayer, Strength of the Family & our Loving and Caring Lord, she came off the vent the next morning fine. :D She's one strong Hungarian!

Just goes to show how something can happen in a blink of a second.

Early Saturday I was going to take a new GPX-4000 customer out and later in the afternoon meet up with another potential GPX customer that wanted to see the machine in action. Thanks guys for understanding the situation, I promise to get you out there.

Last night to relieve some stress, Dawn and I went out and purchased a Sony Playstation 3 Game System. Just something to play around with when we both are bored. Dawn kicked my butt in NBA 08 Basketball, but I was able to hack & slash for several hours playing the Conan game! They need to come up with some type of gold prospecting game. :D

Well, it now about 7am Sunday morning and its raining "Cats and Dogs" over here. So much for trying to nuggetshoot today ....

Take care,

Rob Allison

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ROB, Glad your grand mother pulled through, I know about the meds. I'm on 17 different ones. My blood presure did that a couple of times. Also I hope the picks are sellling well, and you school is gong good for you and Dawn. Life is a roller coaster sometimes. Dorthy's an my prayer go with your grand mother, and for you and Dawn, I know your stressed. Who wouldn't be, with all you have going. Good on you about the play station, you need some relaxtion. Take care Bud. Grubstake

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