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Hello All,

Well I was finally able to get my forum back online. I must say it was a very easy fix, but I had not clue what was causing the problem.

Whenever my ISP moves my website and forum to another server or platform, they always seem to mess up my forum. This was the case again this time.

However, Invision Board Tech Support has not problem getting the board back online, once I was able to actually talk with someone.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob, thanks for the effort getting your forum back up :)

I was having prospecting information withdrawls lol.

Btw, Sorry I could not make it out with you last weekend, my daughter has been sick for Too long. (High fever...****ing sinus infection)

Give me a few days notice (if you can) when you are going out again and I will make it (if you are heading out This weekend, I am free Saturday and Sunday as far as I know.)

Thanks a million + 1


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