Rob and Reno Chris

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Hi Rob,

I am curious if you have heard anything from Minelab about when the new GPX4500 units will arrive? I know that your original post says April or early May, but I can't wait to get my hands on one of the first detectors to arrive! I read somewhere else that Reno Chris was able to check one of the new Minelab detectors out at the Oregon GPAA show. He said that he would post some pics, but as of now has not posted them. I am assuming that it will look no different than the GPX4000. Keep me posted. Thanks. Take care.


PS Reno Chris if you read this and have time this Summer maybe we could hook up in the D'Ville area and do some dredging and/or detecting. Last Summer I only got up there a couple times as my wife and I had a baby in August and that makes 2 kids under 2 years old. I still have not been detecting up there since I got my place. I hope to spend a lot more time up there this Summer.

Reno Chris,

Well, by the time I made my post you had the pictures and information posted 1 minute before I made the post. Thanks for the information. Take care.


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Hi Matt:

Kevin told me the release date was something like April 8th - but I cant remember the exact date for certain.

I'll be up at Sierra City - its only like 12 miles from Downieville a few times during the summer. Of course I dont know exactly when yet, but lets see if we cant work something out.


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Reno Chris,

Thanks for the reply. I have spent a bit of time in the Sierra City area as well. My wife and I camped at Loganville a couple of times, but the river is a claimed up below the camp gound. I bought Reed Lukens 6" Proline a couple years ago and added a 4" Proline to the inventory this Winter. There is a set of rapids at my place that looks really good so the dredge will probably be there. It would be nice to get your expert opinion. It is up by the third divide and there is a lot of territory to cover up there. I will definately keep in touch and give you some notice when I'll be heading up. The platipus could do really well in the creek as there is a lot of bedrock exposed. I think El Dorado will be on the other side of the mountain this summer as well. It is a very short trip by motorcycle to his claim, but a little longer by paved road. Hope to meet up with you soon. Take care.


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Hello Matt,

I haven't heard anything beyond the first part of April. I called Minelab USA last week to get any updates, but they are pretty hush-hush until they arrive. The minute I hear something solid about their ship date or arrival you guys will be the first ones to know. My pre-order list has jumped up a few more since the new pictures and more solid info. has been posted on the forums.

Talk with you all soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi Matt

This weekend I'm going to a treasure show this Saturday and Sunday and of they have any GPX4500 I will take pictures.So you check back April 5th PM and if I see any you will also.It will be interesting to see if Minelab holds true to their date of April 7th are 8th are the dealers already have the GPX4500 in their hands then.


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Chris how are you doing? Hows the schedule doing with all the gold shows, sounds like you are really keeping busy. The doc has got me all fixed up and I'm doing good. The pictures look good of the new machine but I'm afraid I will need to see some side by side comparisons with it and the 4000 before I can cough up that kind of money again. Next time you get time and are heading out detecting give a call, I'll come over the hill and meet you if you like.

Take care, Wes


How are Ya, I'm still waiting to hear from you. Last time we talked, over ayear ago wasn't ot, it sounded like you were all but ready to give up the detecting gold business because of all the BS that was going on around it. Sounds like you have done a 180 now, thats good. Do you still have your spot up by Georgetown? I talked to Mike a while back and he said he ran into you. Hope all is well with your family, busy with two little ones isn't it. I'm glad I'm past that stage in life. Mine are grown and on there own. Anyway give me a call, lets get out one of these days.

Take care, Wes

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I’ve been good. Thanks for asking. Life has indeed been busy, especially with two young kids and more work than I can handle.

I hope you are well as it sounds like you are having some health issues lately. Are you well enough to keep the work going at home? Last time we talked you had too many projects for just being retired.

I did slow down with the detecting scene after all the problems last year, but with gold it is hard to stay away for long. I still get disappointed when I show up to find holes everywhere on the private properties that I have permission to hunt, but the property owner has been taking measures to see that it stops. It’s a shame how some people think that the property owner doesn’t care, he does. These people will do anything to get out and detect these parcels without getting caught, even hunting at night...

I would like to get up to the Georgetown spot, but it is tough to get away for that long of a day. We should try to meet up there before it gets too hot. We just have to plan it.

I hope to spend a lot of time up in D’Ville this summer. There is a lot of potential up that way. Maybe we could meet up with Reno Chris and make it an outing?

Are you going to stick with the 4000 or upgrade to the 4500? What about the new White’s?

Stay well.


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Hi Matt

Thanks for replying to my e-mail, FINALLY. I bet your busy, two little ones under two years old, better you than me. I don't think I did any detecting after probably march of last year. I think around the time you and I went up to Tipton, I think, hell I can't remember last week most of the time. I got to busy with cars here at the house and started working for a fella that builds street rods at his home when not doing my own jobs. I've been going out to Don Robinsons place and working at his mine alot this past year. Its a lot of fun and am learning a great deal from Don. Most of the year has been like that then I got sick and didn't do anything from September until December. I was out of the hospital a week and went out to spenceville detecting. Went about 4 or 5 times. Fish and Game finally said no more. We actually had one warden tell us we weren't suppose to be doing what we were doing but he didn't enforce it and said to have a nice day. But like most areas to many people find out about it and start abusing it. DFG finally couldn't ignor it any more and said they'll start fining people. So another place gone. I"ve been detecting once with Mike out by the railroad tracks since spenceville and thats been it.

Will I get the new Minelab, not likely. I just don't go that much anymore to justify the cost, I haven't used the 4000 enough to figure it out yet. I just got out of the hospital a 4 weeks ago, went back in to have the old gallblader removed.

Anyway to much going on to write in a this e-mail. Do you still have my number? Give me a call or tell me when its a good time to call you when I won't get your machine. I'd like to get together on some trips up around downieville. Trip with Chris would be a lot of fun. Give me a call and let me know.


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To Everyone

I just got back from the Treasure Show in Killeen TX. and I couldn't find not one GPX4500.There were several dealers of Minelab but none had seen one yet.They just said they going to be out April 8th and thats all they knew.

I don't think they had the turn out of dealers as they did last year.One dealer did say if I was to order one of the GPX4500 he would hand deliver it to me.


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As I mentioned in the thread with the pictures of the 4500, no dealer has them in stock yet. The Minelab head office for North America, located in Las Vegas has one, probably more. No dealer had any at the show I went to in Salem Oregon, either. Only the display of the Minelab corporation from Las Vegas had one, but they do not sell any detectors - all detectors are purchased through the dealers. I expect that the dealers will have them fairly shortly as the release date is something like the 7th or 8th of April.


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I didnt get exact info about if the April 7 or 8 release date was the date they were sending them to the dealers or the date they were allowing the dealers to sell them to the public. I kind of guess that its the former - the date the units will be shipped to the dealers.

Perhaps Rob knows more as he should be expecting them to come to him soon.


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Hello Guys/Gals,

I'm getting swamped with emails, PM and phone messages about the release date. I'm on the phone just about every day with Minelab USA. It's my understanding that (Minelab USA) is hoping to have them around April 7th or so. Once they receive them they will process and ship all pre-orders first, and then other orders that came in later. All dealers that had an original pre-order in first will receive them before any dealer that didn't get in a pre-order before the deadline.

If you heard I was testing one this weekend, well you know ... :o

Rob Allison

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If you had a GPX4500 in the field testing it everybody would be following you around.Even if you went to the bathroom they be right behind you and when you came out they be asking well how did it come out. ;):D

It may be best if you tape over the 4500 on it because other wise it's going to be more show and tell,not testing.


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