Robs quick service

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Hey Rob I just got my PKG in the mail and wanted to say thank you for sending it out so quickly. I called Rob Thursday Night Late and told him I had lost my pocket Rocket charger and I had family intown from Canada who wanted to go prospecting. Without fail Rob Sent it out first thing Friday Morning and I just received it Saving the trip I now have fully charged batteries and am heading out to the GOLD FIELDS :D

Thanks again Rob


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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

Thanks for all the comments. I really try to do my best to get products out ASAP and give 110% to any customer. Over the years I've done a lot of things that other dealers wouldn't have even thought about doing for their customers. I get a lot of feedback on what I do, so I know I'm doing something right and it makes me feel great.

I didn't build my business from being rich or selling the most detectors, but rather the best service a dealer can give!

Let Rob's Detector Sales earn your business, you won't be let down. ;)

Thanks for all the loyal support from friends, family and customers.

Rob Allison

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to thank Rob for getting my new GPX4500 to me sooner than I expected. I told him that I was only able to get out the weekend the new detectors came out because this past weekend I had to take care of my kids while my wife was out of town. I didn't expect to get the package in time, but I got an email with a tracking number and when it arrived the label said 2 day mail! Thanks for paying the extra shipping for me Rob. I got to use my new detector that first weekend and scored a nugget as well. I really like the new Goldstalker coil. Take care.



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I got the 9x13.5. Rob gives that one for free with the purchase of the GPX. I am going to get the 12x18.5 also. I have been meaning to call Rob and order it. Let's plan a trip up to the hills in the next couple weeks. What days work for you? Take care.



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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the great comments! :D Dawn and I both give the business 110%. We have some plans in the very near future to redo the entire website and forums, which should make it much easier for customers to view all the metal detectors and products available from Rob's Detector Sales.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to call, email or PM me through the forums if you have questions or just want to chat. ;)

Rob Allison

Rob's Detector Sales email

(623) 362-1459 bus phone

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