First Real Hunt with the new GPX-4500

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Hello All,

Many of you might have already seen some of these pictures, but thought I would post them here since my forum is back online. These pictures are from last Sunday hunting some old spots around the 24K Gold Hunters Claims.

This was one of my first real hunts with the new Minelab GPX-4500 and Coiltek Goldstalker 18.5-inch Elliptical Mono Searchcoil. Man, what a great combination! ;)

J. Porter gave me some advice on what settings I should use with a big mono. Well the settings or combination worked, as I was able to find almost 9 Dwt's from some hammered spots.

Below are some pictures from that hunt -

Lon, a new GPX customer also managed to find his first gold nugget just minutes after arriving on the claims. Congrats to Lon and his quick success!

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Great score for the first run with the new detector. Hope you will have a "no skunk" streak like you had with the GPX4000. Were the settings that you used from the sheet JP gave you and you gave out with the new detector purchases? I need to order one of the 18.5" Goldstalker coils from you. Do you have them is stock right now? Take care.



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Hello Guys,

Way2cool - Yes, they will work on all the Minelab SD/GP/GPX series.

Matt - Thanks! Yep, the settings were on the sheet JP gave me, but also some tips we talked about through PM's. I'm hoping I can have a good run with the GPX-4500. Yep, have like 1 or 2 18.5s left in stock, sold 5 of them last night. The word is getting out about them and many are using them around Rye Patch and Northern Nevada with great success.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Thanks for the reply, JP (also for the correction of my spelling)!

Unfortunately(?) I have a well-criticized 4000 (from Rob) rather than one of the 4500's (apparently from heaven).

'Just thought that it might be worth the time to make the request in case they (the settings) might also apply to the 4000.

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Hello Jeff, don't let the crap written up on the internet discourage you from what is an excellent detector. :( Bob Dansie is still finding good gold with his 4000 and I am confident I would be too if there wasn't another choice. Rob has stocks of our "The GPX-Factor" DVD which goes into great detail on how to set up the GPX 4000. I have also posted a lot of info to the net on the subject if you do a search.

The main things about the 4000 are the Motion controls, Smooth mode and Gain controls. I have also read of Americans using the Quiet mode to cut back on interference in conjunction with the Gain and Motion settings to get maximum sensitivity on all nugget sizes.

The GPX-4000 is still in vouge and will be for a long time yet, so please don't be discouraged. :mellow:


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Hello Guys,

2dach - Iwould agree with JP. There is a lot of negative talk about the GPX-4000, but it's hard for me to bash the unit when I've personally found 500+ gold nuggets with it. Most of the areas I was hunting was shallower spots, so the Sensitive/Smooth or Sensitive/Extra worked great. If I wanted the GPX-4000 to run extremely quiet, I would go into the "Quiet" audio mode also.

Jonathan Porter - How much difference in depth do you think the GPX-4500 is getting in "Normal" mode vs. Sensitive or Enhanced using the Deep Audio mode?

The Special/Sensitive/Extra mode seems to really boost signals, but curious on how it's doing on larger nuggets at depth?

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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