Dave Emery's Nemesis

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Dave Emery on another forum said he will take delivery of about 20 Nemesis in two weeks.He also said that a stand has been added with some other changes.

I think that none of them has been use to nugget hunt but only coin hunting.He didn't say if this was the finish product are the prototype going out at this time.He did say that he is still having ear trouble and his DR. said he don't need to be flying even if it is better.

All of this may make a interesting summer at Moore Creek if Steve gets a Nemesis,Whites PI and Minelab going at the same time.

Don't you wish we all could be there!?


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Well, the countdown has begun. Dave has until May 31st to put a Nemesis in my hands. June will see 60 nugget hunters from all over the world at Moore Creek. I'm 99% certain the White's unit will be there for people to use, and obviously the GPX-4500 will see lots of use. Dave would be hard pressed to find a better venue for having a bunch of people try his machine and so it will be interesting to see if he can make the deadline.

Steve Herschbach

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Hello Chuck,

Well I thought Reg might have one at Rich Hill last weekend, as many were interested in seeing one in action. :(

Hopefully Steve H. will get one in time for Moore Creek and we can see how it runs there. The mineralization is very minimal there, so I would rather see how it performs over moderate to high mineralized ground condtions.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob,

I doubt the Nemesis will outperform the Minelabs if it is sheer depth we are talking about. I'd like to see Dave prove me wrong on that, however.

Nope, what has me interested in the Nemesis is the claim that it can disc out iron as good as or better than a VLF unit. If that is the case all we need to do is head down to the old Moore campsite and dig up the nuggets in the middle of all the junk.

I really do not need to dig deeper holes. But I sure could use a PI unit with real iron discrimination.

Less than a month to go!!

Steve Herschbach

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Saying and doing has alot of space in between.I don't think I'd hangup my dealership with Minelab just yet being nobody has invented the miracle stick first time out of the box.

It would be fun to have all three at Moore Creek at the same time and have the time to test each one.

Well it won't be long you will be heading to Moore Creek and I wish you all the luck.


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Hello Chuck and Steve,

Probably would never just give up the Minelab dealership for another manufacture, but could be interested in selling other products. Over the years I've heard about all these detectors that are going to work through the trashy areas and pluck out all the big gold nuggets. It's always worth a good laugh watching the user trying to justify the machine is not picking up iron anymore. Heck, I seen one user that spent over an hour digging a target that a detector stated was a "good" target, not iron. Low and behold it was a huge old rusted can at about 3 foot deep! :angry:

Over the years I've seen demo's of dealers trying to show consumers how a certain detector can find gold under trash or even elliminate the trash completely. However, they don't like it when you come up and toss down about 20 other pieces of iron around the gold nuggets. It's very easy to conduct a demo with one piece of trash and one gold nugget, but things change big time when you're talking about hundreds of pieces of trash and various sizes.

Will be interesting to see about the Nemesis.

Rob Allison

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Bird in hand is better than two in bush.The only one that has made any statement is Dave Emery on this detector but Whites has yet to say a thing.Well I know Digger Bob did show a picture of a nugget he found but thats all.

I don't look for Whites are Nemesis to be better than Minelab just on the base of cost.Most time when you spend more money on something you expect alot more out of it.

It don't hurt to sell second best also being all money is green and your doing it now when you sell a minelab other than GPX4500 fo nugget hunting.

Take Care!


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