Moore Creek Week 1

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Well, last full day of week one is wrapping up. 37 nuggets found, 13.72 ounces total. Gaine H broke his dry spell with a 2.06 oz and 1.25 oz nuggets! Dave M got a 3.44 oz specimen today to pass him up for largest nugget.

Weather has been cold, which is good, as no bugs all week. Hope it stays that way for week two.

Steve Herschbach

Moore Creek Mining

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Hey Steve,

Thanks for the update. Sounds like everyone is finding some gold. Congrats to Gaine and Dave M. on their larger finds! :D

I done a quick average of what was found. 37 gold nuggets - 3 large gold nuggets minus the total of 13.72 equals 6.97 ounces. Then divide that figure (6.97/34 = 0.21) by 34 remaining gold nuggets and you get an average of 0.21 ounces per piece. Pretty much what I told a friend on the phone tonight. If you find a nugget at Moore Creek, the average is close to 1/4 ounce per piece.

Looking at the forcast for week 2, looks like rain the entire week. :girl:

See you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi all, back at work and sort of rested up from the trip... It sure was hard to leave camp especially when half of the first weekers were staying for a second week of fun. The camp was in top shape with more conveniences than ever, the dining was once again four stars and we could not have asked for better weather. Our hosts, as usual, went out of their way to assure that we were all comfortable and contented, and the great bunch of guys made for another memorable trip to Moore Creek. Of course finding my first oz'er and a two oz'er a few days later made the trip that much more memorable! I hppe the guys there now are having a fun and fruitful week too...

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Thanks guys! I'd love to live in Alaska or even Arizona. You know it funny though, people in Alaska all want to live in Hawaii... I guess the old "grass is always greener"... lol

Here's a closeup for you Uncle Ron. Lots of rock in them. Not like the AZ nuggets but I am still pleased as punch to have found them!

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Thanks guys! You all had better go soon...Alaska, the last great frontier! And Grubstake Gary, I keep telling them...NO GOLD in Hawaii! Except for "Kona Gold"...heh heh

Jeff, you don't know how much you scared the crap out of me! I'm sitting there and some official looking person in uniform walks up to me and calls me by name?! I'm thinking, "Oh oh, what have I done now?" It took me a moment to collect my thoughts and another moment to digest the name on your name tag before I put two and two together... lol It was nice finally meeting you and if you are in the area 2nd to the last weekend in Oct, hope that we can hookup and go hunting together. Mugsy will be there and we're planning a day trip. Take care!

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No dredging for me this year. I did do a short highbanking session though. I was told that particular spot was virgin ground and found that it was a layer of broken bedrock under 10-12" of overburden. Every pan of that deeper overburden yeilded a good showing. I think more dredgers/highbankers scheduled for later weeks when more of the ground is thawed. Some of the spots nearer to camp was even richer with coarser gold and a couple of highbankers found .2gm nuggets while digging.

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Hello Gaine,

First, congrats on those awesome Moore Creek nuggets! Yahoo!

Wow, sure looks like a good amount of snow still on the ground there the first week. Heard you guys has some great weather. It rained a few times for several hours during the second week, but nothing to keep us from hunting too long.

Also, found your pick that you lost. I was hunting along and all of a sudden my detector started screaming. I looked down and there was a like new Walco pick with a round super magnet attached. Keith was taking it home and I guess going to mail it to you. He said you owe me a pound of that coffee! :wacko:

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob, good going you guys on finding all those nuggets! Didn't realize that we left that many If I understand right, many were found where we had already hunted. That's pretty amazing! I guess the new ML and Goldstalker coil really has an edge on the previous vers. I realize that it's probably 98% operator but still wondering how much better performance the 4.5k offers?

Keith did call me about you finding my pick. Was it in the open or hiding in the bush? We looked for it several times but somehow we could not find it... I'll be sending your reward off shortly and thanks for finding the way, I bought that pick from you a few years back when I was in AZ.

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Hey Gaine,

If I remember correctly I was working along the edge of Moore Creek or another small creek and heard a loud signal. I scanned over a bit and got a screaming signal and looked down and seen the pick. I just assumed it was one of Steve's and someone dropped it. However, I did notice it had a round super manget and knew Steve didn't have magnets on his picks from what I seen. Later Keith asked if I found a pick and I told him I did. He then mentioned you lost one the prior week.

No biggie on the reward, I'm just glad we were able to locate your lost pick. Heck, I should have spent more time in that area, you probably found your big ones there! :unsure:

Do you have plans to return next year if Moore Creek is still running?

P.S. Dennis and I took (3) 1+ ouncers off of Dean's mound down Stream. All of them were very faint whisper type targets. Steve F. found a nice 1/2 ouncer and Glenn found (3) .03 ouncers near the bottom that were all faint. Just off that one mound we found 6-7 nice nuggets. I'm pretty positive the GPX-4500 and bigger coils made the difference. The 1.1 ouncer I found in 5-ounce flat was pretty loud, but right next to that large metal cable. :blink:

Talk to you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob, I know you and your gang all have mad skills but it's still amazing that all those nuggets were still hiding... From what I've seen so far, many choice nuggets with lot's of gold showing were dug up by you guys! Good going! That cable on 5oz flat? I know exactly where you are talking about...the difference between us was that I heard the signal, saw the cable, turned the other way. You on the other hand...dug up an ouncer...way to go!

I actually lost that pick last year and used one of Steve's picks this year. Keith was with me last year so he knew what kind of pick I lost and the area I lost it. We went back several times and just could not find it....I guess those 2nd week nuggets and my pick are better at hiding than my ability to find them. lol If Moore Creek is open next year, I will be there...

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Hey Gaine,

A funny story about the cable on 5-ounce flat. Glenn found 4-5 smaller nuggets on one end of push where the road went up over one of the piles heading down stream. I was detecting that area and worked towards the cable, but didn't see it. I heard a nice target, dug it up and it was the 1.1 ouncer. Then I looked right next to my hole and seen a small trench that was dug up. I scanned over the trench and my detector SCREAMED! I then looked a few feet over and seen the cable poking out of the ground. If I would have seen the cable first, I would have walked away from that spot and never found the gold nugget. I'm sure that is what most done the first week.

If Moore Creek is running next year, we need to get all the 3rd and 4th year returnees to make it on the first week. This would get us all back together on the first week. This would include You, Keith, Dave M., Rusty, Glenn, Dennis, Rich L, Me and others I'm probably forgetting (please forgive me).

Dutch John - Thanks. Always great to hear from you. I'm selling your 7th edition books like wild hotcakes! Also, Congrats on getting into the "Treasure Hunters Hall of Fame" :D See I hear things from time to time. :wub:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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