My Heart DR. SAYS

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Well went to Fresburg to see my heart DR. today, he said and I quote: You will have an Irregular heart beat for awhile, it will take 6-8 weeks for my heart to get back to what it was, they bruesed me quite a bit, But after showing him some gold nugget pictures{he watches the travel channel } he said IF! AND I MEAN IF I take it slow and easy. I could ease back into detecting starting SAT. Hurah! for me. Now Just someone to go with. He also said no detecting alone. Grubstake

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My heart DR. has a big group that works with him, he is married to a former MIS Calif. and has a big horse ranch, where he raise's Arabian horse's. But he has been my DR for 12 years now and is very interested in my detecting, I always give him my Lost treasures, and ICMJ's to read when I go down, he's wanting to get a gold detector. Rob may have a new custermer, when he gets back. DR. Said how much for one of the 4500's I told him around $5000.00 He said wow! I told him they don't eat hay or oats, require grooming, or shoeing, or caretakes to ride and train them. He just laughed. I also told him it was cheap, my surgery, was, three stent, a helicopter ride, three days in the hospital, follow up care, Price for the package so far? $287,000.00 Makes that 4500 look like chump change. Grubstake

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Hi Grubstake

It's good to hear you can get back to detecting but don't ever go it alone.I seen this kid I knew had painted his truck with a brush and it look good until you got up to it.It was then you could see the brush marks on it.

You take care!


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Just think what the total is for keeping my butt alive, I had two helicopter rides and 6 operations. The first time I spent 10 days in intencive care, which is not cheap. I'm at my spending limit for my insurance, so next time I get recycled. :blush::blush: Grubstake

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I'm like a cat, I got 9 lives, besides, I'm not going until I get good and ready to go!I have some things I want to see first. #1 the united nations disbanded and kicked out of New york, #2 I want to see all the farmers charge the arabs the same price for a bushel of wheat, that we pay for oil! #3 I want to see the United States give its people the same respect it gives all the other nations, that vote agaist us. #4 I want to see all the corupt officials put in jail, not just a slap on the wrist. #5 I want to see America, start making things again, instead of farming everything out to other countries. #6 I want everyone to be paid a living wage, real cost of living, not percived by the politicans. And fianally #7 I want everyone that votes for war, to also vote on re-instatuing the draft, so! There kids can have an opertunity to serve also. Thats why I'm not going anytime soon. Grubstake

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  • Admin

Hey Grubstake,

Make sure you do what the Doctor stated, "Take it very easy at first!" I know how you are, you're going to want to cover all those hills in a few short days. If you wear youself out too soon I won't be able to come up and detect with you. We will just have to sit at the Pizza Joint and talk about gold stories! :blush:

I will keep keep an eye out for the Doctor's call, if he decided to get into this hobby.

Talk with you later champ,

Rob Allison

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