What about all these other PI detectors?

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Hello All,

I was just here thinking that six months ago several Australian's were bragging about these great PI's to hit the market. This just goes to show, like I stated for the last 8 years, don't believe anything until it comes out (Seeing is Believing!). It seems like this happens right around when Minelab is going to release another PI metal detector, you start hearing about all these great "hopes" soon to come out also. Like always, Minelab continues to come out with new units, but the others ones fall short once again.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

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Yeah Claimjumper,

The Nemesis really took a thumping in Oz for all the hype.

I have intermittently followed it's "progress" over the last few years

and I can only say I am glad I did not put any hope in it's release.

I can understand anyone having development, R&D and/or financial difficulties,

but really, the amount of false hope generated about that detector was quite over the top.

I'll just stick to my dull old Corporate-manufactured 4500... B)

All the best,


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Rob. I've never once fallen for the hype on these PI wannabes. It would be nice if there was some real competition, but it just isn't happening. None of them have even come up with anything close to the SD2100 and Minelab is pulling ahead faster and faster. I doubt that anyone will even try again . Here we are 13 years into PI technology and still no serious competition. That's almost unheard of in this age of dog eat dog in the electronics industry. With the recall of the GPX4500 it's obvious that Minelab still has some quality control problems , but the ones that work right are kick-ass. Even with mine being defective I still managed to find 65 nuggets with it before I sent it in.

Maybe there really is no financial incentive to trying to beat Minelab at this game . Since virtually all the 4500s sold so far fell within that 1200 that had the suspect parts , I would say that the demand for expensive PI detectors isn't really all that huge. Imagine starting from square one and trying to build a detector that would beat the 4500. There just might not be enough money in it to justify the costs, and Minelab may not even be doing it if it weren't for the fact that they have many other models that they sell for a wide variety of other uses beside the relatively small serious gold prospector market . We will continue to hear of others who try, But I'd be surprised if any serious competition shows up in my lifetime or even the life of a youngster like you. American technology is on par with any countries, but with Americans the big bucks have to be there. The Chinese and Japanese don't seem to be interested either.---Bob

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I don't believe a Nemesis/pulse devil has been to Oz yet...some testing of componets was done but not a real, whole detector.

Unfortunately, Mr Emery is building the perfect detector to satisfy himself and that will probably be an impossibility...Engineers are never happy with close, nearly perfect or even perfect...and so the pursuit of perfection is the never ending goal.

Not to mention he seems to have some serious health issues...nonetheless, I wish him well and hope his dream becomes the detecting world's reality.


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