Questions about new OHV Sticker/Decal/Permit?

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Hello All,

I just had a few questions for the guys out there that know all about this new Arizona OHV permit deal. I understand it will be available for sale for $25 after Jan. 1st 2009 at this website -

I have a new Polaris 500 EFI Quad with the RV License plate, not the MC plate. My quad is not street legal at this time, but I do have all the other stuff such as a head light, brakes, license plate ... ect.

Will this new OHV sticker allow me to cross main dirt roads that would normally require a street legal quad? I don't plan on running paved roads, just want to cross and drive temp on them if needed.

Just trying to get the run down on this new OHV sticker.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Thanks for the link Gold Seeker!

inho this whole thing is unneeded bloated buracratice bs. Needles duplication of services between MVD and the Game and Fish. Just a $ grab that could have been funded by adding the fee's to the title/registration process and or a OHV sales tax.

Here's the regs for non residents. Look at the last line, my state NV has no decal would that mean I'd have to cary the title or/and proof of ownership?

Can I look forward to getting "pulled over" by the first peace officer that sees me?

A person may operate an all-terrain vehicle or an off-highway vehicle in Arizona without an off-highway vehicle user indicia (OHV Decal) if any of the following applies:

The person is participating in an off-highway special event

The person is operating an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway vehicle on private land

The person is loading or unloading an all-terrain vehicle or off-highway vehicle from a vehicle

During a period of emergency of if the operation is directed by a peace officer or other public authority

All of the following apply (For non-residents):

The person is not a resident of Arizona.

The person owns the vehicle

The vehicle diplays a current off-highway vehicle user indicia or registration from the person's state of residency.

The vehicle is not in Arizona for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.

Note: If your state does not title, register or decal/sticker OHV's then you would be required to get an Arizona title and obtain the OHV Decal.

Here's another thought why not do the same for the horses/mule/burro/llama crowd, after all don't they have an impact.

Enjoy Today!


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Hello NVChris and all...Thank you for this Post....I have tried to gain some info on this Subject for some Like you I am in NV...Seems with the info that you posted we are allowed to ride in AZ without the Decal as the last four items apply to me...your Note is what confuses me..."Note: If your state does not title, register or decal/sticker OHV's then you would be required to get an Arizona title and obtain the OHV Decal"....Why and How would they think?? I would even want to do this when I live in NV!!....If it comes to this point the ole ATV will stay at home!....Indicia sounds more like a Disease <_< .....jet521

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Hi Jet,

I'm with you. I'd be willing to buy a decal (AZ Game & Fish needs the funds) but the only way(that I can see) to qualify is to title in AZ.

Obviously a well thought out process.


For the last few years you had to have the regular road license to use the main forest roads but not for the trails. We were stopped by the Forest Service for crossing a dirt main road to get to the trails on a turkey hunt so I know that is the case. We put on brake lights and a mirror and got ours licensed. Now we have to buy the new tag for all trails that are open to ATV.

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Dakota, n all

The farther we get ourselves from government the more we seem to pay for it.

BLM and the greens are symbiotic. One exposes problems that the other solves.

Allot of new maps and road closed signs. Thats how bureaucrats can "creates jobs"

.....I stay on the roads, washes and dry lakes. Rarely will I go fast enough to kick up dust.

Not sure about it now but I used to ride on the beach at Pyramid lake...... that was nice..

SoCal Has created a few nice areas for ORV use. Thats the future, sooner in the higher density south west.... You got something against racing oval? :)

Enjoy today!


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The AZ title is in addition to your home state title, you keep your home title and have an AZ title too. This is aimed at the snow birds who come and stay 6 months or more.

Yuma county has an active program to catch people who stay more than 6 months in there R/Vs and own cars, of course this don't apply if they go to work they have to buy AZ lisenes imediatly. The sheriffs check RVs, and peoples neighabors turn them in too for staying all year with out of state lisence plates, this is most popular with people who are lised in Alaska and Washington because alaska pays them $1500 a year and don't have taxes and washington has low fees good for 3 years or something like that. I know it POs some people in AZ especialy when they buy a new car and have to pay $300 or more for a lisence and the snowbirds only pay a pittance and live in the same place.

Me I beleive all state laws ought to be recipocal , especialy hunting, fishing and auto lisence.

Hello NVChris and all...Thank you for this Post....your Note is what confuses me..."Note: If your state does not title, register or decal/sticker OHV's then you would be required to get an Arizona title and obtain the OHV Decal"....Why and How would they think?? I would even want to do this when I live in NV!!....If it comes to this point the ole ATV will stay at home!....Indicia sounds more like a Disease <_< .....jet521
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OK, so here's an interesting thought. I live in Nevada, we have no licensing fo0r ATV's. I get titled registered and get my ATV street legal in Arizona, with registration and decal etc. Can I now ride it in Nevada on the streets?

Nevada is sort of a catch 22, you can't ride it on the street because even if it were sreet legal it would have to be registered and Nevada doesn't register ATV's so you can't ride them on the street. AHA. but what if it were regstered and plated from Arizona?


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There are lots of other problems that will arise in the next month. With tens of thousands of unlicensed quads , the DMV will be swamped for months with people rushing to comply. Also with some of the older quads that have changed hands several times, and have never been titled or registered there will be paperwork problems, further swamping the DMV offices. On the upside, it will make it easier to track down stolen machines, and theives may think twice before stealing them to sell. I know several people who have called DMV with questions, and have gotten nothing but more confused. What I found at the Game and Fish website was confusing to say the least. At one point it states that you must be in compliance by Jan. 1st and at another June 1st is mentioned. It is also confusing on the street legal question as it states that in some cases your quad need not be street legal, but in another place it implies that it can't be licensed unless it is street legal, and if it isn't licensed you can't get the OHV sticker since it has to be displayed on an Az license plate. It's obvious that some things weren't very well thought out as the beaurocrats rushed to get the money rolling in. I have no problems with paying the bucks, but know I'm going to run into problems since I have a very old quad with no title which was basicly a salvage deal. I don't even know if titles were issued with the older quads since it wasn't neccessary to license them in any state, and I can't even find a vin # on mine even though the local Honda dealer has told me where it should be. All that is there is a 3 digit number that certainly doesn't look like a vin#.----Bob

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I have yet another problem with this stupid law. Not only do I have a quad that I have to get the sticker for I also ride a dual sport motorcycle that while it came from the factory licensed for highway use and I pay road tax on it, it was also factory equipped for use off road and is clearly under the 1800 lb rule. No one can give a straight answer if this type of bike requires the sticker or not. They can't even tell me if the enforcement officers have any clue if they would cite it or not. BTW they are hiring 7 new officers to JUST enforce this new law so you can just about plan on running into one of them. Until I can get some straight answers on if the bike must have it or not I am not going to buy one of the stupid tax stamps and if an enforcement officer runs into me on the Senator he better be able to ride better than I because I will definitely be testing his skills until he catches up.

They badly need to clarify this stupid new tax!

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I am not going to buy one of the stupid tax stamps and if an enforcement officer runs into me on the Senator he better be able to ride better than I because I will definitely be testing his skills until he catches up.

If you are anywhere near the Quartzsite area, this is what they will be chasing you with, it is a Baja type and I bet it is fast and nimble and I'm sure other areas will have something similar!



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If you are anywhere near the Quartzsite area, this is what they will be chasing you with, it is a Baja type and I bet it is fast and nimble and I'm sure other areas will have something similar!



Now that would be fun to have chasing me anywhere I ride. I bet it doesn't corner as well as certainly won't have the acceleration out of the corners. :rolleyes:

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Hello Guys,

I heard from another fellow at work that they won't be giving citations the first couple of months. I sure hope this is the case, cause I plan on dragging the quad out within the next week or two and might not have the sticker as of yet.

If that is a Polaris RZR, I doubt many Utility type quads will even have a chance out running this unit. My friend has one and took me for a spin and they are the fastest side-by-side vehicle in their class (over 35MPH in less than 4 seconds!). Really no reason to out run you anyways, they just sit at your vehicle and wait for you to return back.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Ive seen many quads running around here lately and many of them not registered at all :spank: I talked with a YCSD sheriff the the other day about the new tag laws and he "suggested" that they were not going to ticket anyone untill they got it figured out! :rolleyes: he he he btw Doc dont know if that loophole will fly up there in NV but who knows??? AzNuggetBob

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Yo Bob...You kinda fell off the radar for a while...Glad to see you posting again....On topic, I think this new law is gonna be a clusterphuck for at least the first year, and probably will undergo som legal clarification before it settles in...Cheers, Unc

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Hey Ron how you doin, well I guess I shouldnt say that I just gota look at some of your recent posts, two thumbs up! Nice gold. Ive been out of the nugget huntin loop working for a big dig company down south, but back to the string, To me getting your paperwork done at DMV is right up there with waiting for your dental appointment and dealing with the states or Feds financial defficet by tagging and taxing our vehicals is not and should not be our problem. It almost sounds like another form of SIN tax? you would think they would at least get right before they drop it on us? I along with a lot of snow birds had a simular problem with out of state drivers licences a few years back. I would get pulled over and the first thing out of the cops mouth was "is this your current address?" my repy well not exactly. because I was moving back and forth between NV and AZ for different mining jobs or snowbird prospecting like a lot of us are. Well Az came up with a new plan to get their piece of the snow bird registraition pie , they created a " migrant workers lisencse" as it was called back then. not sure if they still do it that way as mine has exspired and been deposited in the proper round fileing cabnet. My point is it would not sureprise me if they did somthing simular with off road tagging. sort of an out of state temp tag without all the high fees.There are so many mid range off road vehecles being built these days they may just class them by weight or horse power or gallons of fuel they carry like ultralights?? Their still trying to get a leash on that one. :rolleyes: AzNuggetBob

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Hey Guys,

Purchased my Off-Road Decal this evening on Service Arizona. The total was $25.44 for a year. I should have the Decal within 5 business days. Only took about 2-3 minutes to complete if you have the following information -

Drivers Licence Number

Last two digits of your VIN

Licence Plate Number

Valid Credit Card

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Beware of the Sand Rail! Shadow!

I bet that thing cant go 60 mph off road. If it did there would be a trail of parts behind it.

I ran plenty of bikes off course in a VW rail. Nothing like the scream of a 2180. Flick the cutter brake and out turn any thing.


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