Spammer hit the Birthday listing

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Hey Rob you just deleted all my posts! just kiddin. :lol::spank: but Im not kiddin about this. here is a shot of a 5+ ouncer I just brought back from down south. OK its not gold but nothin wrong with a silver nugget now and then. it looks a little better now that I cleaned some of the black grunge off. Take care AzNuggetBob

let me see if I can get this picture up.



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Hey Gary,

I don't think its spammers, just someone trying to be cute.

Here is some of the names in the list: page, puss, poor, punt, skatmaga, besinoti ect. ect.. I would take that last one to be read as be-snot-ti.

Didn't read all of them so don't know what else is in there.

These people either have a lot of time on their hands or just live a very miserable life.

Bob T.

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